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04/09/2003 - 12:22 - EST
Damn I'm groggy this morning. I stayed up far too late last night watching CNN. This morning I tried to delay heading in to see the statue being toppled, but I had an 8am teleconference.
Not much else going on. I have been starting to learn Tcl/TK, using the TclTutor scripts I found at
04/11/2003 - 23:57 - EST
I took today off from work. Had lunch with a few friends.
It's going to rain this weekend, so I doubt I'll ride anywhere interesting on my bike. The Triumph does need a new regulator-rectifier, so if I'm real motivated I may go visit Raber's in San Jose.
04/13/2003 - 23:40 - EST
I just finished watching the Simpsons. Yeah I know, how _exciting_...
I really didn't do much of anything this weekend. The weather wasn't all that great here. This morning I went to church, came home and watched the end of the Martinsville NASCAR race. Then some of the NHRA Spring Nationals.
I spoke to my parents who are currently in NY visiting my sister and getting ready to sell a home they own on Long Island. They are heading back home next weekend.
Back to work tomorrow. Although I got just about nothing accomlished this weekend, it was relaxing. According to the weather people, next weekend should be great for riding. I hope to take a ride maybe down to Santa Cruz, at least to Davenport for a stop at the Whale City Bakery Bar and Grill. I have been chatting online with someone who wants to see if she likes riding enough to get her own license. So perhaps next week I can take her for a little ride.
04/20/2003 - 13:30 - EST
Happy Easter!
Ok, so I don't post to my blog in a consistent fashion. But then, if the high point of your day is to read my blog, well...
Friday was an interesting day. When I went to get my Harley out for the ride to work, I noticed a rather large puddle on the garage floor. At first I had thought that something I had leaked, but a look at the ceiling convinced me otherwise. Of course, my tool box was opened directly below where the water was coming out!
I contacted the condo management at 9ish, and then went home at 1:30 to meet with the maintenance guy. After taking down a large section of the sheetrock ceiling, the leak was traced to my neighbor's hot water heater. While he installed a new unit, I dried out my Craftsman Rolling Aquarium!
As for Saturday, not much to say. Some domestic chores like laundry and grocery shopping. Grilled a steak for dinner, enjoyed it with a fresh garden salad and corn on the cob.
04/20/2003 - 13:32 - EST
I almost forgot. I did some minor projects in the garage yesterday. I mounted my fire extinguisher to the wall, and ran a steel wire up for hanging my "bungie cords".
04/21/2003 - 12:38 - EST
Ugh... Monday...
I had dinner at my friend Dave's place last night. Some burgers and home fries. I set my VCR to record "Six Feet Under", so I hope to check it out this evening.
The ceiling in my garage should be getting fixed today, I'll check it out at lunchtime maybe.
It's an overcast day here today. A little rain on and off too. But I took my bike to work anyway. I am trying to identify the source of a strange intermittent noise. It is sort of a whine or squeal. I'm thinking a bearing in the motor (which would suck), or the front wheel bearings (easy to fix and must might swap them out anyway).
04/26/2003 - 13:45 - EST
As I said, I am definitely not consistent in making entries here.
The strange noise on the bike is still not identified. But I am also now experiencing clutch/tranny/shifting problems. The bike is starting to really show its age... I made a list of quite a few things I want to buy, covering a multitude of odds and ends on the Harley.
On the tech side, I ordered 2 9gb hotswap drives for my ProLiant 3000 server, and a second processor board. Next will be memory from I want to get another 256MB for my Windows box, and another 256mb for my ProLiant.
Today. It's Saturday and I had bacon and eggs for breakfast. I have some laundry being done. I may take a drive up to visit a buddy of mine in Jackson. The sun is out today! It's been unusually wet this past week or so for the bay area. Cooler than usual temperatures too.
That's about all I can think of. Until next time, take it easy, but take it.
04/26/2003 - 17:36 - EST
I didn't head up to Jackson. Got involved with a few things here and didn't really get done early enough. I didn't want to leave the pooch home too long today.
I did order the memory I wanted though. One other thing I want to get is a bigger IDE drive for the Windows box. Possible 120GB.
I have to run to Albertson's (grocery store). I am grilling steak for dinner and need a few items to make a salad.
04/28/2003 - 11:13 - EST
Monday morning...
I didn't do much yesterday. I overslept a bit in the morning, too late to make it to church. I watched most of the Auto Club 500 NASCAR race then did some reading on UML.
I got to work nice and early, noticed one of my neighbors had an automobile accident near the entrance to our complex this morning. Not that I wish bad on people, but it is one those neighbors who speed through our little development...
Well, I have to do a security audit on a server. So I better get back to working.
04/30/2003 - 16:42 - EST
Not much happening this week. So I will tell a humorous little tale from a couple of weeks ago:
OK, a couple of weeks ago my neighbor's hot water heater leaked. My
garage is under that, so I had some cleanup to do myself (drying out
my 'craftsman rolling aquarium and coy pond'). :)
So there I was Saturday afternoon two weeks ago, finishing up so my
tools won't rust and investigating the lastest problem on my Harley.
Now for background, I live in a condo complex that has man made ponds
and is also right on the Belmont Slough. So we do have alot of ducks
in the neighborhood, and a bunch of neighbors who regularly feed them
despite requests not to from the condo mgmt. Back to the story. I
was focused on the task at hand, radio on (not too loud), sitting on a
little stool, tweaking with something on my bike. Out of the corner
of my eye I saw movement, and when I turned, seeing a duck about 1
foot away from me startled the hell out of me. I jumped, startling
the duck who quacked loudly, which even startled me even more! As the
duck high tailed it out of my garage I definitely started laughing my
butt off!
04/30/2003 - 16:44 - EST
In bike related news, but clutch seemed to go away on the way home for lunch today! By the time I got home I could not disengage the clutch. But I made it home safely and took my truck back to work after lunch. I guess I really need to see what the problem is. :(
05/01/2003 - 11:16 - EST
My memory arrived yesterday. An additional 256Mb for my windows computer, and 512MB for the ProLiant. I installed the memory after feeding the dog and myself. Minor snafus, I guess I unseated an IDE cable on the windows box, when I was first put the new memory in. Then on the ProLiant, it seems that order in which you poplulate the 6 pairs of memory banks makes a difference. When I installed the memory in the system board banks, the server would start booting, but during the linux kernel loading it would hang. I opened the server up again, and installed the memory on the expansion board. Everything was fine after that.
I'm still waiting for the two additional 9gb 10K hotswap drives to arrive for the ProLiant, as well as an additional processor board. Once they are installed, I will compile a new kernel that is multiprocessor capable and has the shared memory max size increased.
Oh yeah, the bike...
My friend from back east told me to see if it still would go through the gears (not running, just make sure the tranny shifts). That's about all I did yesterday. Saturday I will put it up on the lift and start checking the various possible clutch causes of my problem.
05/02/2003 - 12:33 - EST
I didn't working on anything mechanical or technical last night. I did treat myself to sushi at Tokies in Foster City.
Since yesterday was the first of the month, I also had to pay rent and a few other bills.
I am currently compiling Apache 2.0.45 on a Solaris 8 server here at work.
That's about it. Perhaps I'll have something that is actually interesting later.
05/05/2003 - 21:29 - EST
Well, it's Monday. The weekend wasn't all that great. My father called me Friday evening and informed me that my mother is in the hospital. :(
I did work on the bike Saturday, and it looks like the throwout bearing was the culprit. I ordered the parts I need from J&P Cycles, but some were not in stock.
I had to be at work early this morning, covering for someone who is attending training. The rest of the week too. Get up at 5am. At work by 6:30ish...
Speaking of work, not much doing. Some security audits, and installing and configuring Apache w/mod_perl on a Solaris server.
Well, the Simpsons (repeat) just ended. Time to take Jessi for a walk.
05/08/2003 - 10:43 - EST
Thursday... almost TGIF!
Getting up an hour earlier to cover for someone attending training this week has been a bear. I'm looking forward to sleeping in late this Saturday.
I spoke to my mom a couple of times this week, and she is sounding much better! :) Still no word on when she can be release from the hospital.
The parts for the bike are not expected until next week, so there is no further update on fixing the Harley. I still should head down to Raber's in San Jose to get a new tympanium unit (reg/rect) for the Triumph.
On the technical side, the new 9gb disks are installed and ok, the second processor board and CPU is expected to arrive today, and I compile a multiprocessor enabled kernel last night in preparation for its arrival.
Did I mention Microsoft Windows sucks yet? Nothing like intermittent problems... This morning when I booted my computer, it reported a variety of errors when trying to start some programs and then hung. The only thing I changed recently was updating ZoneAlarm last night. I can't wait until more software is available for Linux!
05/12/2003 - 11:26 - EST
Another work week begins.
My mom was moved from the hospital to an assisted care facility. Perhaps a week or two there before she can go home.
I didn't do much over the weekend. Worked a little on both bikes. Greased the front wheel bearings on the Harley, drove down to San Jose to get the new tympanium unit from Raber's, and attached the top motor mount in the Triumph. I didn't install the new tympanium, because the HD is on the hydraulic lift, and my other lift is currently loaned out.
05/15/2003 - 13:11 - EST
As you can see, not much is happening. My parts for the Harley are due to arrive today, so I may work on the bike this evening.
I've been having another vehicle related problem, the left rear tire on my truck has a slow leak. I put the spare on last night, and will drop the leaking tire off at a service station during lunch (their shop was closed when I stopped on the way in at 7:30am).
I will be heading to PacPell park tomorrow evening to see the Giants host the NY Mets. Then Saturday it's down to a little biker shindig.
05/19/2003 - 10:55 - EST
The weekend was pretty cool. I had fun at the Giants/Met game Friday night. I took some ribbing as the lone Met fan in my section, but that made it even better.
Saturday I did get the Harley back together, and went for a little ride to check it out. So far so good, and I rode the bike to work this morning. After I finished up on the HD, I showered and made an appearance at a little BBQ shindig that my condo was having. After that, I fed and walked Jessi, and headed down to bash in San Martin. Good food, friends, music, etc.
Stayed local Sunday, relaxed, and put a dent in reading Stephen King's "Dreamcatcher". I'm glad I didn't see the movie, and I'll catch it on cable/DVD/VHS afterwards to see how much the movied strayed from the book.
Awesome weather here these past few days. Warm and sunny!
05/27/2003 - 13:11 - EST
Ok, so it's been more than week since I last posted. The Harley appears to running fine, and this weekend I adjusted the chain on the Triumph.
I recently started an opensource project named "SSL Signature Check", or just SSLSigCheck. I am utilizing the resources at .
There's not much information available just yet but check these two sites:
SSLSigCheck Project
SSLSigCheck Website
06/06/2003 - 13:34 - EST
Bike news: I'm replacing the front rotor and wheel bearings. I'm again waiting for an order from JP Cycles. Hopefully the order will ship today, and I will have my parts sometime next week. As for the Triumph Chopper, I should replace the tympanium unit, but that whole procrastination thing... <G>
I really haven't done much work in the SSLSigCheck project. I still gathering information, learning more about the internals and API for OpenSSL, and experimenting with some test code.
I went for sushi last night, which I do most Thursday evenings. I go to a local place called Tokies. Definitely a top notch place!
