Gail's AstroWorks
Sun-Sign Guide  for (most of) some point in 2007, through December, 2008                               Tweet                                  ...........................   by Gail Sandra Klein
Well, the U.S. blew it.  Proving once again that there is no limit to human stupidity, nor to the misguided idealism of youthful voters, and the naivety of the citizens who still believe we live in a Democracy OR a Republic, and who believed the speeches of yet another pernicious liar.

In fact, seeing how far the country has veered away from its Constitution, and that the answer to EVERYTHING has become, "Take your medication!", I will be referring to it from now on as Huxleyton Orwell.

A note about my sun sign characterizations of this past year:  None of us, including me, are exempt from our own worst qualities.  A lot of people (from what I've seen, the majority) ARE ONLY their own worst qualities.  But many who visit this page are not - they are, as I am, a mixture of good and bad qualities, and I think we can look at ourselves honestly and say, yep, I'm (at least sometimes) like that and, either wryly, or sadly, smile.  If you cannot be honest enough with yourself to admit that, or lack the requisite sense of humor to be able to laugh at yourself and your foibles, then you are not truly a human being.  I won't hazard a guess as to what else you might be, because there are many possibilities.  But you really should not read anything further I will write.

You think I don't have anything in Vierdgo?  I do!  I even have my %#@*&%^$!!! Chart Ruler in Lyebra!  How do you think I feel about *that*?  :-)))

Remember, we each have all of the 12 signs in our charts.  And in whatever houses they are, and with whatever planets we have in them, we all act, a great deal of the time, as in the depictions I've written on this page for the past year.  I think if this is not your first visit to this page, or if you've read this page before 2008, you understand all of this, and I am glad to greet you, one flawed human being to another.    

I had deplored:






<>As we draw close to the 2008 presidential election, I would like to add a bit of information on the MEEO candidate:

Consider: We are involved in two wars in two Islamic countries.  The vast majority of Muslims consider this a war against Islam, yet we are merrily allowing a free flow of Islamic immigrants into our country who do not integrate into American culture, but live in closed communities under their law of Sharia.  Why are they here?  Please think about this.  It is the same in Europe.  Do not patronize Muslim stores or businesses - the money gets sent straight back to their countries of origin and/or is used to indoctrinate the young boys towards hatred for the West in their mosques which are majority funded by the most radical Islamic groups, mainly located in Saudi Arabia.

What more effective strategy to destroy a nation has there ever been than to quietly invade, mass, then divide and conquer? 

I urge every adult male and female U.S. born U.S. citizen to legally buy one or more firearms.   Learn to shoot, learn to keep your firearms regularly cleaned, and for gods' sakes, keep them locked away from your kids, if you have any.



Dear Reader,

If you've written to me recently, and I have not replied, please excuse me.  By the way, I am on hiatus from doing consultations. 

I wish I could write some more astrological essays, but I just don't seem to be "with it" lately.  I'm forgetful, and tired.  But there's a lot I'd like to write about, such as the importance of rulerships, the meaning of the 8th house (I said I was working on an 8th house article a few years ago but unfortunately I lost my work, and I'd have to start from scratch), and other topics.

But - good news - Allen Edwall has added back most of the horary features to his latest version of AstroWin, so hurray!  At least that's one good thing, right?  AstroWin is free and hopefully the link on my Links page still brings you to it.

I apologize for not having written a sun-sign column in so long.  I just don't seem to have the motivation or desire to bother.  Pluto went over my Saturn a few years or so ago, then crossed my Ascendant, with t Saturn also hitting my Ascendant by trine (I consider any transit from a malefic to be malefic), then had t Saturn station square my natal Mars for over two months, during the worst Solar Return I've ever seen (and my next one looks really no better), my health has taken an unfortunate downturn, and I doubt very much there will ever again be roses in my cheeks, a smile on my face, or a song in my heart.


I am not given to optimism.  If you want to read about how, say, Saturn-Neptune in hard aspect or transit can help you actualize your dreams, GO ELSEWHERE NOW. :-)

                                                                                     What's New This Month
                                     (Because pretty much everything else here hasn't changed for a thousand years)

The November material is always relevant, so I leave it here for now.

Unruhe.  An excellent word to kick off my Insanittarian material.   (It's German, of course - blame Chris Carter.)

If there were a musical soundtrack to my life, it would be written by Henry Lubin (and narrated by John Newland).

The October material is always relevant, so I leave it here for now.

I hate you people.  I hate your stupidity, blindness, ugliness.  How could you allow the two major candidates for U.S. President to be Obama bin Biden and McCain the Big Bane?

I could write a lot about Unscorpulous... and I might, at some point this month. 

But for now, Ich habe keinen Lust. 

Vote GREEN, you jerks. 


Okay.  It's a day later (actually, another sleepless night later) and, while my spirits haven't improved, I can at least be arsed to write a bit about Unscorpulous (which is actually one of the .75 signs I sometimes like).

First, you are probably thinking I've gone nazi, with all the German - well, in the Veirdgo section, it's intentional (guess why).  No, it's just that I've been listening to a lot of early Rammstein (when it comes to death metal, no one beats the Germans; if you don't believe me,  try driving a VW Beetle).  Motorhead, too, but they sing in English which takes all the mystery out.  Of course, they're not singing about murder and incest, so they can sort of get away with singing in English.  Rammstein sold out for big bucks and U.S. promotion.  "Rosenrot" is tamed Rammstein.  Quelle domage.  Like a lion in a cage.   (Still a decent album, but definitely not young Rammstein.)

Lust is a BIG word for Unscorpulous, because Unscorpuli are driven by desire.  Under their cool exteriors, you'd never know they'd be willing to sell their souls for whatever they really want, and they want everything.  Manipulative, shmanipulative - these people are so clumsy at manipulation you can spot their moves a mile away.  As I said last month, it's the poisonous LyeBra that takes the cake on manipulation.

When you hear the phrase "human nature", it generally refers to the water sign qualities.  Mars works through Scorpio so much better than in Aries, because in Scorpio Mars is in tune with all his qualities.  Not just the singularity and vanity and showiness of Aries, but also intense desire, a much greater amount of blood, sweat, and tears to reach goals, due to the Fixed quality of Scorpio, and a much better handle on relationships (except for the more blocked Unscorpuli).

Self-control is a major issue for evolved Unscorpulous (about as much, even, as for Copricorn).  They don't want you to see inside them.  There is so much rampaging emotion inside Unscorpulous, they think you'd run for the hills if you saw it.  Well, nothing is more beautiful, really.  It's beautiful because it's real rather than artficial.   Which would you rather eat if you hadn't eaten in a day or two, a bowl of chile and mixed organic vegetables, or a cone of cotton candy?

