Deoksugung Palace

Just down the street from Namdeamun market and gate, is the Deoksugung Palace. One of the more heavily used palaces Deoksugung is also one of the smaller palaces, making it a good place for tired, jet lagged first day visitors.(Which certainly described us) As with almost all of the older bits of Seoul's history, it is embedded directly in the modern city.
Palace gate, with Seoul urban backgroundWe're looking out of the main gate of the palace, into the heart of the city, which makes quite a striking contrast.

As you enter the palace, you are confronted by this rather impressive statue of King Sejong, fouth member of the Joseon dynasty, and creator (or more likely sponsor) of the korean hanjul writing system.
Statue of king Sejong

The palace buildings are primarily decorated with a distinctive pattern, one found throughout the palaces in Seoul
Roofline decoration

Most of the rooflines also carry an interesting collective of guardians. from the folks story of the "monkey king"
Monkey King rooftop guardians
The interiors are magnificantly painted

And these rather cool guys are supposed to scare the spirits off

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(c) 2006 David W. Levine