Weekend plans; well I don't really have any. *Maybe* work in the Triumph, maybe take another big bite out of Dreamcatcher.
Until next time...
06/09/2003 - 11:26 - EST
Well I didn't work on the Triumph. But I did finish reading Dreamcatcher. I definitely enjoyed the book.
06/12/2003 - 13:42 - EST
Another day...
While I was home at lunchtime yesterday, I found that one of the garage door springs on my garage (well, certainly not my neighbor's) door was broken. I dropped the padlock key off at the condo office after work. Hopefully it will be fixed when I get home today. What a royal pain.
I have been really digging into the API for OpenSSL to see exactly how I will make SSLSigCheck work. Whereas I was thinking mainly perl, I see that I might perhaps be better off just wrapping alot of C functions with Perl.
Heading out to lunch with a group at work today. One of the system administators is leaving, so we are having a farewell lunch.
That may impact my sushi eating ability later on! :)
Oh, and that reminds me. My pooch has an appointment with the vet today. Annual exam, shots, etc. Poor thing.
06/17/2003 - 11:07 - EST
The dog checked out ok. She's in good health for being 12 years old!
I didn't go anywhere Saturday. However, I did put the new rotor on my Harley. I replaced the front wheel bearings as well.
Not much else going on.
08/05/2003 - 12:14 - EST
Yes, I'm still here. Sorry, but taking time out to organize and post things doesn't come naturally to me. Ok lets see, what has transpired since last time...
The Springer is doing ok. Actually went through the whole month of July without something else needing repair! I even gave it a nice cleaning a couple weekends ago. It doesn't look bad for being 14 years old with 86K miles.
In the world of computers, I upgraded my windows system to XP Professional. Migrating data became difficult after I find out that the backup/restore tool for XP cannot read the backup file I made under W98! Gee, like you would think that the utility should be made backwards compatible. Another reason why I really don't like Microsloth...
This past weekend, I upgraded my Linux server (A Compaq ProLiant 3000 with dual PII-333 Mhz processors, 3 9GB 10K rpm hotswap disk drives, and 640MB of RAM) to Redhat 9. Data migration was easy, as I installed the OS on a different disk than RH7.3 was installed on. I do need to migrate my Oracle 8i database over. But Oracle on Linux has its own 'issues'.
In other news, my sister and niece will arrive for a visit Monday August 25th. My sister and I have been discussing possible places to see and things to do.
That just about covers the basics. Perhaps next time will be alot sooner than almost two months!
08/11/2003 - 19:00 - EST
The weekend was pretty cool. Although I ended up not doing much of anything Saturday, I went to watch the "King of the Bay" Kite Surfing and Wind Sailing competition.
I did get a touch of sunburn, but it was a good day outdoors at the water.
08/22/2003 - 22:47 - EST
Again, a few days lapse between entries...
For the one person who admits to actually checking to see if I had entered anything new... "Hi 'Boo!" :)
So what's new? Ok, last weekend I went for ride in the north bay with a young lady I met who rides her won Buell Blast. After leaving her place in Emeryville (just north of Oakland), we went over the Richmond bridge towards our destination. Some nice two lane roads through the countryside, and a stop at the Marin French Cheese Company. After a bit we headed back. All in all, a good day.
08/22/2003 - 23:03 - EST
Hey, twice in ONE day! ;)
So here's what's coming up. My sister and niece are coming out to visit. They arrive Monday evening. So, even though they are not staying at my place, I plan on spending a good portion of the weekend cleaning.
I do have a small bit of work to do on the Harley. I need to replace the two bolts that hold the lower exhaust mouting bracket to the frame. One was lost, and the other sheared. Hopefully, I will be able to remove the leftover piece without much trouble.
I have next week off from work, and we do have a tentative plan of what we want to do and see during the week.
As for work, the contract I work under expires September 30th. Currently I do not know if I have a job after that date. With this economy and how scarse IT jobs are, I am not looking forward to possibly being laid off. :(
So, I did some cleaning in my second bathroom, so now I'm going to relax and watch some TV.
08/26/2003 - 00:51 - EST
I spent the last 3 days housecleaning! My condo is the cleanest it's been since I moved in. Of course, it was hotter than usual here in the bay area, so that made doing housework so much nicer... (I hope you folks can recognize sarcasm). Remember, I don't have AC here.
In any case, my sister called to say that they have landed in Oakland. So my sister and niece should be calling when they get to the hotel soon.
Tomorrow is Six Flags. Right now, I think a nice cold drink is in order! :)
09/04/2003 - 17:42 - EST
I've been busy, but I finally got a chance to post here.
Six Flags was cool, Medusa is an awesome roller coaster. Wednesday we did the SF thing (Fisherman's wharf, Trolley ride, Alcatraz, etc). Thursday a ride down to Monterey to the Aquarium, on the way back a visit to the Mystery Spot and Big Basin Redwoods St Park. Friday my sister and niece visited Stanford University, then we all went to the Winchester Mystery House. Saturday was a relaxing day, and grilled up some steaks in the evening.
I spent most of Sunday and Monday just relaxing. Actually Monday afternoon, my friend Dave and I took a drive down the coast a bit. We had a late lunch at the Whale City Bakery Bar and Grill in Davenport.
This week at work has been hectic. First the 'team' I was part of has been sort of eliminated. Part of this was having to relocate to the building's 1st floor. So that meant moving the contents of my cubicle. I finished that up today.
Ok, so what's on the horizon? Football season starts! Even though the season officially starts this evening with the Jets/Redskins game, the 49ers home opener is this Sunday at Candlestick with a game against the Bears.
My PCs monitor is on its way out. The screen changes color, and it sometimes goes into sleep mode while I'm typing. I would like a flat panel LCD monitor, but I think for now just a 17" flat screen CRT type would be fine.
More on work, we are still wondering what happens in the next month. I am wondering if I will be employed come October...
09/08/2003 - 21:23 - EST
I purchased a new 17" monitor Saturday. It's nice not having the monitor go into powersave mode all by itself! Not a flat panel LCD monitor though, a flat tube CRT. Mitsubishi DiamondPoint SB70.
In other news, I was officially told that my last day at work is September 30th! As of October 1, I am officially another statistic in our wonderful economy. Needless to say, being given that news on a Friday made my weekend so much more enjoyable (in case you folks haven't figured that out, it's sarcasm)! But, seeing the FortyNiners destroy the Bears on Sunday made it a bit better. That and the company of a lovely date at the game. ;)
So, where do I go from here? I don't know just yet...
09/14/2003 - 12:15 - EST
It's been a roller coaster of a week. On Wednesday a coworker who was not going to be laid off accepted a position elsewhere. After talking with he and his manager, I was informed Thursday that the paperwork was going through and I was getting that position, thus NOT getting laid off.
Well, on Friday the manager called me to her office to tell me that I may not be the one to fill the position. I was hoping to know before I headed home for the weekend, but no luck. So again, another weekend started on a not so happy note.
09/14/2003 - 12:17 - EST
The Niners play the Rams today in St. Louis. So I'll be a couch potato this morning. I hope it doesn't get as hot as it did Friday and yesterday. With no AC in my appartment, it gets hard to sleep on the days that it gets hot. It was easily into the 90s yesterday and Friday.
09/14/2003 - 18:45 - EST
What?! THREE blog posts in one day! I don't believe it...
So, the Niners lost to the Rams. Many mistakes, none of them topped by Cedric Wilson's boneheaded play at the end of the 4th quarter.
So, I went out for a ride. Took the Harley for a spin, topped off the gas, came home. Then I fired up the chopper and took that for a spin.
It is much nicer out today, a real cool breeze by the bay.
Hi 'Boo!
I think I'll have a nice frosty cold Hefeweizen.
10/04/2003 - 21:47 - EST
Three in one day, then nothing for one week... ;)
Ok, so I did get the other position, thus I am still employed. But man, OT galore these past two weeks. I wouldn't mind, but it has mostly babysitting a broken application that is not up to the amount of processing it needs to do. Oh well, my next paycheck will be nice.
I am going to the Niner/Lions game tomorrow. Hopefully the 49ers will win, otherwise it's looking pretty bleak at 1-3 right now. No one wanted to go, so I guess I'm solo again. I probably should call my friend Kelly and see if she wants to go.
On a sad note, last weekend I heard a friend of mine is in Sloan-Kettering hospital and doesn't have much longer to live. I've known Drew for about 20 years. Damn...
My daughter's 3rd birthday is coming up! I have no idea what to get her, and her mother hasn't been returning my calls. Arrrrgh.
For now, I guess that's it.
10/11/2003 - 21:52 - EST
And the Niners did win last week! :)
I also spoke to my daughter's mom, and have a few ideas of what to get my girl for her upcoming birthday. Cool!
My friend is home from Sloan-Ketterting, but that doesn't mean he's doing better. Just that they couldn't really do anything more him in the hospital, so he's home with a 24hr nurse.
The new position is still loaded with OT, mostly because of the application that is not the right spec for the data being pumped through it. We are planning an upgrade, as well as an interim solution. In the meantime, I have to go in tomorrow (Sunday) and Monday (holiday, Columbus Day) to make sure some processes completed correctly. If so, no big deal, otherwise I have to fix it before coming back home.
I haven't touched my OpenSource project in weeks. That is actually bugging me. Oh well...
10/22/2003 - 00:12 - EST
I got my daughter a b'day card and a gift. I need to send that to her. I also purchased a gift for my sister's birthday and that is on its way.
There's not much else to say. It's been work and home in the current schedule. I did attend the Niners Bucs game Sunday, and by golly the 49ers won one!
I've been noticing the front tire on my Harley. It seems that I may already need to replace the front tire! I just replaced it in the spring. But it is a soft and sticky tire. Grips the road real nice, but wears quickly.
Until the next time...
11/15/2003 - 20:51 - EDT
Not much to say. Work is pretty busy, and this is just the beginning of rainy season here in the SF Bay area. My daughter turned 3 Nov 1st!
11/27/2003 - 12:18 - EDT
Not much for me today. Because of the job uncertainties back in September, I didn't make plans to head back east and visit family for the holiday. On the bright side, a friend was gracious to invite me to dinner with her and her mom at the Pacifica Beach Resort. An early dinner, at 1:30pm. So I can watch most of the Detroit/Green Bay game this morning, if not all of it.
Not much else going on. Work has settled down, only a few hours OT each week. My pooch Jessi is doing fine, not bad for a dog that will be 13 this coming February. The front tire on the Harley *definitely* needs replacing, the threads are just about down to the wear indicators. Additionally, the oil lines need to be replaced. They are starting to seep a little around the fittings.
That's about it. I guess I'll go take the dog out for a walk before the game starts.
11/29/2003 - 17:54 - EDT
Not much happened yesterday. Although I did take a nice leisurely bicycle ride along the Bay Trail. I also took another ride this morning after doing some laundry.
My neighbors invited me over for dinner tonight. So I'll feed Jessi just a bit early (4:30pm) and head next door.
11/29/2003 - 17:56 - EDT
11/30/2003 - 22:02 - EDT
Today I watched the Niners lose another game, and got a start on wrapping gifts. I even have some packages ready to ship to folks back east.