(And this has had me thinking about art.  It was no coincidence that I started writing about death metal because I'm angry.  An attempt was made on my life, and I'm in a terrible place, surrounded by enemies (guess whose death yod is getting hit by just about EVERYTHING now), from which I can't escape, due to lack of money and medical issues.  This is how Scorpio feels - we consume what we feel.  There *are* times when life seems magical and we wouldn't touch harsh music with a ten foot pole - but for most of us, that's not very often.)

Mars rules the Water Triplicity according to Ptolemy (and most of those who came after him, and before him).  This makes perfect sense when we understand that life struggled out of water.  Life DESIRED Life.  When we incarnate into this hell, it is because we DESIRE it, it seems so exciting to be allowed to forget that there really are no risks and no loss, because once we're here, we DO forget, and life is hell, yet we cling to it so tenaciously as long as we can.

Unscorpulous are fighters, as much as Aries - usually, not as direct about it.  The less evolved Unscorpulous spoils for a fight whenever possible because it relieves some of the inner turmoil. 

People with the Moon in Unscorpulous are at best paranoid, at worst, paranoid psychotic.  That's something I *never* would have said, thought, or believed, in my earlier years of study when I was taught that "nothing in a chart is bad."  Well, time and observation relieved me of much of the idiocy I was taught back then.  It's the truth.  No one likes to hear the truth, do they?  That's why Unscorpulous is so secretive - they often do know the truth about the situations around them and they know that telling the truth is bad for self-preservation.  See, this isn't an issue for me because I don't give a shit what you you think of me, and I really have nothing much left to lose. :-)  HOWEVER, those who are expecting a "blessed event" should NOT fuck with the natural course of birth for an infant who is expected to have Moon in Unscorpulous.  In fact, it should never be done at all, unless there's a risk of death for anyone who wants to live.  In fact, if the infant *would* die, without intervention, it is probably *meant* to die.

I have a theory regarding the rising rate of autism in children.  More and more births are being performed by C-Section, unnecessarily, for the convenience of either the mother or the "doctor".  This is a direct circumvention of the hard-wired will of the infant, even if, as everything else in life, it is fated to be so.  I believe there is a connection between autism and C-Section births, although it's only a hunch because I don't have the required data.  So, if you are pregnant, and since we do have the illusion of choice, you might wish to avoid unnatural birthing times for whatever reasons (convenience, astrological, etc.).

I've seen a lot of Scorpio/Gemini pairings in relationships.  I think the attraction is that Gemini learns to "feel" more by osmotic contact with Scorpio, and Geminis' constant babbling distracts Scorpio from the Wagnerian dramas going on inside their heads.

In individuals, I think nothing is more difficult than Sun in Aquii and Ascendant in Unscorpulous, and vice versa.  I've found so much rigidity in this combination, and an absolute terror of the irrational feeling nature, both in themselves, and in others.   These are usually robot people.  They are in dire need of bio-energetic therapy to try to integrate the irrational with the rational.

Well, it takes a book really, to cover even a single sign.  But I write these little major traits and observations just to defy those who wish me dead (by letting 'em know I'm still alive).   :-)    (NO, I don't have the Moon in Unscorpulous :-))))

At their best, Unscorpuli are the most ethical, deeply compassionate creatures, and stricter than Leos, who like to play more and relax, and mix some kicks in with their inner lives.   Unscorpuli are such mysteries to themselves, they adore mystery in all its forms.  The danger is when they go to either extreme - rigidity robs them of sating their inner natures (or trying to), and even I would not care for a(nother) lower type menacing me with a weapon.  (Although I sense A LOT of AirMEEEEES in the woman who toxic-gassed me through my bathroom air vent.)

Happy Solar Return, all you best Unscorpuli out there, and MANY happy returns (unless you're terminally miserable - can quite relate).

October material:
The September material is always relevant, so I leave it for now.

Well, I don't know that anyone reads this page, or if you do, now think I'm slightly insane.  You'd be wrong - I'm quite a bit insane - because I tell the truth.  Truth tellers have been hated throughout the ages.  Why would I choose to be hated?  I don't - I choose to tell the truth. :-)  And the devil is still on my shoulder.  Should I be around another year, the angel may speak, and give hir perspective on the zodiac, and you may perhaps like me a little better.  For now, you may settle for loving to hate me. :-)

But you know, if you've read this page before, that I really don't think much of humanity as a species.  In fact, I believe there are more human bodies alive than human souls to fill them.  I believe it's a distinct probability that entities of the lower astral realms are animating the apparently human bodies, very much like murderous zombies.

Do we have a government left?  I pretty much doubt it.  On the "home front", here in the Nation of I Slam, since someone saw fit to make Aries the exaltation of the Sun, and the Age of Aries produced Judaism along with the concept of *one* "God" ("Thou shalt have no other gods before me"; pretty much what comes out of any Airmees persona, although the signs, as they apply to human creatures act a little more perversely than in Mundane astrology, which the great Ages are part of), (which sort of led to Christianity, but even more directly led to I Slam (because no good deed goes unpunished), which hijacked Judaism until airplanes were invented and then I Slam hijacked those, too...), in Lyebra we have the anti-Christ, because I Slam is an offshoot of Judaism which directs its followers to kill Jews.  Hmmm.  You are probably confused.  The Nation of I Slam, much more of a political ideology (which is treasonous to the U.S. Constitution) than a religion, is a perfect example of how Lyebra operates.  First, the claims of PEACE, during the heightened invasion while the victim is lulled into thinking they are doing a good deed, along with the propagandizing which the victim believes. 

On city buses here, they have begun putting enormous advertisements.  The first one I saw was: "ISLAM: Abraham, Noah, Moses, Mohammed".  The second one I saw, by the same propaganda machine was: "ISLAM: You have questions, We have answers".  This is the first stage, mind you.  Lyebra begins by playing sweety-nice, then goes for the jugular.  Lyebrae are master strategians, manipulators, and misdirectors.  They claim they want peace, but they need war. 

On the level of the individual Lyebrae, to quote the late Thomas Seers, Lyebrae are "shit-stirrers".  They are dangerously manipulative, unlike Unscorpulous, who acts out of instinct, impulse, and desire.  The manipulation of Lyebrae is purely air element calculation.  Their presentations of outward charm snow practically everyone who is not equipped with an inner shit-detector.  Pretty poison - you don't realize it was s/he who killed you until your final dying gasp.

September material:
Alors.  Lean in close now, because there is one thing of utmost importance that you must know before you take your next breath.  Jim Morrison was the sexiest man who ever walked the earth (before the beard).   Don't you feel smarter, better, more perfect now, for knowing that?  You should.

