- Abbot, 81, 781, 803.
- Abernier, 952.
- Aborn, 668.
- Abrahams, 816.
- Abrams, 13.
- Acker 705.
- Ackerley, 665.
- Ackerman, 438.
- Adams, 129, 229, 450, 596, 686, 713, 720,
775, 797, 954.
- Adler, 816.
- Adolph, 521.
- Adrian, 909.
- Adriance, 183.
- Ager, 818, 819.
- Ailsworth see Ellsworth.
- Ainslie, 875, 877.
- Aitchison, 778.
- Albrecht, 727, 732.
- Alexander, 815, 816, 911.
- Allaben, 686.
- Allaire, 727.
- Allen, 106, 200, 434, 544, 545, 613, 632,
831, 865.
- Alsop, 363.
- Amerman, 58, 629.
- Ames, 434.
- Amoore, 955.
- Anable, 770, 771.
- Anderson, 14, 27, 30, 93, 105, 148, 440,
544, 545, 573, 607, 690, 699, 790, 886, 906, 911.
- Andre, 176, 177.
- Andrew, 493 705
- Andrews, 716, 916.
- Andriese, 353.
- Andriessen, 353.
- Angelo, 733.
- Angus, 91, 114.
- Antonides, 356.
- Applegate, 31.
- Arbutton, 205.
- Archer, 780.
- Arcularius, 886, 892.
- Arden , 147 152
- Armfield, 468, 859.
- Armstrong, 842, 938.
- Arnold, 88, 668, 727, 734, 831, 836, 860,
919, 932, 933, 936.
- Aronda, 324.
- Asbury, 701.
- Asten, 719.
- Astor, 736.
- Atkins, 781.
- Atkinson, 839,
- Atwell, 694.
- Auchmuty, 668.
- Auld, 938.
- Austin, 707, 835, 964.
- Ayres, 860.
- Ayscough, 109.
- Babcock 696
- Bachia, 487.
- Back, 87, 658.
- Backer, 332.
- Backhouse, 736.
- Backman, 706.
- Badger, 784.
- Baere, 816.
- Bailey, 280.
- Baird, 318.
- Baisley, 179, 185.
- Baker, 329, 442, 723, 775, 777, 784, 898.
- Balch, 811.
- Balding, 527.
- Baldwin, 600.
- Balen, 842.
- Ball, 14, 78, 107, 113, 195, 209, 210,
438, 823, 832, 833, 936.
- Ballard, 766.
- Balleis, 732.
- Balling, 920
- Balustrini, 728.
- Bancker, 353.
- Bancroft, 659. 667.
- Bangs, 705, 708, 711.
- Baptista, 740.
- Barbarin, 96, 114, 139.
- Barber, 712.
- Bard, 89.
- Barentse, 337.
- Barkeloo, 51, 58, 188, 222.
- Barker, 401, 549.
- Barlow 780.
- Barnhart, 722.
- Barnum, 713.
- Barr, 14.
- Barry, 912.
- Bartlett, 802, 803.
- Barton, 487, 671.
- Bartow, 151, 549, 658, 669, 672, 676 696,
825 896, 898.
- Bashan, 665.
- Bass, 607, 797, 816 910.
- Bassett, 356, 357, 178.
- Bates, 721.
- Baum, 816.
- Baxter, 312.
- Bayard, 64, 323.
- Baylis, 551, 620, 792, 836, 898.
- Beach 859
- Beadel, 320.
- Beal, 853.
- Beard, 580, 859, 905.
- Beck, 812.
- Bedell, 44, 196, 679.
- Bedient and Hubbell, 137, 139.
- Bedient and Kimberly, 139.
- Beebe, 756, 852, 915.
- Beecher, 245, 461, 477, 491, 647, 787,
788, 808, 809, 884, 901, 919.
- Beckman, 533.
- Beers, 147, 713, 885.
- Beetham, 765, 791.
- Belden, 745.
- Bemis, 712.
- Benade, 817, 818.
- Benam, 706.
- Benedict, 919.
- Benham, 720.
- Benett, 440.
- Bennet, 14, 74, 185, 186, 187, 188,
189, 190, 191, 324, 325, 533, 623, 833, 945.
- Bennett, 114, 324, 376, 450, 487, 607,
850, 853, 932, 937, 938, 947,
- 952.Bensel, 812.
- Benson, 147, 156, 176, 177, 545, 547,
549, 930.
- Benton, 784, 914, 948.
- Berbine, 317.
- Bergen, 52, 56, 65, 155, 168, 183, 184,
187, 188, 190, 191, 192, 243, 250, 255, 304, 305, 306, 319, 333, 366
401, 424, 429, 482, 545, 620, 623, 635, 636, 637, 869, 932.
- Berry, 183, 184, 306, 327, 388, 389,
618, 623, 635, 636, 694, 876.
- Bertant, 672.
- Bethune, 295, 422, 639, 646, 647.
- Betts, 143, 600, 717.
- Beynon, 14, 24, 90, 115.
- Bicker, 638.
- Bicknell, 151.
- Bigelow, 886, 892.
- Bigler, 819.
- Bill, 77, 119, 127, 137, 651, 719, 774
- Birch, 58, 199, 704, 724, 886, 890,
931, 932.
- Bird, 790, 791.
- Birdsell, 32, 44, 58, 100, 103, 197,
605, 947.
- Birkbeck, 93, 134, 222.
- Birney, 812.
- Bissett, 690.
- Bishop, 589, 937, 938, 940, 942.
- Black, 130, 762.
- Blackurn, 780.
- Blake, 665, 788.