It rained much of today, as it will tomorrow. Looks like I'm not riding the Harley to work tomorrow. Still, not enough constant rain to put the bike up on the lift and take care of some maintenance.
12/04/2003 - 15:27 - EDT
I was able to ride the bike work the beginning of this week, but today and tomorrow it is supposed to rain. Oh well.
It's Thursday, so I'm looking forward to enjoying sushi this evening. For some reason, today has been dragging a bit more than usual. I guess things have really started to even out here at work.
12/13/2003 - 14:00 - EDT
It's Saturday morning. I have one load of wash ready to come out of the dryer, and another ready to go in. I know, exciting...
I figured the first thing I would do this morning is head to the post office to attempt to send some gifts to points east. Geesh, even at 9am, the line was long. So, I came back home to enjoy a nice breakfast instead. Besides, I have a couple more things to purchase, so what wait on a line *again*?! There's a UPS store close by, and I think I'll go there instead. Lines are often much shorter.
About lines, why does it seem that most people need more time at windows than I always do? Whether it's the clerk at the post office, or the airline rep at the checkin counter. How hard could it be to know what you want at the post office?! Weigh the packages, collect money, off you go. Perhaps the post office should have a separate window for cash only, no additional services (insurance, certified, etc). Last year I stood in line watching it take 10 minutes for the clerk to help *one* person send *one* package! I think when I finally got to the window, it took all of two minutes (if that) for me to send 5 packages.
I think the plan for today includes putting up my tree. A couple of friends should be stopping by later this afternoon.
12/20/2003 - 16:42 - EDT
I have not much to do, so I was able to sleep in today, and boy did it
I just finished my normal bacon and eggs, one load of wash is in the
12/20/2003 - 19:55 - EDT
I receive my goodies from parents this week, and they did something really clever with the peanuts! They filled some small plastic bags (some ziplock, some plastic bags from the grocery store, etc) with the peanuts to fill the larger gaps in the box. And only used a little bit of loose packing peanuts to fill minor gaps.
Pretty cool I think!
12/25/2003 - 22:58 - EDT
I had a good day today, although I did spend the holiday alone. I took the dog to the beach for a while this afternoon. Actually, it's the first time my dog's been in the ocean. Boy was she surprised when she got hit by the first wave. LOL
I can't wait to start reading "Wolves of the Calla", the fifth book in Stephen King's Dark Tower series.
01/11/2004 - 20:42 - EDT
Not much to report, went on a great ride yesterday with a bunch of buds and buddettes. Ended up having lunch at a place called Duarte's in Pescadero.
However, I still haven't tended to the much needed maintenance on my scoot. I am just about done with my shopping list of parts and supplies.
It's supposed to be a nice week, mostly dry with mild temperatures. So, more than likely I'll be riding the bike to work.
I was rooting for the Packers, but alas, they choked.
02/21/2004 - 20:00 - EDT
I haven't been keeping up here, since not much has been going on. The Harley is strewn about the garage. Oil tank and lines are removed, primary cover off, and the front wheel is off. A new tire is mounted though. I ordered some goodies from Chicago Harley Davidson, and they arrived last Monday (President's Day). New primary cover, rear brake pads, and a new kick stand. I also picked up 3/8" oil line and hose clamps from the local Kragen's Auto Parts store.
However, procrastination has set in and I haven't really been motivated to start the reassembly process. Maybe tomorrow.
I also purchased TaxCut and completed filing my 2003 taxes. I love eFile!
That's about it for now.
02/28/2004 - 14:53 - EDT
I'm waiting for the dryer to finish, then after putting away stuff I'm off to the grocery store. After that, another trip to the HD dealer to look at Dyna Low Riders again.
02/28/2004 - 22:39 - EDT
If all goes will, I should be able to pick it up Monday or Tuesday.
03/12/2004 - 11:43 - EDT
I picked up the bike Tuesday, March 2nd. I do love it. I haven't completed the break-in period yet.
Pics will be forthcoming, perhaps I should enter the 21st century and buy a digital camera... ;->
Other than that, not much to say.
03/14/2004 - 01:01 - EDT
03/15/2004 - 12:39 - EDT
I'm at work, feeling a bit groggy. I needed to take some Tylenol PMs last night because my leg was cramped.
I was going to get some work done on the Springer yesterday. But I was out of hose clamps, and the primary cover gasket I purchased a couple of weeks ago was incorrect. Best laid plans...
Still awesome summerlike weather here! :)
03/17/2004 - 23:59 - EDT
Happy Saint Patrick's Day! It was 15 years ago that brought my Springer home from the dealer. Many good years, and although a have a new pony, hopefully many more to come.
03/22/2004 - 16:11 - EDT
Yesterday I did some work on the Springer. The new primary cover is installed, the oil tank is back in place, the new oil lines are attached. I may put the exhaust back on one evening this week.
Bought new jeans, but they're at the cleaners getting the inseam length adjusted.
I was kind of disappointed in the season finale of Stargate SG-1. But the Sopranos last night was pretty cool.
I have to get back to work. Later.
03/26/2004 - 17:18 - EDT
I didn't put the exhuast on the Springer. I should get to that tomorrow or Sunday. That reminds me, I need to call my ins agent and have the insurance reinstated for that bike.
My birthday is Sunday! No plans though.
The Dyna has about 320 miles on it. And for some reason, Redwood City Dodge has been closed for remodelling. The website says reopen March 3rd, but... So, I had an oil change done at a nearby Jiffy Lube. Wasn't that jiffy though, as I was there for nearly and hour.
03/28/2004 - 12:35 - EDT
04/11/2004 - 22:39 - EST
The Dyna surpased the 500 mile mark this past week, and now has a bit over 600 miles. I got the Springer back together the Saturday before my birthday.
The weather here has still been pretty good. Sunny, dry, mild. I did a hat trick today, took a small ride on each of my three bikes! Yesterday I took a cruise down towards San Jose past a few buds' places. No one looked to be home though. Still, it was a good little ride.
It seems the condo management is having everyone's chimney 'swept'. Mine is due for Friday. So, unless I can get an appointment, I will likely be taking a personal day off from work.
That's about it for now.
04/24/2004 - 13:21 - EST
I'm also waiting for a call from Christine, a young lady who lives in Concord and goes to college. Hopefully we'll be able to hang out today and enjoy the weather.
Tomorrow, I meet a woman from San Rafael who has her own Sportster. Her name is Alice. Met her through craigslist. She's coming down this way about noon, then we'll take a small ride along the coast. Perhaps stop for a snack in Davenport at the Whale City Bakery Bar & Grill.
05/13/2004 - 01:26 - EST
The last weekend in April was a blast. I hung out with Christine Saturday, and went riding with Alice on Sunday!
The Dyna is just about due for its 1000k mile dealer checkup, but I can't get an appointment until June 15th. So, I've been riding the Springer alot. I did order a detachable windshield for the LowRider though, from Chicago Harley Davidson.
Speaking of the Springer, the motor gets noisier every day. I may swap out the tappets to see if that helps. Not only that, the Triumph is acting up. Starts and runs fine until it warms up a bit. Then it stops. Yet another thing to fix.
Now for world politics. With what happened to Nicholas Berg, I don't a crap about alleged prisoner abuses. None of them were beheaded for crying out loud. See
05/29/2004 - 17:00 - EST
In other news, I've been hanging around on myspace lately. My 'profile' is at
As for bike stuff, nothing done to any of them lately.
05/31/2004 - 12:38 - EST
I'm sitting at my 'puter, enjoying my morning coffee. I have to take the dog out for her walk soon, and I'll probably give her a good brushing while we're outside.
This week I plan to order a pair of Progressive Suspension "412" shocks ( for the Dyna. 11" eye-to-eye, they are an inch shorter than stock and should lower the back about 1-1/2". Another item I will purchase soon is a set of
Well, my coffee cup is empty, so it's time to get a few other things done.
06/05/2004 - 15:37 - EST
I'm still waiting on the shocks and exhaust for the Dyna.
A friend of mine works for eLoan and they are looking to fill a position. I sent him my resume yesterday and I got a call this morning! I may have an interview in the next few days.
Other than that, not a whole lot going on. Having another slow day, doing alot of nothing!
06/11/2004 - 16:17 - EST
The shocks for the Dyna arrived yesterday, and I installed them today. The bike sits lower, and handling doesn't seem to be affected.
Oh yeah, I got the day off today because of Reagan. I watched some of the funeral today. It was touching.
06/13/2004 - 23:54 - EST
Life is full of endless possibilities. With each breath, with each heartbeat, multiple paths present themselves. At each juncture, a choice is made, a path is followed. Sometimes consciously, sometimes not. Some of these choices are made without even a flash of thought. Other choices however, are made with much contemplation, doubt, and anxiety. And so readers, is the path before me.
I have been at my current place of employment, in one form or another, for over three years now. During that time, there was never a feeling of job security. No motivation to even want to try to give one hundred percent. But, the salary is good, and you can't beat the fifteen minute commute. Still, witnessing managerial decisions that defy any business sense is sometime more than enough than one can bare. However, the environment is a know entity. And there is some comfort in that.
Now, it seems an opportunity has presented itself. A 'path' that I can choose to walk. The salary might not be as good, the commute definitely longer, but even though no job is really secure, perhaps a sense of stability. Then again, a new job is always stressful, it is an unknown. New people, new tasks, new responsibilities, new expectations.
Sleep has not come easy these past couple days. A stiff neck has been bothersome for three days now. Perhaps it is also stress related as my mind plays the choice and possible outcomes over and over.
Next week is Father's Day. Another year that I will likely not hear from my three year old daughter's mom. A result from another choice of a time past, another path taken.
06/20/2004 - 20:10 - EST
I spoke to my buddy Chip back east yesterday, and my Springer came up in the conversation. Chip said that noise I described is definitely no good and that I'm borrowed time if I continue to ride it. So, in the next week or two I'll start stripping her down.
06/27/2004 - 21:32 - EST
Not much else. I didn't start on stripping down the Springer. I did head to a buddy's place in Santa Clara yesterday for a while.
I'm thinking that if I get the job offer, I will see if I can start in 3 weeks. With a 2 week notice given at the current gig, I can perhaps take a week off to chill. Maybe work on the scoot, maybe fix my CD-R drive, whatever... ;)
07/23/2004 - 21:29 - EST
Second: Springer. I rode it to work today and ended up needing a tow on the way home. So now it's really broken. More of an incentive to start working on it.
08/25/2004 - 12:30 - EST
One major event was Hurricane Charley hitting southwest Florida. Particularly since my parents live in Punta Gorda. Long story short, they are doing fine but they have ALOT of water damage to their home. Mostly from windblown rain after the winds removed the shingles and tar paper from the roof. Hurricane shutters protected the windows and doors.
Another was that my dog had to have a tumor removed from her ear. A biopsy indicated that it was malignant. :( The bit of good news is that according to the vet it was not a real invasive form of cancer and he and the laboratory believe that it was complete local to the removed tumor. I just have to be vigilant and keep an eye on Jessi.
The new Dyna is still a blast! The Bub Enterprises Rinehart exhaust pipes are installed (I swapped the pipes myself two weeks ago) and yesterday I had Peninsula Harley Davidson install the Stage 1 high flow air filter and re-map the ECU. Definitely a bit more power than stock, possibly about 20 HP.