All right.  Now I suppose we can talk about September.  Hasn't the summer flown by at the speed of light?  If you are old and sick, you know what I mean.  The August material is always relevant, so I leave it for now.  Have you noticed that the true lunar nodes have been at 18/19 degrees for nearly 3 months?  I certainly have, because they've been squaring my fucking Mars while t Pluto trines my Sun from my 1st House (no, it is not "good"), and now t Saturn steps up to the plate to square my poor old 12th House Moon (natally conjunct Saturn).  We are not pleased.

You'll want to know that the upcoming Mercury Rx begins its Shadow period on September 3rd, and ends on October 30th.  Why is the Solar System such a PITA?  Because EARTH IS HELL.  The "happy" people are put here to make the rest of us miserable, like "early risers" who wake up REFRESHED and whistling a happy tune - you know you want to slit their throats, but you are too evolved for that.  Instead you develop a myriad of chronic illnesses because you won't act on your murderous impulses.  I say, go ahead and kill some cheerful git.  What's life (or death) in prison, as long as you feel good, right?

And now you are wondering, what has this to do with Veirdgo (pretend you have a Cherman accent).  Well, Veirdgos are the most miserable, obnoxious, toxic malingerers of the zodiac.  Unless they have a lot of Leo, they are forever discontented, never pleased, criticizing, FICKLE malcontents, joyless and repulsive, SCAPEGOATING, Puritanical nagging shrikes.  If they like their job, they'll do it well, bitching all the while.   The Veirdgo is the one who'll point out all the flaws in you, and anything that gives *you* happiness or joy.  They see all the flaws in others, but never once examine themselves.  They are either outright sluts (which doesn't offend me in any of the other 11 zodiacal earth-bound creatures), or so aghast at the "ickyness" of naked sex that they'll only fuck in the shower, or just too plain aggravating for anyone to pick up in a ritzy or sleazy saloon.  They have no insight, no self-awareness, and each and every one of them has some utterly disgusting personal habit that would make your skin crawl.  Is it any wonder that Venus is fallen in Veirdgo?  I think that about covers it.  ("Yes, please do (cover it)!" sneers the Veirdgo, post-coitus, dashing to the bathroom....)

Oh.  Yes, there are exceptions.  About one in a million.  I knew that one very well.  He was the best, wisest, kindest, sweetest, dearest human being I have ever known.  Because EARTH IS HELL, his sentence was short, and he died very young.  But his soul was the oldest, most beautiful, love-filled, glorious... well, he was the one in a billion.

Onto Mars (because Mars just pisses me off, and we have been talking about Virgo functionaries) - now, here's the joke in the design - from Taurus to the end of Scorpio, Mars is fucked.  Think about it - why else does anything mechanical break down so often?  From cars to computer drives....  If there were a moratorium on production - a mandate to produce mechanical items only from 16 degrees of Scorpio to 29 degrees of Aries, things would work.  But that would never do because then we wouldn't have to spend our rapidly declining-in-value USD on replacements.  And we are the great CAPITALISTS!  Are we not?  We must SPEND!  It is our PATRIOTIC DUTY!  Yes, SPEND YOUR MONEY!  It'll be worth half its face value tomorrow, so SPEND IT NOW!  SPEND IT FAST!  FASTER!!!  FASTER!!!!  FASTER!!!!!!!!  MACH SCHNELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And, if you live in one of those Southern states, dig out old grandpappy's Confederate money - it may become legal tender again if Obama gets (s)elected.
Herewith ends my Veirdgo emulation.  I shall now, quite cheerfully, whistle Dixie, and smile at everyone I see.  :-)

August Material:
Read Carefully, Quiz at Bottom:  What does this first bit of nonsense have to do with Leo, Count the Ways  (I firstly emulate Leo by allowing my thoughts to flow in free expression, which is a Leonine trait, not an Aquarian one, although you'll see the polarity of Uranian fanaticism in them because that's part of who I AM.  (An AirMees trait, as well as a Leonine one - the "I AM" thing, that is, but unlike AirMees, most Leos don't give a hoot whether you like them or not, unless they are the dreaded MEEO types.)

Alors.  A high school French teacher had a habit of saying "alors", whenever she was momentarily at a loss for words.  There was a student in my French classes who knew French language pefectly, having been raised by French speaking parents - she was contemptible because of her obvious MEEOsity about it - the smug little smiles on her face as she put the rest of us to shame; she was only taking the class for an assured A, a stunt common to any PissCuss, Unscorpulous, or the occasional Insanittarius or LyeBra, but an uncommon stunt for the true specimen of our topic.  Alors.  I chose French for my "foreign language" option because, at first, in middle school, we only had the options of learning French or Spanish.  Spanish was quite out of the question. 

You see, in grade school, a young bubble head bimbo decided she'd try to "teach" Spanish to the class.  She tried to make this exciting and palatable by giving equivalent Spanish-for-English names to each pupil, and rather successfully until she got to me, at the very end, because all she could come up with, after an uncomfortable pause (if she'd spoken French, she could have just said "alors", and made it seem like a specialty challenge which might have mollified my young, ever so impressionable brain) was "Graciella".  Now, Graciella is perfectly suitable and pleasant for anyone named Grace but, I knew that, very much like her, it was only a cheap substitute, for "Gail" which apparently is UNIQUE to the English language, and yes, we (that is, the "royal we") have no "Aba". :-)))))))))))))  (Copyright has expired, I believe, on the old ditty, "Yes, We Have No Bananas.")

Spanish was everafter unappealing, however more increasingly practical a choice it would have been.   Too bad they didn't offer Arabic (not that our yearly tsunami of Islamic immigrants care to speak to the rest of us - YET).  In high school, one could study Russian, also - curious choice, the Cold War had not yet ended.  In University, one could study Chinese, another practical choice, as well as a staggering number of other languages, but it was too late for me by then for a number of reasons.

Alors.  [Have I mentioned I quite detest the French?  I consider France to be ONE GIANT WHORE, and the U.S. is quickly following suit.  (Although, at the level of the individual, I would not judge prostitution in the least as anyone's career choice, as long as it is practiced safely, but that is quite a different matter.)  If you are French, I certainly hope I have not offended you.  After all, your language is good for coughing up phlegm, and your food is quite nice, if one avoids the snails...  We finally, more straightforwardly, come to the realm of Tropical Leo, the antithesis of whoredom/"selling-out".  How ironic that Paris is known as "The City of Lights" - darkness has blighted Paris until WWIII, after which the EU nations might be known as Europabad.]

If you have read my July material, you'll have noticed that I mentioned my theory regarding the domiciles (signs) of the Sun and Moon, since they are the BRIGHT LIGHTS (BIG CITY copyright Jimmy Reed?  You see, one must never offend anyone's MEEO sensibilities by stealing credit for the song title - that's, er, a running joke this month because I'm riffing on "The Mickey Mouse Law", which is a symptom of the coming Aquarian Age, where corporations run government and not the other way around, and latent MEEO tendencies of my own).  The light of the Sun is quite different from the light of the Moon.  The Moon does all sorts of silly things.  She comes, she goes, she shrinks to a sliver, then grows enormous, she gets darker, she gets brighter, she's, well, looney.  The Sun is constant and dependable, mostly.  Therefore, its home, Leo, is also quite constant and dependable. 

Now, people have ridiculous misconceptions regarding Leo Sun people.  Leo Suns are said to always want to be the center of attention.  This is simply not so.  It is that they cannot help being the center of attention, anymore than the Sun can avoid being conspicuous during day time, and conspicuous for its absence during night time.  But we take the Sun for granted, mostly.  It's just... always there, except at night when many lie awake with worries, despairing, wishing for it, which is one of the reasons Leos, due to their LIGHT, are in great demand at night spots and all-night parties.  Otherwise, Leos are also simply taken for granted, doing their best at anything they must, or may be lucky enough to choose to do (No, Virginia, there is no such thing as "Leo luck" - copyright? I *think* that "Virginia-Santa-Claus" thing was over 70 years ago), no matter how unsuited for that 'anything' they may be.  They put their heart and soul into EVERYTHING.  Leos do not usually seek out attention - in fact, because they're usually noticed even when they try to blend in, they become, and are already born, extremely self (Sun) conscious (Sun).  I mentioned that, oh, over a year ago I think, only to have seen it recently repeated by someone else.  I stake my claim on copyright. :-)

I've known lots of Leos in my lifetime and most are quite shy.  They, as they age, examine themselves and their inner landscape more thoroughly than most other signs.  As children they begin to make the distinction between "me" and "not me" quite quickly and easily.  They see the differences that exist in everything, and they KNOW that everything is UNIQUE.  Certainly they are BRIGHT, many/most purely brilliant.   Some are creative, but not necessarily all.  Leo is a barren sign, but it is a fire sign and fire is always striving to grow.  It is the Leo MIND, that word which scientists reject almost as vehemently as they reject astrology, which produces/channels original new thoughts, ideas, and sometimes will self-express in various art forms, usually always having to do with the inner perceptions, rather than the outer world.  In this way, it is similar to AirMees, but Leo has the staying power to see its projects through, as well as enormous inner strength without the AirMees need for an adoring audience, believe it or not.  This is not to say Leo doesn't appreciate recognition, it does.  But it doesn't NEED it.

But the average Leo tends towards conservatism (*true* conservatism, not the bastardized political meaning), dignity, honesty, high ethical standards, loyalty, fidelity, trustworthiness, and generosity.  If you ever find one who BRAGS or BOASTS about hir accomplishments or hirself, then you have run into a dreaded MEEO.  MEEOs are around, unfortunately (2 presidential types come to mind - one who "served" (more like SEVERED) for two terms in the last decade, and one who HOPES TO SEVER (er, are my political biases coming to LIGHT again?) - I mean, to "SERVE" after the next election (who but a MEEO or an AirMees would write an autobiography when barely even middle-aged, and having barely accomplished anything at all of substance?  Not that the other choice is a whit better), and I'd rather even be stuck in an elevator for an hour with an Aqquii or an AirMees than a MEEO.

Thankfully, they are rare, even if a tiny bit of MEEO is latent in all Leos (Leo's self exploration sometimes becomes even too fascinating for hirself).  This brings me to my thoughts regarding the exaltation of the Sun.  AirMees is not the best choice due to its Vanity Quotient and I can only imagine that strength (Aries) of HEART (Sun and Leo) was the general idea.  I disagree, because it does not work.  The Sun is not at its brightest and best in AirMees.  AirMees simply do not "follow through", and they are more concerned about their own personas than their true selves.  The exaltation of Leo should be Leo, just as the exaltation of Mercury is Virgo, one of its own domiciles.  The ancient Babylonians, at some point, took Leo to be the exaltation of Venus.  This makes good sense.  Pisces, the official exaltation of Venus, is only sensible to silly dreamers.  PissCuss is actually one of the most arrogant signs in the zodiac (picture great, giant, billowing puffy, boundary-less... puffs; PissCuss is puffed up protoplasmic, uh, stuff).  Venus in Leo, barring factors to the contrary, is love at its constant best on the individual level, for practically all whom Leo meets.  If you have a brief conversation with a Leo, and feel warmth and love emanating towards you, it is genuine. The emotions (Venus) are tempered (Leo), and true (Leo) unless there are lots of afflictions indicating the contrary, but Leo loves directly from the HEART, anyway.  Don't tell anyone, but I think they were on to something which still holds true today (except when you're doing a PITA "HORRORARY" chart - I don't know who deserves copyright credit for THAT joke - I heard it from Julian Armistead when I was young and green, but wasn't sure if he was only just "drunkity drunk drunk" (copyright, "Sex and the City").

There's a lot more about Leo I wish to write, in view of the coming Aquarian Age, but I think that has to be an article unto itself.  The growing push, and this can be seen very clearly in advertising, is to be an INDIVIDUAL while adhering to a growing, insidious conformity all the same.  For example, if everyone is doing [?], you must do it, too, but it's all right if you dye your hair green - JUST SO LONG AS YOU ARE DOING THE SAME THINGS, BUYING THE SAME THINGS, THINKING THE SAME THINGS, AS EVERYONE ELSE.  Even the inception of the EU gave us a wretched hint...  So, Leo true individuality, much like women during the Ages of Aries and Pisces, will be subjugated to the Aquarian ideal, which mostly for now is science, and technology (which would suggest the West wins WWIII), and conformity (which would suggest the West will not win WWIII).  But there is precious little of the original spirit, or freedom of self exploration, in those things.  It makes me shiver.

The July material is always relevant so I leave it for now.  The MEEO portion of my emulation is now concluded.  I will return you herewith to the REAL me by now emulating Leo by contemplating my navel... (while typing my latest novel with my right hand, and finishing my spectacular sunrise painting with my left hand.)  Oh, and by the way, I CANNOT SPEAK FRENCH.  (Tres mal, my sinuses could use it.)         

July material:

The June material is always relevant, so I leave it for now.

Well, the apparent motion of the Sun has brought us into the (Tropical) realm of Cancer.  I could say the name says it all, but that would just be nasty. :-) 

I have noticed that the U.S. Government has visited my site, so, since the U.S. *might* be a Cancerian nation (no one seems to agree on a chart for the U.S.), I may as well go ahead and state that indeed there is a cancer growing in our nation, if our so-called representatives, leaders, and the sorry excuses for presidential nominees (since the popular vote DOES NOT MATTER HERE) could but see it. 

Nevermind all that.  We are happily waltzing into our self-made destruction, so we may as well keep our spirits up...