As for the Springer, well the motor is now out of the frame. Before I removed it, I had the cam case open. My pinion shaft sheared. I still haven't taken the motor apart enough to tell if that was a symptom of something else failing. The motor would need a complete rebuild. Debating on rebuilding the motor or just dropping in an S&S motor.
08/27/2004 - 18:50 - EST
Not much in the way of weekend plans. I want to see if the vet can remove Jessi's stitches tomorrow morning. If not, then it will likely be during lunch Monday. When coincidentally I have a telephone interview with McAfee.
I may decide to wash the Dyna and Durango tomorrow, and start pulling the Springer motor apart.
08/31/2004 - 10:57 - EST
The telephone interview yesterday with McAfee went will I think. They want me to come in for a round of in person interviews. Waiting to hear back on when that will be.
School is open here in the bay area, and the morning traffic shows it! Alot more clueless cage pilots on the road. Geeesh...
Not much else to add. It's morning and I'm a bit groggy.
09/01/2004 - 17:32 - EST
In other news, Postini contacted me this week and they are also interested in inteviewing me. Between the two, I think I would enjoy the McAfee position better.
My folks, still recovering from Hurricane Charley, now have to be prepared for Hurricane Frances! I really do hope that the storm both weakens and changes track. I wish the best for the people in Florida and the rest of the southeast.
09/05/2004 - 15:55 - EST
In the southeast, it looks like my folks aren't going to get too badly by Hurricane Frances. I do wish my daughter's mother would give me a call though. They live in Orlando.
On the motorcycle front, things are progressively (albeit slowly) with the Springer.
I have to finish filling out the application and other forms in preparation for my interview at McAfee this Wednesday this weekend as well.
10/15/2004 - 12:11 - EST
Not much has changed in the last month. The Springer's motor is still apart, but I did rebuild the carburetor for the Triumph. I will probably install it tomorrow and see how the old girl fires up.
My Durango was due for smog check, and it passed. So I think I'm good for another 4 years.
10/17/2004 - 18:13 - EST
1: set initial air and idle screw settings
Here's the bizarre part. While adusting the idle and air screws, the damn thing can idle nicely in my driveway for minutes. 5, 10, 15, ... Like a damn charm!
Get on an ride it, and within a half mile the thing is surging at speed and finally just dies?! Let it sit for a few minutes, and starts on one kick. Idles damn near forever, but go to ride it and it dies again after a short distance.
Now, I'm thinking it can't be heat affecting the coils, condensors or whatever; because wouldn't that also come to play while idling for a long time?
I'm completely baffled...
10/18/2004 - 21:29 - EST
Another aggravating day at work as well.
After thinking about it and discussing my Triumph problem with some friends, a fuel starvation problem is likely the culprit. Perhaps the petcocks need to be cleaned out, or even the vented gas cap being clogged.
I probably won't get to it until next weekend.
10/21/2004 - 12:12 - EST
The work week did get better, and we did manage to complete a major project! Just some minor tweaks and clean up, but all in all, a success!
We had a good rainstorm this week, on Tuesday. It must have gotten some marine life disoriented. While walking Jessi along the slough Tuesday evening I spotted what was either a seal or sea lion swimming. A bit too far away to make a clear identification, but pretty cool nonetheless.
10/30/2004 - 15:25 - EST
I've recently rediscovered Netrek, an online multiplayer game. A fun little distraction.
This coming Tuesday is election day. It's not just than I am a Republican (and former John Birch member), but I think that:
Besides, his voting record makes him a clear enemy of the second amendment and very anti-gun. Along with his backing by George Soros, this also alarms me. The underlying desire to make gun ownership laws in the US subservient to the UN, thus reducing our national sovereignty scares the hell out of me! Read up on this people!
11/03/2004 - 11:45 - EDT
A close race, but President Bush won. With a GOP controlled House and Senate as well!
11/26/2004 - 11:52 - EDT
I enjoyed dinner last night at a friend's house in Half Moon Bay. I didn't overindulge too much, because I had to get home to feed and walk Jessi at a reasonable hour. I realized that I didn't get a chance to listen to Arlo's "Alice's Restaurant" yesterday. I'll have to play it over the weekend. Thankgiving isn't complete without it!
I'm sorry to say that I haven't done much to the bikes in the last month. So there is nothing new there.
In the arena of politics, I have to say that it appears those on the left are sore losers. Kerry lost, get over it! True patriotism and love for one's country is shown when you whine about moving to Canada just because your candidate lost... Makes me even more glad that Bush won a second term.
Christmas is coming. I haven't bought a single gift yet. But then again, I've been asking people what they want for the past month. Fruitcake for everyone! ;)
12/05/2004 - 22:02 - EDT
Yesterday I assisted National Steel Rule with a server upgrade. That went well, partly due to the preparation I did beforehand. I think they are quite happy.
Next Saturday I will probably put my Christmas tree up, and hopefully by then I will have gotten some of my shopping done. I will probably do most (if not all) of it online.
12/07/2004 - 11:04 - EDT
On a lighter note, the boss is taking the team out for lunch today! Free lunch is always a good thing. Only downside is that although The Fish Market is a decent restaurant, I find the menu selections not varied enough.
It's raining here in the SF Bay area. But the temps are a bit warmer than they have been the last few days.
12/08/2004 - 12:03 - EDT
12/25/2004 - 22:07 - EDT
12/29/2004 - 11:55 - EDT
So what did I get for Christmas? I received the last two books in Stephen King's Dark Tower series, and his book about writing aptly titled 'On Writing'. Thanks Michele for the that one! My parents gave me a Sony DCR-TRV460 HandyCam. Way cool! I also received a few CDs and DVDs, which are always great. Thanks Sis and Lynn! A few gift cards which will be handy and a commerative Jack Daniels shot glass were also under my tree this year. All in all, a pretty good year.
I didn't do much to celebrate though. Christmas Eve I made some spaghetti sauce and my friend Stacy joined me for dinner. The rest of the weekend I just mostly relaxed around the house.
Nothing in the plans New Years Eve just yet. The only thing I want to get accomplished this weekend is taking my tree down.
01/01/2005 - 00:04 - EDT
01/03/2005 - 11:05 - EDT
I took my Christmas tree down yesterday, other than that not much else.
There are a few things I need to address soon. One is that I need to reschedule my trip to Florida that I cancelled because of the hurricanes. I also need to purchase this year's version of TaxCut so I can prepare my taxes.
01/24/2005 - 14:39 - EDT
I'm leaving my 'hood this morning, riding my Dyna at a relaxed pace down Edgewater Blvd. A little south of the Hillsdale Blvd intersection there is a school bus stop, and I was getting there just as the bus had stopped. Two cages in the right lane, and I'm pulling up in the left lane to be
01/25/2005 - 12:24 - EDT
Waiting on W2 and 1099s to arrive so I can finish my taxes.
Not much else to say. My daughter's mother sent me an email indicating she is moving to CO, but so far no new address.
One of my neighbors is going to dog and house sit when I visit my parents in FL next month. That's good news, as I really didn't want to leave Jessi in a kennel. Plus I don't have to deal with the hassle of stopping mail and either picking it up or having an overstuffed mailbox when I return.
03/08/2005 - 18:04 - EDT
W2 and 1099 arrived. Taxes just about done. I owe, so I've been procrastinating in sending them in. FL trip was ok. Seeing my parents' house in that condition (hurricane damage from last summer) was real sad. It was good to see the folks though.
My poor dog, it's as if I see her getting slower and older every day. :( She turned 14 years old February 19th!
On the home front, the complex is having the units painted and new garage doors installed. My unit is just about finished, and when I stopped home for lunch today they were installing the new garage door.
Still no work from my daughter's mom, except an email with her new email addy. She said she will give me her new phone number when she gets it.
My sister and niece are coming to visit March 23rd through March 28th. We are going to have dinner at the
That's the recap.
03/09/2005 - 11:10 - EDT
I'm not going to explain, but think about this. There are members of PETA that are pro-choice...
And what about the term "pro-choice"? Seems selfish to me. What choice are they giving the unborn fetus? The whole notion of women saying that it's _their_ body is flawed. At the point they become pregnant, there are two bodies, not just one!
03/12/2005 - 14:55 - EDT
A slow Saturday so far for me. Doing some laundry, made bacon and eggs for breakfast, and will head out to get some groceries in just a little while.
I also got around to filing my taxes. I did them using TaxCut by H&R Block. Filed electronically. Bummer though, this year I owed.
03/30/2005 - 12:32 - EDT
My sister Karen and niece Michele arrived in California Wednesday night. Instead of staying at my appartment, they stayed in a local Radison Hotel. Thursday they went over to Stanford University to listen to a talk about the school. Stanford is one of the schools Michele is interested in attending once she graduates from high school.
When they returned from the university, we drove to Half Moon Bay to have dinner at the Moss Beach Distillery. We arrived early, so we enjoyed sitting out on the deck overlooking the ocean for a while before we were seated for dinner.
Friday we drove down to Santa Cruz, specifically we went to the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk. We all went on a few rides, had some snacks, and walked over to the fishing pier as well. Getting a late start and taking some back roads along route 1 on the way in the morning, we did not have time for much else. We did stop at the Pigeon Point Light House on the way to Santa Cruz. For dinner Friday night we went to the Macaroni Grill in San Mateo.
Saturday we drove into San Francisco. We went to Golden Gate Park and saw the Windmill and surrounding Tulip Garden. Since this is spring, the tulips were in bloom. While in the park we also stopped to see the Bison. After the park, we drove to the top of Twin Peaks. I've never been there before, and the view was awesome! We later tried to go to Coit Tower, but traffic heading to the tower was at a standstill. We had a little snack at North Beach Pizza in North Beach of course, then headed back. Dinner Saturday night was at the Portofino Grill near my home in Foster City.
Sunday I cooked breakfast (eggs, bacon, and kielbasa) and then went to my cousin Helen's house for Easter Dinner.
All in all, it was a good holiday weekend.
03/30/2005 - 12:34 - EDT
I ordered a new gadget this past Saturday as a birthday present to myself. It hasn't arrived yet, but I ordered a helmet camera from
05/25/2005 - 11:32 - EST
Nothing much has changed, which is why I haven't written in a while. I'm still waffling on what I want to do with the Springer, and still procrastinating on getting the Triumph to run consistently.
06/07/2005 - 22:29 - EST
My dog is sick again, let's just say she is having digestive issues. Went to the vet today and had her checked out. It was also time for a checkup and some shots for her anyway. So like last month, she has some antibiotics and the doctor told me to give her immodium for the digestive issues. I hope it helps, I haven't really slept much the last two nights. Actually she woke me up 1:30am Monday morning and I never did get back to sleep.
I got a neat little side job from National Steel Rule. I'm building up three servers to replace a single Gateway server they have as their smtp and dns host. We chose three SunFire v100 servers running Solaris 10. That's one server each for email, dns, and web duties. I'm looking into using Solaris "Zones" or Containers to make each server easily capable of taking over one of the other services if needed. Solaris Zones are like a chroot filesystem on steroids! Pretty slick. For more information on Zones and Containers, go to
I did run into a bug (confirmed by Sun Microsystems) with their new way of starting of services. They are replacing some of the /etc/init.d tasks with what they call SMF or Service Management Facility. It appears there is a bug that dns/named will not restart properly after a poweroff shutdown. But no big deal, I'll just have dns start using the good old trusty /etc/init.d method until Sun supplies a bug fix/patch.