Cancer.  I have a theory about the domiciles of the two Luminaries.  Each Luminary rules only one sign.  The Luminaries are the Lights (Moon - Cancer, Sun - Leo) by which we have lived ever since someone decided to try walking on two feet... Most (of course, not all) of those born under the signs of either Luminary contain more LIGHT than the average lot born under other signs.  Cancerians are more complex than Leo, due to their changeable natures, the conditions and sign of the Moon at the time of birth, etc.  They are restless and are usually not bothered by change because, to them, change is natural.  However, just as the Moon has her times of light and dark, so do these creatures we call Cancerians.  Sometimes I like to call them, 'Cancer, the Necromancer', because they can carry around more ghosts than John Edward and Allison DuBois, combined.  The past is almost sacred to them - their memories, their ancestors, the people they've known, the hurts that never heal, not to mention EVERYTHING THEY HAVE EVER OWNED.  If you want to live with a Cancerian, be sure to get a house on at least a 500 acre lot in order to have storage space for EVERYTHING THEY HAVE EVER OWNED.  And the Dark Side... ohmygod.  Their bad moods can make you want to crawl into a corner and die.

Here's the tip: when s/he gets surly, it means you must immediately shove some food into hir face.  If that doesn't work, try a hug.  If s/he remaims unyielding in your embrace, GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HIR for a good 3 hours, and read up on "psychic self-defense".

Since Cancerians, according to my theory about the Lights, contain more light (refer to whichever article I wrote about Hyoomuns being made of clay, so not much light shines through clay vessels - I think it's the one about Jupiter versus Neptune), along with Leos, of course, than the other ten signs, for the most part, they are generally fine and decent people. 

Of course there are exceptions (think O.J. Simpson).  It would be unfair of me not to note that the males who have "mother issues" (and who doesn't?) can be quite cruel to their wives and/or girlfriends.  This cruelty can range from the blatant, to the very subtle.  They long for a dream girl - when they discover you are only human, they take it more personally than most other men, although they'll keep you around because they never let go of anything once they've gotten it.  Also, it doesn't mean they don't love you - only that your "stock" has gone down.

Cancerian emotions can sometimes lead their judgment astray.  Their loyalties can be quite odd, and they certainly know their way around laying on a guilt trip and how to make you dependent on them for life, but, in general, they are some of the finest, most gifted and intelligent people you could hope to meet.

Jupiter adores Cancer because it is his exaltation sign.  That means, for all their sometimes incessant worrying, they will never be cursed with poverty.  Even in very poor countries, I'd lay odds that the people with the most wealth in the village are Cancerians.  So, Cancerians, in this way, are extremely lucky creatures.  Love them for the light they shed, the gifts they give, and the vulnerability they try so hard to hide beneath their crab-shell exteriors.  Inside, they are all gooey with emotion and things they would never tell you in a million years.  Treat them with the gentle love they deserve for their brightness, and for their constant gifts of love which so often go unnoticed, to loved ones, and to their work, and to the world, and they will never forget you.  They may even, very secretly, treasure you.

I hereby pronounce the Sun's traverse through Cancer as "FEED SOMEONE MONTH".  If you possibly can, donate to the Red Cross's cause of your choice.

June material:
You DO realize that when I proclaim Jim Morrison to be the sexiest man who ever walked the earth, I mean PRE-beard?  He had some silly notion that women (and men!) found him unbearably attractive, and he didn't want to be just a pop star for drooling teeny boppers, so he grew that awful beard to hide his gorgeous face in order to be taken more seriously as an artist...  I wish he hadn't done that.  Think of all the extra years of gorgeous footage we'd have had.

The May material is always relevant so I leave it below.

Well, did you think I was dead?  Heh... not quite yet...

We've been in some serious cosmic doodoo since the Sun has been in GemiLie, because Rx Mercury in GemiLie has been the final dispositor of the Big 7 now for what seems like an eternity (except when Moon is in Cancer).  So, basically, EVERYTHING IS FUCKED.  When will things get UNFUCKED?  It should start at the Summer Solstice, except of course then Mars will not be fond of the Sun (or vive versa - excuse my brain damage).  So it gets MORE UNFUCKED once Mercury GETS THE FUCK OUT OF GEMILIE!

Gemini/GemiLie - it's one of those two-faced signs except that each face also has another face, so it's at least a four-faced sign!  Now, I have known, and been extremely fond of, many exceptionally fine people with Gemini Sun, but every Gemini, even the best, has a bit of GemiLie in hir.  They can be quite amusing.  But never, ever confide in a Gemini.  Tell your secrets to a Leo instead - s/he will never betray you (unless you fuck hir over in some way).  Needless to say, the vast majority of people born under this sign are predominantly GemiLies, and you cannot trust them as far as you can throw them (just pretend they each weigh 400 stone).

I am through for the moment - there's a clip of a certain unbearded Insanittarian I want to watch singing, "Light My Fire", on the Ed Sullivan Show in '67. 

What I'll do after that is, gee, anyone's guess...

May material:
It may have become apparent to the perceptive reader that I do not think much of humanity as a whole.  My Pisscussian father, himself an ass of great measure, was fond of arrogantly quoting, "The masses are asses."  I have to agree - after all, even a broken clock is right twice a day.  So don't expect my nasty streak to end anytime soon.  But note that I have been honored to have met many fine individuals of a few of the 12 Sun signs, so my disgust does not extend to EVERYONE in the world....

Well, the Sun's apparent motion has brought us into the realm of BoreUs.  Don't get me wrong, there are quite a few brilliant Boreans in the world and, to their credit, unlike most Aquii, many Pisscussians, and most Airmees, Boreans are CAPABLE OF LOVE for others!  So, let's hear it for BoreUs!  True, they're usually snobs, and the worst of them measure their fellows much in the manner of Ferengi, but Boreans are far less hazardous to one's psyche than most Aquii, Pisscussians, and Airmees.  I will emulate BoreUs this month by getting back to my floor mat to lounge as comfortably as possible - although of course, no Borean would dream of having anything less than a comfy bed, overstuffed sofa and chair (however, I did treat myself to two servings of ice cream before writing this, so I am, tonight, an honorary Borean).

So I will simply note that the Shadow period of the Mercury Rx begins May 11th, and ends July 4th.  The usual precautions apply.

April material:

I'm still on my nasty streak, which I don't anticipate ending anytime soon, but I will do my utmost to reign myself in....

I hope we all had a nice equinox.  It brought us into the realm of Airmees.  Have you ever wondered why they say April is the cruelest month?  Now, here and there, you may encounter an Aries.  But mainly, what you will find are Airmeeans.  Airmeeans believe the universe revolves around them.  It is imperative that you either like, love, or adore them, or else that would mean the universe does not revolve around them, in which case their realities are shattered and they resort to smoking large amounts of cannabis in order to remain legends in their own minds, and rage at those close to them (and at those not close to them) because they are all really only still 2 years old.  Aries people can tend towards creativity, as well as bravery and acts of heroism, because they, too, need to believe they are gods, but they aren't quite as obnoxious about it, and it does some good for others...  I woudn't think that Solar Returns for Airmees and Aries will be too distinquished this year due to Mars fallen.  However, much depends on other factors.   Early Airmees might begin to feel the affects to t Pluto square Sun (as will the other Cardinal signs by respective aspect).  Look out!  Their egos, already the size of the [name your favorite] nebula, are likely to become even more explosively huge.  AVOID.

It's still a rotten time to buy anything with a motor - we shall have to wait until Mars finally goes into Leo.  I had thought that the reception of Mars and Jupiter, both fallen, into exaltation, would produce a return of virtue.  I was wrong.  There will be a short window of time when Mars is in Leo, before Mercury goes Rx (although I do need to check the Shadow period).  I plan to buy directly from my favorite manufacturer, after verifying the product was made *during* Mars in Leo.

I want very much to speak more about politics but I ---- oh, someone is calling me away!  In honor of typical Airmee fashion, this month I shall not be able to finish what I started.

March material:
The February material is still relevant, so I leave it here for now.  Pisscuss.  What can you say about Pisscuss?  Not much, other than when transit Mercury is in Piscuss it acts much like a Mercury Retrograde.  Pisscuss, one of Jupiter's domiciles, is probably a Jupiter domicile because of its lack of boundaries and definitions.  There is no "typical" Piscuss Sun personality.  For that reason, it is almost a non-sign (much like Leebra, but as I've said before, Leebra is another story in itself and I may get to it someday).   I am saying Pisscuss because the only one I knew really well was an utter bastard, and the name just seems to fit...

Pisscussians having Solar Returns needn't worry that Jupiter is currently fallen.  Jupiter, for awhile, sextiles Uranus, so Piscussians, depending on the birth date and natal and Return charts, might have some interesting new opportunity in their new Solar year.      

Speaking of having no boundaries, as I mentioned last month, I want to talk about the current beauty standard for women.  The women you see in movies and TV are about a size 1.  This does not happen in real life, as a general rule.  The camera adds about 10 pounds.  So when you see these "gorgeous" women on TeeVee and film, understand that they are TEENY TEENY TINY.  This trend started in the 1960s, with the fashion model known as "Twiggy."  Back then, I don't think they realized what they were starting.  Twiggy was simply like a coat hanger to put clothes on and make them seem flattering.  We have gone way beyond Twiggy.  Now, not only is a real life woman expected to be a size 4, but she must be HARD BODY "BUFF."  Now, back when the softness of women was considered a beauty attribute, it did not mean only the skin.   It meant the body was also soft and cuddly.  Still slender, but not "Buns of Steel" and washboard abs.  I have read movie reviewers refer to Marilyn Monroe as "fat."  I have read them refer to Isabella Rossellini (in the film Blue Velvet
) referred to as "fat."  Marilyn Monroe, dear reader, was a slender, beautiful woman, probably a size 4.  Isabella Rossellini is a slender, beautiful woman, probably a size 4. 

An acquaintance referred to Patricia Arquette, in the TV series, "Medium," as "Fatty Patty."  Patricia Arquette is probably a size 8, or Uranus forbid, a size 10.  What has happened to the collective mind when it comes to the female beauty standard?  We are no longer allowed to be larger than a size 4.  Heavens forbid we shoud not have washboard abs and buns of steel.  The only thing we are allowed to have that is huge, although not necessarily always soft, are the breasts.  So we must be hard stick figures with huge breasts by today's beauty standard.  (By the way, when you work your abs, your waist gets larger... whatever happened to having a nice waist and curvy hips?)

I don't think so.  If Pisscuss gives us anything, it should be the freedom to be soft and lovely without the above, truly sick, standards.  I once told a friend, if every woman on the planet intentionally gained 10 to 20 pounds, THAT would be the standard of beauty and women could stop agonizing over not being the size of Twiggy.

I may write more later.  In true Pisscuss style (perhaps its only constant attribute), I'm just going to flake off for now.

One more thing - still not safe to buy electronics, computer stuff, vehicles, etc.  WAIT until transit Mars FINALLY goes into Leo. 

February material:
Aquii Solar Returns shouldn't be too horrifying, with the Saturn Jupiter trine going on, unless you have it in the dusthanas.   Plus, hee-hee, Saturn is retrograde as well as Mercury, so good luck!  :-)  Have I mentioned Aquii are WEIRD?  They are the weirdest creatures.  I wonder if, considering the modern planet Uranus is given affinity to Aquii, whether they are souls from other galaxies making their first sojourn on Earth... because they don't seem quite human to me.  They're all mostly devoid of feeling, or hopeless attention seekers who are devoid of feeling, or rigid little wooden stick figure calculating machines devoid of feeling.  Amendment: What they are devoid of is love, except maybe for themselves.  They substitute sentiment and believe it to be emotion, which it isn't (you may find this sentiment thing more prominent in Aquii with Pisscuss placements, but don't be fooled).  As always, with all the nasty things I like to say about the various sun signs, because I really only like 1.75 of them :-) there may be exceptions to the rule.  But you can use my pronouncements pretty much as a rule of thumb.  Geminis often have this problem too, but they talk more and may also have placements in Cancer or Taurus (AVOID THE ONES WHO DON'T!), and can fool you, and Librans are a whole 'nother thing completely.  If you want a pal, an Aquii will do, but don't expect hir to cry at your funeral (or even notice you're dead).  And Geminis can be pals, if you don't mind their gossiping about your sensitive confidences behind your back (unless you find the rare 1 in 100,000 who doesn't). 

Lately, I've been musing about the exaltations of the planets and luminaries.  Seems to me the luminaries ought to have their exaltations in the domiciles of the benefics.  The Moon does, but the Sun doesn't.  So I thought, shouldn't the Sun have his exaltation in Libra?  And I realized, no.  The Sun's exaltation is in Aries which, if you observe the ego/vanity quotient of Aries, seems insane.  But Aries is also the sign of the PUSH, the STRENGTH, the toughness of Mars.  And that's what one hopes to find within a heart, enormous strength - especially of love.  I still disagree with the Sun's exaltation in Aries.  It ought to be in Leo, his own domicile, just as Mercury's exaltation is Virgo, hir own domicile.  (Mercury's gender changes in accordance with whom s/he is joined to...).