In other news, the bikes are the same. No work has been done on the Triumph or the Springer. Too many pots on the stove I guess. But I did get new Niner's seats! My seat upgrade came through this season so now I have seats in the lower reserved section.
That's about it for now, I'm going to go pour myself a nice cold RedHook Ale.
07/04/2005 - 02:04 - EST
Well, the dog is still not completely well. The vet gave me some worming medication to give her. She's off that and now it's a wait and see situation.
Except for a final sys-unconfig and reboot to set IP addresses for National Steel Rule's network, I am done with the three servers I've been setting up for them. I hope to get them shipped out this week.
I replaced the faulty CD-R drive in my windows computer yesterday. I purchased a Sony DVD/CD-RW drive. Waiting to hear back from TDK on possible warranty replacement for the drive I removed.
A day off tomorrow! Happy Birthday America! I plan on watching the fireworks display put on in Foster City tomorrow night.
So I'm curious if anyone is reading this... If so, please send an email to and tell me what you'ld like to see me ramble on about.
Oh yeah, some good news. My parents will probably be able to move back into their house! They have been displaced since Hurricane Charles last year.
Until next time people.
07/15/2005 - 21:37 - EST
Yesterday I interviewed at
07/15/2005 - 21:41 - EST
The group I work with at the postal service has been given notice that things are going to change as of the September. The reasons are far too vast and political to explain here. But although the group _may_ stay intact, we will likely not be working in the postal building anymore. So far the planning has been extremely shortsighted, but that really isn't surprising. We may know more August 1st.
07/15/2005 - 21:43 - EST
I have a whistle sound once the bike warms up. So far only at speed, but the sound could mean a few things. One of the more serious issues could be a bad head gasket.
As they say, "when it rains, it pours"
07/18/2005 - 11:39 - EST
My TV has started get flaky. Picture gets blurry, or turns into a single line across the middle.
I've been wanting a new TV for some time now. So I went to Video Only in San Mateo and purchased a Toshiba Flat Tube model 34HF85.
It's not in stock, but I should be able to pick it up in about a week.
I also made my flight reservations over the weekend to visit my folks in Florida for Thanksgiving.
08/21/2005 - 19:07 - EST
The Toshiba TV is pretty good, I now have to get some quality cables to attach the DVD and VCR for a better picture.
I brought the Dyna to Peninsula HD, and even though they had the bike for a week, they could not identify the source of the sound. They are blaming it on the aftermarket pipes and suggested I put the stock exhaust back on. _Maybe_ next weekend.
Cindy Sheehan should really stop her 'protest'. If you ask me, I think she is tainting the memory of her son. Instead of being remembered as a soldier who died while in service to his country, Casey will be remembered as the son of the whiney protestor.
Not much else going on really. I have some home made spaghetti sauce simmering on the stove, and the appartment is starting to have a nice aroma.
With respect to the employment situation, there still is no clear direction on what is happening to the group I work in. With just six weeks before September 30, you would think that the powers that be would be professional enough to let us know what is going on. Who am I kidding...
10/16/2005 - 18:56 - EST
The new set of Rineharts showed up Thursday. I swapped them out Saturday. This may be premature, but I believe the old pipes were the source of the wierd whistle at high RPMs. I nice 50 mile blast today at speeds around 75/80 for the most part and I haven't yet heard the mystery sound.
Bub sent me a label to slap on the box so I can ship the old pipes back to them. In this day and age, it is pretty damn cool to come across a company that appears to know what "customer service" means! When I sent them an email asking about the front heat shield separating I had no intentions of trying to get them warrantied. The fact that they just said "yeah, we changed how the heat shields are welded to the pipes, we'll just send you a new set" blew me away!
10/31/2005 - 13:21 - EDT
Happy Halloween!
Tomorrow is my daughter Reagan's 5th birthday! Unfortunately I haven't heard from her mother since February of this year...
Happy Birthday Reagan, whereever you are!
Jessi is doing alright. The poor old dog needs a dose or two of ImmodiumAD every once in a while, and she's getting a bit arthritic, but other than that she's doing fine.
Mom and dad were spared by Hurricane Wilma and I'm looking forward to visiting next month. I'm anxious to see what their house looks like inside since it's been totally redone because of Hurrican Charles last year.
Congratulations to the Niners for winning yesterday over the Bucs. I was at the game and even if the 9ers didn't win, it was a good game.
I'm happy that the pres signed s397 to help protect the firearms industry from frivilous lawsuits.
Back to work for me...
12/13/2005 - 12:53 - EDT
Nothing new with either of the two non-running motorcycles, but at this point that shouldn't be a surprise.
I am enjoying the new position at work. Most of the time, the days fly by! Being able to get things done and having attainable goals is a refreshing change.
Christmas is just short of two weeks away. I put my tree up Sunday and finished all my gift shopping. This year I did all my shopping online. I also have my cards sent out. Alas, I don't have any plans for Christmas yet. I wonder what my daughter and her mother will be doing. I really wish that Chris would contact me, it is taxing not knowing where your daughter is. <sigh>
I bought myself a Christmas present! Not having an air compressor since I left NY in 2000, I bought a nice Craftsman unit this past Sunday. A vertical 33 gal/3hp unit. It was on sale and included an accessory kit. The air hose that comes with it isn't the greatest, so I will pick up a nice 25 or 50 foot heavy duty hose from Sears or Home Depot; maybe this weekend.
That's about it. If I don't write before the holidays, Merry Christmas to all! Happy New Year!
12/13/2005 - 13:26 - EDT
12/18/2005 - 22:44 - EDT
National Steel Rule went to swap out a hub for switch last week and ran into issues. They called MBS Solutions who, as normal, turned a minor situation into a disaster. I just say, I have *NEVER* come across a more incompetent organization that pretends to know Unix and networking. I feel sorry for the other customers they might have. Many times over the past 5 years I have had to "clean up" after them. Either they made problems worse, or implemented horrible workarounds that would make even the most novice admin wince...
Work tomorrow may be interesting. Seems that my departure from the other group has left a hole in some needed knowledge. They want some of my time to do work that my new group isn't responsible for. But my manager has me tasked for other duties that have nothing to do with the former group. A morning teleconference tomorrow is scheduled.
Well, it's almost time for the Simpsons!
12/25/2005 - 13:02 - EDT
Especially to my daughter Reagan.
01/02/2006 - 20:35 - EDT
02/14/2006 - 16:05 - EDT
02/17/2006 - 11:34 - EDT
02/17/2006 - 12:17 - EDT
So what's new you ask?
The non-running motorcycles are in the same state that they have been. I did get down to Raber's in San Jose a couple of weeks ago. I was there asking about the availability of AGM (Absorbent Glass Mat) batteries for the Triumph as well as the Sparx high output alternator and a Boyer electronic ignition. All in all, those parts will put me back around $500. They were not familiar with the AGM batteries. I may order a battery from I'm still undecided as to what to do with regard to the motor for the Springer.
I get Presidents' Day off, so I have a three day weekend. If I get a 1099 I'm waiting for I will probably do my taxes over the weekend.
The Cisco 2811 router for National Steel Rule was shipped out last week. It should arrive there Monday or Tuesday. I am hoping the swap goes smoothly since I can't be there in person to assist.
I guess that's it for now.
02/19/2006 - 22:58 - EDT
Now I'm just relaxing in front of the TV. A little white wine as well.
02/26/2006 - 12:11 - EDT
A few hours after dropping off the bike, I was informed that the gas tank does indeed need replacement and that I will be without the bike for about 4 weeks. That sucks!
Yesterday I did order an AGM battery from for the Triumph. I will probably head down to Rabers in the next week or two to pick up the HO Alternator and possbily the Boyer Electronic ignition.
02/28/2006 - 12:32 - EDT
When I got home from work yesterday, I had to light the pilot light for my hot water heater. I have to light it again when I get home this afternoon, but I did have enough hot water for a shower this morning. The hot water heater is in an enclosure off my deck, which is why I end up having to light the pilot light whenever we get windy weather.
Not much going on today. Installing patches on some servers at work.
03/03/2006 - 13:53 - EDT
Thr AGM battery for my Triumph chopper arrived yesterday. It is currently in the garage getting charged. Perhaps tomorrow I will see how easy the old bike starts.
03/04/2006 - 17:16 - EDT
Since it sat for a while I've got the carb apart for a good cleaning. I probably should grab my gas can and get some fresh fuel too.
Peninsula HD called me yesterday. The new gas tank was in. But they found that they have to replace a fuel line when installing it today. That wasn't in stock, so I don't get the Dyna back today.
03/11/2006 - 14:08 - EDT
There was some issues with my cable internet service. I used to have an RCA DCM215 modem (supplied by Comcast). I was having to reset it two or three times a day over the past couple weeks. I got home from work Wednesday and the connection wouldn't stay live for more than 10 minutes at a time! I called and a service technician came out Thursday. He ended up giving me a new modem (Motorola SB5101) and found that someone had run a tee of my cable connection. It's been fine since!
I may take a look at the timing on the Triumph later today, but maybe not.
03/19/2006 - 17:56 - EDT
Yesterday in the morning I did a bunch of work for National Steel Rule, and this morning I had to VPN into work and install OS patches on a couple production servers.
I haven't tried to get the Triumph started any more. Maybe next weekend.
04/29/2006 - 18:15 - EST
The Triumph hasn't been worked on in a while, I'm debating on installing an electronic ignition or keeping the old points and condensor setup.
As for the Springer, still no progress. I've been told I'm getting a bonus from work, and that may be the decision maker.
The Dyna has been good since getting it back from the dealer. Not much chance to ride it until recently with all the rain we've had. The neutral light wasn't working the past couple days. I looked at it just a little while ago, and I believe the problem was just a loose bulb. Some riding will prove me right or wrong.
I've made my plans for visiting NY in June/July. Both my nieces graduate from high school so it's a good excuse to visit and see friends as well as family.
I need to get motivated and buy cards and gifts. May is a busy month for me in that respect. A couple birthdays, Mothers' Day, and my parents' wedding anniversary. Maybe tomorrow afternoon.
That's about all I can think of for now, so take care all.
05/21/2006 - 19:47 - EST
My good friend Jim Connelly called with news that another good friend, Jim Salkeld, passed away. I am waiting word on the exact cause, but he had several health issues related to Diabetes.
I had planned on visiting NY at the end of June, but that is now dependant on Jessi's health. I can't in good conscience leave her in a kennel, and asking a friend to dog sit when she's not doing so well isn't a good idea either.
Still waiting on the bonus from work so I can proceed with getting the Springer back on the road. No work done to the Triumph.
Until next time.
05/23/2006 - 21:27 - EST
I see her normal veterinarian Thursday afternoon for a follow-up.
Aside from that, not much else going on.
05/25/2006 - 20:15 - EST
06/03/2006 - 18:57 - EST
Today I made it down to Raber's Parts Mart to get parts for the Triumph. I picked up a Boyer Ignition, Coil, and a Sparx Hi-Output Alternator kit.