So, I'm a lazy columnist this month because I really don't want to write about the current mundane transits.  In fact, I really don't want to write at all.  The state our country is in, not to mention Europe, or the rest of the world, is so perilous it seems pointless to say anything about it.  I will tell you that the Western world is in grave danger.  I will tell you I have a major hunch we will have a WWIII within the next 50 years or much sooner.  I will tell you that Israel will probably be pivotal in it, whilst being blamed for it, even as it fights to save the ass of Western Civilization.  Did you know that Jews comprise less than 1% of the world population?  There are only around 14 million Jews worldwide.  The population of the U.S. is roughly 300 million.  The population of the world is over 6 billion.  Yet, still, Jews remain the scapegoat of the world.  I thank the cosmos that there is finally an Israel.  Never has there been a people more in need of a nation of their own.  I could go on for pages about how much Israel has offered and done to make peace with the Palestinians only to have their efforts betrayed over and over again.  So I will say only this: Countries become countries via the colonization of new settlers who often must conquer the 'natives'.  That's exactly how the U.S. and most of Canada and South America formed.  It isn't going to be the same for Israel as it was for the Christian Europeans.  Because Israel is not just trying to forge peace with the Palestinians; Israel and Palestine are being used as pawns by almost the entire Islamic world which wants to see Israel eradicated.  And guess what?  They are not stopping there.

If I weren't writing an impromptu little column I could give you much more by way of facts and explanation.  But I have given up on this world.   The world is blind.  And there is nothing I can do to open its eyes.   If you are a moderate Muslim, and what I'm saying offends you, I feel for you, but look carefully at the political policies and factions of the Islamic countries of the Middle East.  Look carefully at how time and again Israel's peace attempts are thwarted or rejected.  Don't read The New York Times - it is a travesty of truthful reportage.

And so, although Uranus has nothing to do with Aquii, I will step down from my fanatico/political soapbox, detach, and say goodbye.
Post Script: I have long agreed (in my modern astrology brain) with Charles Carter's observation that Uranus has as much or more affinity with the sign of Sagittarius than Aquarius.  On that note, and so very non-sequiturly, I will state that Jim Morrison was THE sexiest man in rock EVER.  And he was certainly a Uranian type, and of course Sun in Sag.  One of our esteemed book-writers dismissed his sex appeal with the "excuse" that he had Neptune in the 8th house.  That is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever read, and I've read a LOT of compost by "astrologers".  And I add this simply because I just watched an early Doors video and was reminded once again how magnificent this Jim Morrison creature  really was, until he succumbed to depression and alcoholism not long before his unfortunate, yet fated demise.  He was not necessarily the most talented artist of his day (there are so many) although his gifts remain obvious.  Just sayin' - SEXIEST man in rock, EVER, hands down.  Amendment: After much serious contemplation, I have determined that Jim Morrison was the sexiest man of the 20th Century, bar none.  And I don't even like Sagittarians...

And if I write next month, there are a few things I hope to say about the female form, and our insane beauty standard since "Twiggy". 

'Kay, bye, now.  :-)

January material:
Looks like the year changed while we were busy with our various personal catastrophes.  Happy 2008 of the Gregorian Calendar Common Era, to you.  I hope you are not too sick, poverty stricken, or otherwise miserable.

I could describe the ways in which my apartment is like a cross between the two houses in "Poltergeist" and "The Amityville Horror", but that might make you feel delightfully relieved you're not me, so I won't give you that pleasure. :-)  Instead, to the best of my ability I will tell you of the doom in store for you this month (it's my trademark, get over it :-)  In fact, this month I am particularly insulting and charmless so, if this troubles you, you may as well exit right now.

We have a Mercury Rx starting this month!  The Shadow period begins January 13th, and ends March 10th.  That, combined with the Rx Mars (in Gemini, yet), really puts the brakes on the intended purchases of gadgets or appliances or vehicles of any kind.  Totally sucks because I need to buy some computer hardware and I guess I'll just have to do it before the 13th.

Mercury and Saturn remain in mutual reception all month, which is nice for Capricorn Solar Returns up until the 13th, if said Cappies are into any writing projects, or communicational, or travel projects or occupations this year.  But the Mercury Rx will throw a few glitches into the mix which could be detrimental for all those things for Cappies and Aquii having Solar Returns after the 13th. 

Later Aquii may get a boost of vitality bestowed by the Dragon's Head conjoining natal Sun.  Likewise, later Leos will suffer diminished vitality with the Tail of the Dragon conjoining natal Sun.  But Leos are wise creatures and know how to treat themselves well when circumstances are less than enchanting.  Early Virgos and later Geminis are afflicted by the malefics... so anything you have in early or late Mutable is under the tyranny of misfortune.

On the same date the Mercury Rx Shadow begins, [Ooops, so wrong!] Venus enters her exaltation.   Oops!  Yes, in mid-March!   Two days AFTER the Merc Shadow ends!  (Unless I got that wrong, too.)  (Notice how errors increase whenever Pisces is involved...... and if that's too insulting, I can only plead diminished brain power as the Tail of the Dragon saps the life out of my Mercury by transit right now.)  Nopes, Venus is still in Sag through the 23rd of January (why not convert to Islam, all the best idiots are doing it) and then kisses Jupiter in Cappy so early in our U.S. morning on February 1st.... Anyone with anything at 10 degrees of the Cardinal signs should have a pleasant day (well, hell, it's something to look forward to, for those who can).

Looks like about the best we can do is pretend to be Taurean couch potatoes and stock up on chips and dip, popcorn, candy, cake, cookies, ice cream and soda, and try to enjoy the new seasons of Medium, Lost, and 24.  But has anyone noticed how much the current season of House sucked?  It's because the planets were all in detriment and fall and the writers have gone dull and stupid.  Expect to be disappointed by all the new season's shows, even though there will be little else we can do successfully but sit around and watch TV (or maybe read books, but they'll either aggravate or disappoint us unless we simply re-read old favorites, in which case we will think to ourselves, gee, I used to like this book so much but now it just seems so dull...).

And... that's January for ya!  (Because I don't feel like writing anymore.)  Enjoy.


December material:                                                                              
The November material is still relevant, so I leave it here for now.  This month, we have Mercury in detriment until the 20th, Venus in detriment until the 30th, Mars fallen and still retrograde all month long, and Jupiter enters fall on the 18th.  With so many planets in poor shape, we can expect a somewhat dismal season.  Toys you buy for your kids will break in record time, gadgets you buy for yourself will be poorly made and mostly defective - most likely; this will not be true for everyone at all times, but I think it will be the main trend for most of us.