I still haven't received the bonus from Northrop Grumman, but I did find out it won't cover the cost of a 96 inch S&S motor for the Springer.
Other than that, not much else to add here. I did make some changes to my online Guestbook utilizing SQLite. Now the data from the form is added to a database and an MD5 Hash is calculated and sent to the email address input from the form. That email contains a link that when selected, will add the entry to the guestbook. This validates email addresses and has stopped recent spammers from adding garbage to my guestbook.
Time to start making dinner.
Take care all!
07/04/2006 - 12:39 - EST
I'm posting this from home, so I didn't go to NY on my vacation as planned. Jessi is doing better, but that was one of the factors in my decision. My parents were also in NY visiting, but they decided to head back to Florida early (last Tuesday, June 29th). I still took the time off from work. I'm enjoying the fact that I've done just about nothing for the past week! Tomorrow is my last day of vacation.
I'm having a few friends over today for a little BBQ. Nothing elaborate, just grilling a few steaks, maybe some burgers, and boiling some corn in the cob.
It's early yet, so I may give the Dyna a quick wash. It may be better to leave that for tomorrow.
The parts for the Triumph are still on my bedroom floor. But I did start looking at where I may mount the new coil.
Jessi getting sick was a huge distraction. Although I didn't go to NY, I still need to get my nieces graduation gifts. Getting American Express gift cards is probably the easiest solution.
07/24/2006 - 20:41 - EST
Again, nothing is really new. But I am wondering what package I am expecting tomorrow. You see, when I came home from work today, there was a FedEx notice. I hadn't ordered anything recently, and no one I know told me to expect a package. What has got me curious is that when I tracked the package on the FedEx website, the origin of the package is Sasktoon, SK. That'a Saskatchewan Canada! It's a FedEx 2Day box.
Tune in tomorrow, I may remember to post what it is!
07/25/2006 - 20:32 - EST
I had a suspicion. The package from Saskatoon, SK was my 49ers' Season Tickets. Past years they arrived in plain large envelope. This year a fancy box. They should have saved the money and made the beer prices cheaper...
The tickets did come with a special edition DVD of the 49ers. Not that I'm going to sit down and watch it soon. Afterall, I'm a NY Jet fan! I've been getting 49ers tickets because I like seeing games live.
Other than that, it's still a bit hot out. Quite warm in my apartment right now, but I think it should cool down ok. Temperature in my living room fell below 75F for the first time yesterday evening.
Time for some ice water.
09/10/2006 - 12:41 - EST
Not surprising, not much has changed. Being the end of the fiscal year at work, still awaiting word if I have a job after September 30.
The bikes are still unchanged. Triumph parts in their boxes on my bedroom floor, and I never yet received the bonus I was promised. After contacting my boss's boss, I am now told I should see it in my next paycheck. <sigh>
Aside from the day job, getting some things done for National Steel Rule back east. Upgrading a router from a Cisco 2611 to a Cisco 2811 has not been as smooth as I would have wished. Some small problems, but big enough to not keep the 2811 in service yet. Have to arrange a time when I can call Cisco's TAC while someone is at the site. Need to do this off hour since it affect their internet and remote office VPN capabilities.
Related to this is a project to get an out-of-band solution in place. It's been a while since a modem was needed to connect, but it is needed now and then.
Another project I will be working on is a NAS solution and a backup/failover server. Since they use SCO, not many 3rd party clustering solutions like Veritas VCS are available.
That's about all I can think of right now, so it's about time to walk Jessi and then go get the Sunday paper.
09/15/2006 - 20:47 - EST
Tomorrow is another attempt at getting the Cisco 2811 Router installed at National Steel Rule. Hopefully I will be able to get a competent engineer on the phone when I call Cisco's TAC and get this project put away.
That just reminded me. The IP range at one of NSR's other locations has changed. I need to update some documentation and router configurations.
Sunday is the Niners' home opener! I'll be at the game.
Time to walk Jessi.
09/27/2006 - 22:36 - EST
Did an oil change on the Dyna last week, so that's good for another 3k miles. I'm starting to get worried about its battery. Just about 3 years old, which in my experience is long in the tooth for a motorcycle battery. I may order one soon from Chicago HD, or get one locally.
More soon...
09/29/2006 - 12:20 - EST
I ordered a Dell SC1430 server for home. I plan to run Solaris 10 x86. I won't see it until sometime in October.
The nuts holding the front exhaust header on the Dyna loosened up. When riding home from work yesterday afternoon, I could definitely tell there was an exhaust leak. Lost one nut, and the other was on its way. Installed a new nut and tightened the loose nut and it's good as new.
10/01/2006 - 23:43 - EST
Definitely *WAY* beyond unsportsmanlike conduct when he stepped on Andre Gurode's head during the Titans/Cowboys game!
I hope the NFL suspends him for the whole f'ing season and a year's worth of his salary. Then the Nashville Police should arrest the jackass for assault with a deadly weapon (cleated shoes).
10/14/2006 - 14:35 - EST
The Dell SC1430 arrived before expected, last Thursday the 5th of October.
As for SC1430, I had issues atempting to install Solaris 10. It appears the
I was hoping for a Mets-A's World Series so I can maybe catch a game across
In other news, I discovered the Durango had a flat tire Tuesday. I have been
Well, my coffee is finished and my dryer buzzed. Time to get some other
11/01/2006 - 11:21 - EDT
Happy 6th birthday to my daughter.
12/24/2006 - 00:39 - EDT
I finished Christmas shopping early this year. I was able to wrap gifts myself and ship them out with time to spare. The tree was put up last week.
The battery in the Dyna seemed to be getting weak. I picked up a new one today. It's currently on the battery tender. I may install it tomorrow, but the last Niner home game is also tomorrow. Who would have thought the 9ers may make it to the playoffs this year?! But if they win the next two, and the Seahawks lose their next two...
I purchased a MacBook Pro for myself a few weeks ago! The 15" model. Sweet. I needed to replace the aging Compaq Presario that is close to 10 years old. Since I wanted to familiarize myself with OSX, the MacBook was a perfect choice.
Back to Christmas, I don't have any other plans. Wake up, have b'fast, open gifts (and record it on video so my family on the other side of the country can see me open their gifts), and watch football.
Take care and
Isaiah 9:6
12/25/2006 - 20:39 - EDT
It was a good day. Got a couple of cool gifts and installed the new battery in my Dyna. One unexpected gift I received was the first two season's of Ren and Stimpy on DVD from my niece! :)
This morning I connected my video camera to the MacBook and used Yahoo Messenger so my parents could see me open the gifts online in realtime. My mom got a kick out of that.
That was about the extent of my day. I watched the Eagles beat the Cowboys and now I'm settling in to watch the Jets play the Dolphins. Go Jets!
12/31/2006 - 01:37 - EDT
It was a *slow* week at work for a short 4-day one. To top it off, there is/was much confusion about the Day of Mourning for President Ford... Management... <sigh>
In other news, I recently downloaded the latest Solaris 10 release. I believe it is Solaris 10 11/06 or Solaris 10 Update 3. I also downloaded the latest install check CD. I booted from the install check CD and it looked like I could install the new version of the OS. So, although I had Redhat Fedora Core 6 up and running, I took a chance and attempted to install Solaris 10 again. I ran into a few issues, but the new version has drivers for my SATA disk controller and the onboard ethernet adapter! I had to run xorgconfig to get a higher resolution after the install, but I am posting this from the Solaris 10 box. :)
To "give back" to the community, I submitted the hardware configuration to the Solaris HCL. I *may* run the hardware certification suite if the machine proves to be stable for a few weeks.
That's it for now, good night.
01/14/2007 - 22:28 - EDT
A couple of new things. First, I ordered some 5Kohm resistor caps for the Triumph. Still haven't started to work on the old girl, but I have more parts.
On January 5th, I received an email from Yahoo! about a position. I was interviewed by telephone one evening last week, and now they want me to come in for a marathon 6 hour 7 person face to face. I wasn't actively seeking another job, but Yahoo! is one of the companies I would like to work for. At the same time, the list of Money Magazine's top 100 companies to work for was announced. Yahoo! is #44. I think I may try to schedule for this Thursday.
The season premier of "24" is on in a little while, so it's goodbye for now.
04/16/2007 - 02:28 - EST
I'm both psyched and sad for TV series. Stargate SG-1 and the Sopranos. Both just started their final seasons.
That's it for now. It's late and I have work tomorrow morning.
07/04/2007 - 12:17 - EST
I hate to say it, but not much has happened since I last posted.
Jessi continues to have her ups and downs, but for as old as she is, she is doing fine.
The Springer is still in parts, and the Triumph Chopper is still waiting for me to install the parts I bought in March of 2006! I did get a new front tire and front brakes installed on the Dyna last week. Now I need to start looking into the weeping front rocker top gasket. I have to read the shop manual to see how much of job it is. The Twin-Cam rocker tops are a different design than the Evo, so it may be alot easier.
On to my health, I have been having more frequent and severe bouts of leg pain. I probably should make an appointment with the orthopedic specialist. As a matter of fact, it's pretty bothersome today and somewhat spoiling my day off.
In Florida, my mom was hospitalized a couple weeks ago with leg pain of her own. She's now in a rehabilitation facility and sounds much better. As a matter of fact, I'm going to call her in a little while.
I've been playing with Mac's iWeb and started building a new site. It's been a learning process and I haven't been spending too much time.
That's about it for now.
Happy Birthday USA!
07/09/2007 - 16:07 - EST
I looked over the Dyna's shop manual, and I think the rocker top gasket change will be an easy job. Something else came up though. Friday I noticed a piece of metal in my rear tire (thank goodness not the new front tire!). I was hoping it just a small piece that didn't pierce the tire, but I removed it Saturday and it was a nail. The Dyna has tubeless tires, so I used a tire plug. So far it is still holding air.
Saturday I drove to my friend George's house in Pleasanton for a little BBQ with him and his wife. I took Jessi along since they were dog sitting and told me to bring her. After dinner we played Risk 2210 AD. I crashed in their guest room for the night. I headed home Sunday morning after enjoying a home cooked breakfast of bacon, sausages, and eggs.
Not much going on at work today, but I am having dinner at the Portofino Grill in Foster City with my friend Molly this evening.
07/11/2007 - 13:20 - EST
WRT world affairs and more specifically the conflict in Iraq, our typcially left leaning friends like to point out how it's always the Christian right that is guilty of pushing their beliefs on others. They like to make it sounds like the Muslims would *never* be guilty of the same thing.
But that is not the case as seen in this commentary and the Boston Globe story it references.
10/03/2007 - 18:50 - EST
Jessi is still kicking.
I now require glasses to read. Just about 46 years of 20-20 vision. Not bad considering both my older siblings were wearing glasses by the time they entered high school.
I still haven't changed the rocker top gaskets on the Dyna, and now I have to tighten up some exhaust brackets. The pipes have to come off for me to get at what needs to be tightened. Maybe this weekend.
10/08/2007 - 22:00 - EST
The exhaust bracket that mounts near the tranny was loose on the Dyna. I figured it was just that the bolts had loosened. Two screwed out, the third, well... It's a rare occurrence when the easyout actually works! How many of you over the years ended up having to remove a broken easyout and then the broken stud/bolt? ;)
Now only if I realized that a second bolt just broke in a different spot and wasn't just a shorter one. After putting my drill and bits away of course. Alas, I was dealing with my leg pain issue most of the day and only started late in the afternoon when it subsided a bit. It's supposed to rain the next couple days anyway, so it's back in the apartment for the couch and a relaxing adult beverage.
10/09/2007 - 13:21 - EST
Thinking about how much trouble I may have getting that second broken bolt out since it's broken about a half inch deep. At least rain is in the weather forecast for the next two days, so I wouldn't be riding anyway.
10/11/2007 - 20:36 - EST
Perhaps a celebration. For I removed the second broken bolt today! I purchased a set of Cobalt Drill Bits at Sears, and the fresh new made for metal bits drilled into the broken hardened steel bolt like butter. Better yet, the bolt wasn't rusted in so the Easyout backed the remaining piece out without a hitch. So, the bike is whole again.
01/01/2008 - 13:12 - EDT
Here it is people, 2008. As always, I didn't make any resolutions. Easier to keep them that way... ;)
2007 wasn't all that bad. Early in the year it looked like I was going to lose Jessi, but what I thought was a stoke was what is called vestibular disease. Much less serious. She had another case of it in October as well. But, it looks like Jessi is going to make it to seventeen years old in February! Work is pretty much the same, so nothing to recap on that front. As for personal finances, my stock portfolio is doing great and I've started to ladder some CDs. Yes, I am getting older. After having 20-20 vision for my entire life, I have now started to wear glasses for reading. :( Not all the time, but definitely when reading something with small print.
So what is planned for 2008? For starters, I'm taking down my Christmas Tree today. I still haven't addressed the weeping front Rocker Top gasket on the Dyna, but since the rear tire is down to the wear marks I will probably have the shop take care of it when I bring the bike in for a new tire. As for the other two bikes, no change. If anything, maybe in 2008 I have to motivate myself more to get back to tinkering and working on my motorcycles.
That's about all I can think of for now.
Again, Happy New Year!
01/26/2008 - 22:39 - EDT
This afternoon I went out and purchased a decent gun safe. I drove down to Liberty Safes of San Jose and selected a Lincoln Series Safe. A size 25 in a charcoal finish and factory lighting kit. The charcoal finish is special edition. The safe will be delivered and installed Wednesday morning. Buying a decent gun safe with room for other valuables and papers was long overdue.
On the health front, I had my annual physical a couple of weeks back. Everything is normal, but the doctor does want me to get a colonoscopy. I am also waiting to hear from Stanford Medical Center in reference to my leg. In the meantime, the good doctor has written me a prescription for Celebrex and Vicodin. She wanted me to try both. When my leg pain comes on, the Celebrex seems to only take the edge off. Good enough for a work day. The vicodin does a much better job of eliminating the pain, but a little too strong for using while at work.
Jessi is still doing well. Although as she ages, she does get increasingly 'irregular'. It does try my patience, especially when I have to walk her in downpours.
Until next time, take it easy, but take it.
01/29/2008 - 17:44 - EDT
Other than that, not much else. Work is boring today. I am looking forward to the new episode of 'House' tonight.
02/01/2008 - 00:08 - EDT
02/01/2008 - 23:10 - EDT
Here are some photos of the new safe.
Safe Closed 1
Well, I'm going to relax on the couch. Have a good night.
02/13/2008 - 22:21 - EDT
02/23/2008 - 12:57 - EDT
Renewal for my Forty-Niners season tickets came a couple weeks ago, so this morning I wrote out a check for 50%. I'll drop that in the mail when I go to the Post Office later. Ticket prices went up to $71 per seat. I hope they do better this year.
Another referral my doctor gave me was to have a colonoscopy done. I guess I am getting old. That lovely procedure is scheduled for this Wednesday. I'm still waiting for the prep stuff to arrive.
I've been doing my taxes a little at time over the past couple weeks. I'm using TaxCut from H&R Block. I've been using it the last couple years and I'm pretty happy with it. I completed my Federal return and I'm surprised that I'm getting some money back this year!
Well, let me finish my coffee and take Jessi for a walk. The old girl officially turned 17 Tuesday the 19th. She's getting less and less 'regular', and I need to help her up and down the stairs to my apartment. But, other than that she seems to be doing ok.
02/24/2008 - 22:26 - EDT
Not much else going on. I haven't checked in a little bit, but I'm pretty sure today's NASCAR race was rained out. I guess on the bright side, I only have to set my alarm this week for tomorrow morning and Friday morning.
02/26/2008 - 11:29 - EDT
So what am I going to do today? I really have no plans. One idea is to finish doing my taxes and e-file them. I also have the current issue of American Hunter that I haven't read through yet. Lastly, I am working on document that details all the 'moving parts' of a server upgrade I will be doing for National Steel Rule. So, I do have a few things to keep me busy today. If I feel motivated, I may go through more of a Ruby on Rails tutorial, or read up on RSS feeds.
Maybe I'll add more later.
02/26/2008 - 19:16 - EDT
But I did read through the AH magazine, and completed and filed my taxes.
I'm now having some tea while watching Judge Judy. Had a small bit of Jello for
02/27/2008 - 08:27 - EDT
I took the second dose of the phospho-soda just a few minutes ago. Washed it down with Sprite, and now I'm having a cup of black coffee. In a little bit, I have to run to Lucky to pick up some carpet cleaner.
02/27/2008 - 17:48 - EDT
Got back in few minutes ago. All was well. But now, I need a nap while the sedatives wear off.
05/29/2008 - 18:02 - EST
I was in Florida last week. My mom's service was Friday the 23rd. My dad seems to be doing alright.
As for Jessi, I had her cremated. The veterinarian's office called today to tell me I can pick up her ashes.
The Dyna developed some rear brake issues after having the tire replaced. I replaced the pads, and bled the system, but the pedal still won't stay firm. I have an appointment to bring the bike to Peninsula HD on Friday June 13th.
That's about it for now.
10/04/2008 - 17:41 - EST
After being on the NY Jets' season ticket wait list since two or three years
Another fiscal year for USPS has passed, and I am still employed as a
I still haven't made any concrete plans to have my hip replaced, but my father
Speaking of my dad, he's doing well. I am looking forward to visiting him for
When I last posted, the Dyna was having brake issues. Peninsula HD replaced
I miss Jessi quite a bit. But I am enjoying the lack of that responsibility.
The recent economic problems haven't hit me that hard. I had some stocks
That's about it for now.
Oh man... still a bit of OT going on. But not as bad as it was. But now, a few hassles with the way my employer is keeping track of time and OT.
Greets y'all.
H A P P Y T H A N K S G I V I N G ! ! ! !
Dinner at the Pacifica Beach Resort was quite good!
I almost forgot. All the gifts I ordered from arrived today! Not bad, as I ordered some stuff Sunday the 23rd, and more on Tuesday. I think I may start wrapping and getting stuff ready to ship.
Dinner at the neighbors' was pretty good!
Sad news. Yesterday my friend Drew finally succumbed to his brain cancer. And only 40 years old.
It's getting closer to Christmas. So, here's a humorous little column about sushi by Dave Barry.
There's nothing like a nice little 11 hour nap... ;)
feel good!
dryer and another in the wash. After getting cleaned up I have to
head to the store for a few groceries and a box of dog snacks.
Around this time of year, we're almost sure to either send or receive packages via USPS, UPS, FedEx, etc. And having to deal with those packing 'peanuts' could be a real pain in the you-know-where. Although now you start to see those air-bag things as well as good old bubble-wrap (
And a Happy New Year!
Not much happended this past week. No work was done on the bike. But I did order some parts from JP Cycles ( this morning.
Well, I went and did it. Today I purchased a 2004 Harley Davidson FXDLI, aka Dyna Low Rider.
I bought a new Badlander seat for the Dyna today. A little lower than the stock seat, but way harder. I also got myself a digital camera. So here are some pics of the new bike.
I now have just over 200 miles on the new bike. 500 is the breakin period.
The Dyna now has abuot 300 miles on her, 200 left for the breakin period.
Happy Easter!
Not much has changed since last entry. We had a little bit of wet weather, but today is warm and sunny. I have to head out and do some grocery shopping later, after I have another cup of coffee and wait for the dryer to stop.
Helloooo. and give it a good read. For those who aren't squeemish, you may find active links to the complete video of the murder of an american at the hands of worthless pieces of shit.
Memorial Day weekend. I even took off yesterday! But, as they say "the best laid plans...". I wanted to get some things done, and of course, just about none of it was accomplished!
It's Memorial Day!
Bub Enterprises Rinehart exhaust pipes. Because of the fuel injection on the Dyna, I will need to have my ECU recalibrated, so I'm not getting the pipes immediately.
It seems the dryer in my appt died this week. I'm waiting for the maintenance people here to give it a look and fix or replace. I *may* be able to the use the washer/dryer in an empty unit though!
The dryer got fixed Monday, and eLoan asked me to come in for an interview. Could be Thursday or Friday.
Tomorrow is my interview at eLoan at 3pm. Also, I have an appointment for Jessi at the vet for her shots and a checkup.
I was invited back Friday afternoon for more interviews! I think they went well. I should find out early this week if I am getting an offer or not.
First: I didn't get the position. No big deal.
Ok, so it's been a month since I last posted. Alot has transpired in that time.
The weekend is almost here. Due to a short lunch, I get to head home from work in about 20 minutes or so!
The Springer's motor is now up on the work bench. Cyclinders and heads removed. Just a few more bolts and the cases will be split.
It looks like my in person round of interviews is Wednesday the 8th! From what I've been told by the recruiter and the hiring manager is that I did very well on the phone interview.
A three day weekend! Although I did find out about an end of and era back home. It seems that Hicksville Fire Department is no longer hosting a Parade and Drill on Labor Day. I used to love to watch the motorized drills when I lived in Hicksville.
Ok, so I haven't posted a blog in a while...
I just finished installing the carb I freshly rebuilt on my Triumph...
2: set choke and give it 3 or 4 kick throughs
3: ignition on
4: fires up on kick #2
5: remove choke after about 30 seconds, idling pretty damn ok
6: set air screw as per mikuni instructions
It's Thursday. At least I know I'll be enjoying some fine raw fish this evening...
Another week in the books. After finishing my morning coffee, I have to head out and pick up some things at the grocery store.
Well, it's the day after Thanksgiving. Unfortunately I have to work today, so I'm in the office.
I had an interview at Oracle on Friday. I believe it went very well and I expect to be called back for a second interview this week.
I'm not in a great mood this morning. Oracle called me last night to give me the 'thumbs down' message. I didn't see that coming.
I just had to laugh while watching the news this morning. "Top Stories: Wet Roads"! The worse part is that people here really can't drive when it rains. By 7am the news reported 37 accidents in the bay area. 37! It's so pathetics, it's funny.
Merry Christmas!
It's a pretty slow week at work. We've also had a bit of rain these past couple days. I have to say, people in this state really don't know how to drive in the rain! Get a clue people, don't drive in the left lane just because you don't want to drive behind someone. Move the fuck over and people pass! If you're too nervous to drive, stay the hell home, at the very least stay off the freeways...
Happy New Year!