However, as to the matter of buying things with motors, or things like computer hard disks and CD or DVD burners, we do catch a break during the time when Jupiter is in Capricorn and Mars is in Cancer since they mutually receive each other into exaltation.  This month, that will be roughly from December 19th to January 1st or 2nd.  I would wait to buy until you receive confirmation the product was constructed during these dates.  Products constructed before and after these dates will most likely be poor quality, but if you buy something after January 1st which was constructed during that roughly two week period, it should be of fair quality.  When you buy during the reception, make sure that Mars and Jupiter are angular and not cadent.  Good concurrent applying transits from the benefics, or at least the Moon to your chart, if possible, will also be helpful to try to assure a good purchase.

I'll be updating my featured song soon, on my music page.  That's about it.  I hope you can still manage to enjoy the winter solstice.


November material:
The October material is still relevant so I'm keeping it for the time being.  We're in bad shape.  Although Saturn is slowly separating from conjunction with Ketu, more bad news is on the burner.  Transit Mars, fallen in Cancer, is heading into Rx.  While it is in Cancer, there is some hope due to Mars being in the exaltation of Jupiter, happily domiciled until December 19th.  But then Jupiter will then ingress into Capricorn, its fall, and worse, both malefics will be in the detriments of Jupiter by the start of January.

So, we can expect discord in worldly affairs (yes, even moreso than now), and of course anyone getting the malefics by transit will need to draw on their inner reserves of strength, fortitude, forbearance, and courage.  And if you can't always do that, it's all right so long as you don't harm anyone.  (If you do, in a minor way, forgive yourself; if you were a saint, people would be making little knick knacks in your image.)

If you must buy anything with a motor, or that has mechanical parts, or that is noisy, do it before Mars stations Rx on the 14th.  Sooner would have been better, but now there's little choice.

If you're having a solar return, never fear - many factors determine the quality of a solar return and all that I've written does not mean you'll have an awful year.  In fact, if you have a luminary or benefic at 28 degrees and change in the fire signs, you may get quite a nice surprise the second week of December when Jupiter (still domiciled and strong) conjoins Pluto.


October material:
The September material is still relevant, so I'm leaving it in for now.  Well, mayhem has a snowball effect... after the five millionth time you've been struck down, it starts getting a little harder to get up again.

I see that someone plagiarized my yod article on Wikipedia.  Not thrilled about that.  Oh - but this space is supposed to be devoted to your concerns, not mine, so, let's see....we've got a lovely Jupiter-Uranus square happening now.  Stays in effect until about the 12th of October.  Anyone with anything around 15 degrees Mutable, tighten your seat belt, kid, you're in for a ride!

Mars is now fallen - don't buy a car. 

If you're an early degrees Virgo (or other Mutable) person, and those early Mutables are in your 8th house, gods help you.  I'm nearly at the tail end of transit Saturn through my loaded 8th house and I can tell you IT IS NOT FUN.  And I'm still going to get transit Saturn on my Death Axis a couple more times, so just think of me while you're in the midst of disaster - misery loves company.  But if I can get through it, so can you.

Librans, beware the 24th-25th October.  Venus opposes Uranus and  Moon opposes your Sun.  Tread carefully lest  you be abandoned by all.


September material:

I'm a little late putting this September page up due to a bad Saturn transit and its ensuing mayhem.  I've never been late with the page before, so I hope this is just a one time problem.

This month, Venus goes direct in apparent motion on the 9th, so if you've been experiencing relationship difficulties since, or after, June 23rd (start of the Venus Rx shadow period), they might begin to resolve at some point after September 9th, or later as Venus begins to pick up speed (after October 11th, but then Venus wil be in Virgo again, her Fall, so things might still need more time and attention).

The Mercury Rx shadow begins September 21, so if you have important paperwork or computer repair work, or the like, to complete, it's best to get it done before then.  Not a good idea to buy electronics during a Merc Rx shadow, and obviously the Rx period.

I guess that's all I have to say for now.

UPDATE May 2007: There are now 10 songs on my music page.  Hopefully one day I'll figure out how to make that page look a little better, and how to link each song to a lyrics page.  For now, it is what it is. 

UPDATE December 2007: I will be soon changing my featured song on my music page.  There are quite a few I'd like to add, but it is better to introduce the songs one by one so that I can write a little about the history of each one.  Currently I'm undecided as to which one to feature next.

I want to repeat - if you've written to me and I have not replied, please accept my apologies - I am very preoccupied lately.  Also, I'm on hiatus from doing consultations, so please disregard any mention of consultations on my home page or on any other pages on my site.

I wish you a wonderful month, full of joy and good fortune.



Sometimes there will be a moment furnished by angels during which you'll feel as if you've entered a magical realm of grace and beauty.  I have such moments, although rarely. Those moments really can make an enormous difference in consciousness or attitude and, having been a recipient and seeing its power for good, I'm now eager to be a donor whenever I can and hopefully *if* I can.  Never underestimate the power of kindness and love!

If you're having an awful time with life, try your best to get through it - no one knows you as you know yourself.  No one has faced your sorrows and struggles and no one has any right to judge you.  Try not to compare yourself unfavorably with anyone you may envy.  Those you admire should only serve as inspiration - and generally, the most admirable people are those who have endured the most suffering without inflicting suffering upon others.  The most admirable people are usually not the physically beautiful, or the wealthy, or the popular, or the successful in worldly affairs.  The most admirable people can be found among the crippled, the lame, the mentally or chronically ill - all those whose struggles are monumental, as well as those who offer their compassionate care.  Don't pity the afflicted among us!  Instead, aspire to their great courage and dignity!  If you are among these afflicted, you are awesome.  


The earth is insanely overpopulated.  Here's a cool quote I found!

Today we added....
265,000 babies, lost 7,500 acres of rain forest,
added 46,000 acres of desert, lost 71 million tons
of topsoil, added 15 million tons of carbon dioxide
to the air, lost about 70 species--and we get to do
it again tomorrow.
    --R.T. Gabbert, Skokie, Illinois


If you'd like, check out this month's tune on my music page, accessible from my home page.  Like all my recordings, it's a home demo, so production and performance are less than stunning.  Still, you might like it.   At the moment, I have posted the fourth song  I've  presented.  It's between 3 and 4 megabytes in size.  Although friends told me the recording quality was way too distorted to post, it's one of my favorites, and for that very reason with this particular song.  

I've given up on wondering whether anyone who bothers to listen will actually like any particular song I post, although I would hope so because I'd hate to waste anyone's downloading and listening time.  Suffice it to say that if I didn't like them, they wouldn't get posted and, believe it or not, there actually are a few songs of mine I don't like!

A few of my favorites, that I can find on tape at all (seems I never even recorded a lot of them), have really awful sound quality, but since I love those songs I'll probably post them anyway.  Just a note of caution to music lovers... :-)


Hopefully I'll change the column below in a subsequent month, but I don't know when I'm going to be feeling any better. 



                                                                    I wish you peace, good fortune, and, of course, good health.        
















All Rights Reserved; Gail Sandra Klein

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