It's the first work day of the new year. Some news from the weekend. My buddy Spike (aka another Bruce) ended up having open heart surgery over the weekend. He went and saw the doctor Thursday, was in the hospital for tests Friday, and I believe the surgery was done Saturday. Eight by-passes! The surgery went well and he's now on the road to recovery.
Made my Monday a bit brighter this morning too!
#1. But, I'm on the right side of the lane. A second or two after I'm at a complete stop, I hear a blaring horn and the sound of screeching tires. Good thing I wasn't stopped in the middle (or even right side) of the lane. The moron pulls right up to my side, gives me the one fingered salute and some choice words and then proceeds forward... Now each
morning, 1 or 2 of Foster City's finest are parked off the street just after the bus stop. So I had a huge grin as I saw the lights come on! Not only that, _two_ other idiots just followed moron #1 past the stopped school bus! All three were pulled over just short of Hillsdale Blvd. I
made sure to honk my horn and wave at moron #1 as I drove by... ;->
Another day at work... But yesterday I found out that starting this past week, Northrop Grumman is contributing funds to my 401(k)! That's a bit of good news.
Moss Beach Distillery Thursday night. Since I'm on their mailing list, free dessert and a photo since my birthday is soon. They want to see Big Basin Redwoods State Park, and also check out Santa Cruz.
Here's something that makes you go "Hmmmmm".
Good day everyone.
My sister and niece returned to NY Monday morning (03/28). Monday also happened to be my birthday! Sorry, I'm not going to say how old I am. :)
New toy!
The helmet cam is a blast! Definitely a cool little gadget.
What can I say...
Almost another month has gone by...
The servers are shipped out and although I did hear back from TDK, I may as well just toss the old CDR drive. for a Senior Security Administrator position. I hope to hear back from them soon. But my trip into San Francisco has a dark spot. I have to tell you, the human race sure has enough low life scum. While my Durango was parked at a pay lot, some asswipe stole the hood badge! As I tell my friends, "people suck".
In other news...
Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Now the new Harley is showing signs of a problem... <sigh>
More rain...
Once again folks, sorry for not posting in a while.
Again a long time. One of the most noteworthy events is that I got a new set of Rinehart exhaust pipes for the Dyna from Bub Enterprises... FREE!
Greetings readers. It appears I have dodged the layoff bullet. Last week I was transferred to the Unix Engineering group, so that means I'm relatively secure until next fiscal year here.
I had a great visit with my parents over Thanksgiving! A neighbor and coworker sort of shared dog sitting duties. But it seems Jessi may have a case of fleas. Or something else. I guess I'll be making an appointment with the vet. Come to think of it, my annual physical is next Wednesday morning.
If you're curious about my opinion on the execution of Stanley "Tookie" Williams; justice was finally served for the families of the four people he murdered! I'm angry that they waited 20 years to carry out the death penalty he was given in 1981.
I took Jessi to the veterinary doc Wednesday. She definitely had a case of fleas, likely from my neighbor's cat when I was way. I was given some Advantage for her, and some antibiotics for the areas that she itched and scratched a bit. The doctor also gave her a shot of Cortizone. She is doing much better now!
Happy New Year Everyone!
Happy Valentines Day Reagan!
If I recall, today is the mother of my child's birthday. Happy Birthday Chris, wherever you may be.
I haven't written much because I'm just not wired to spend time each day to write down my thoughts, plans, and current events.
My dear old pooch turned 15 today! I got her a bone from the butcher as a treat.
Back in November (2005) I received a recall notice from Harley Davidson (see When I first called I couldn't get an appointment right away. After quite a few calls over a couple months I was able to schedule an appointment for February 23. That's three months after I received the notice and five months after the manufacturer reported date of September 19, 2005!
What a storm last night. Wind gusts reached about 70 mph, maybe a little more. Lots of rain.
Peninsula HD called today! The gas tank is in and my bike is being worked on. I have also decided to get new rear tire. I may get it back today, but they need to test ride it and if the roads are wet from the rain, they won't be able to.
I was out working on the old Trumpet. Installed the new AGM battery and tried to get it running. Got it to start a few times, but it wouldn't run for long. Changed the plugs too.
I just got off the phone with Peninsula HD. For some reason the fuel pump needed to be replaced, so now I'm waiting for that to arrive.
I was able to pick my bike up from Peninsula HD yesterday!
Hello world! Not much going on. We had quite a soggy season this winter. It rained 25 days in the month of March and just about the first two weeks of April. Now it's a nice mild sunny day with a bit of a breeze.
It's been a rough week. Jessi is starting to have issues with her legs. I took her to the vet Friday (5/19) and he gave me some anti-inflamatory to try. Yesterday was bad morning, I ended up doing alot of cleaning... Today she seems a bit better.
Well, Jessi is a bit better. The anti-inflammatory drug, Metacam ( appears to be helping.
I got back from Jessi's regular veterinarian. He suspects that Jessi has Vestibular Syndrome. I will continue the Metacam until it runs out and we'll go from there.
Not much else, heading out for sushi in a bit.
Jessi appears to be on the mend. I still haven't made a final decision on going to NY though.
We just had a brutally hot weekend. Record temperatures for the SF Bay area! It got up past 90 in my apartment Saturday and Sunday. It has cooled of a little today, and I hope moreso tomorrow.
Drumroll please...
So it has been almost another two months...
Well it's Friday. "Pink Slips" were distributed at work, and I wasn't a recipient. So I think that I am employed through the 2007 fiscal year.
I'm employed! I was given the activity code to use for billing as of October 1st. I think that's a good enough clue that I'm not being laid off. Northrop Grumman is taking some of the unlucky ones out for lunch tomorrow. Since I was working with them until I switched groups, I get a free lunch as well.
I received an email this morning that confirms the contract extension for another year! So that's alot off my mind.
Albert Haynesworth should be arrested!
I have some new toys!
But that's not all! On my day off Monday, I went to the Apple Store in Burlingame and purchased a MacBook Pro 15".
hardware RAID controller (OEM by LSI Logic - SAS1068) is unsupported. I
even researched how to create an ITU (Install Time Update) CD, but that didn't
work either. Even Redhat Fedora Core 5 is giving me a problem. It installs,
but on reboots I don't have video and performance is extremely slow when
using ssh to log in. I'm thinking it might have something to do with the RAID
controller and disk partitioning. One idea I have is to use the supplied install
wizard CD. It has support for Redhat Enterprise 4, but maybe if I use that to
first lay out the disk partitions, it will resolve the problem. Another choice is
to install Redhat Enterprise 4, which a friend of mine is going to give me a
DVD copy of next week. Right now I'm executing the full system diagnostics
just to be sure it's not a hardware issue. If I get Redhat to work as expected
on the SC1430, I will then migrate my environment and tools from the
ProLiant 3000 running Fedora Core 4 and install Solaris 10 on that. It is older
and more common hardware that I believe should have fewer (if not any)
the bay in Oakland. However, the Athletics are down 3-0 in the ACLS. The
Mets are 1-1.
thinking of getting new tires, so that forced the issue and I purchased a new
set of tires Thursday.
things done today.
Twas the day before the night before Christmas...
Merry Christmas!
It's not quite New Year's Eve here (I'm in California).
Tomorrow I'm off, MLK day.
Sorry about the delay readers. I hate to day it, but not a whole lot has changed since my last post. Jessi has had some bad days, and a few visits to the veterinarian. The old girl turned 16 in February, and she's still with us.
Hello dear reader.
Another Monday...
Not much going on. But here's a little politics.
I had today off! I had wanted to get some work done on the Dyna.
Tuesday morning at the office. Not much doing here today and I'm somewhat bored.
It's Thursday, or as I like to call it, Sushi Day! I am looking forward to chowing down on raw fish and brewed rice at Tokies in about an hour.
Well, I finally started getting things done. I took my bike to JLK Precision in San Bruno for the rear tire and leaking front rocker top gasket! I should have had them do the rear brakes, but I picked up a set of pads from Peninsula Harley this afternoon. Not missing much riding time anyway, as quite a bit rain has been falling here the last week or so.
Bummer. Liberty Safes of San Jose is expecting a big delivery tomorrow and won't be able to deliver my safe. Delivery rescheduled for Thursday morning.
The safe was delivered this morning! Seems the truck with the factory delivery has a clutch problem. Bonus, I have tomorrow off since I had to field a bunch of false alarms while on pager duty last weekend. I'll try to post pictures of the big shiny box tomorrow.
I was off today, to make up for time from having the pager last week. A little bit of leg pain, so I ended up taking about three Vicodins. Still stiff, but not in pain.
Safe Closed 2
Safe Closed 3
Safe Open 1
Safe Open 2
Safe Open 3
So, at my last annual physical my doc sent a referral to Stanford for my hip. Today was the appointment. First time the hip and leg were x-rayed since around the time I was fitted for the prosthesis in my left sneaker many years back. Yowzer! The left hip is pretty damned cooked. The doctor wasn't surprised at the bouts of pain I've been suffering that prompted the referral. He was surprised however, that they weren't more frequent or even constant. It wasn't until I got home that I thought that I should have asked if he could email me the images. All in all, I need me a new hip. But, I can't schedule anything until I no longer have to assist my furry four legged friend up and down the steps to my apartment. Who by the way will turn 17 this coming Tuesday. For now, she gets her Rimadyl, I get my Vicodin, and we crash on the couch...
Not much going on. Waiting for a big rain storm to blow through today. Going to head out for groceries later, and then send my parents and sister the combination and extra tumbler keys for my new safe.
I guess I should have the read the instructions sent by the doctor more carefully. I purchased the Phospho-soda today. I know that a colonoscopy is pretty much a routine procedure, but I'm still feeling a little uneasy. Earlier today I made a batch of orange jello. One of the things I'm allowed to have from Tuesday morning until the appointment Wednesday. I was tempted to make jello shots... ;)
It's Tuesday morning, February 26th. I ate the last morsel of solid food I'm allowed until after the procedure, some hard boiled eggs. I'm now enjoying some black coffee. I didn't want to go to work today, because it would have been too easy to slip and snack on the various goodies around the office. I take the first dose of phospho-soda at 7pm this evening.
Fasting sucks!
Good and bad. I get a little more from the Fed than what I have to pay CA. I
also added a few more pages to the server upgrade document.
dinner. I am looking forward to just being done with the colonoscopy.
Well this sucks! Jessi had a bout of diarrhea around 2:30am. So I haven't been back to sleep since cleaning it up. Now I really can't wait to get this over with. I'll be happy when I get home and can have solid food this afternoon. Good thing I planned taking tomorrow off. If anything, I hope I can catch up on lost sleep.
I have returned!
Once again, it's been a while. Alot has happened. On May 16th, my mother passed away in FL. Unfortunately, on that same day I had to finally put Jessi to sleep. 17 years, 3 months. Not bad for a dog. I'll miss them both very much.
Once again, it's been a long time since I last posted. A lot has happened.
before I moved here, I was informed that I can purchase tickets this season.
So I am now the owner of a pair of season tickets for the NY Jets! I travelled
to NY the second weekend in September to catch their home opener hosting
the Patriots. The Jets lost, but it was a great visit back home. I'm heading
back to NY again in November for another game.
Northrop Grumman contractor for the postal service. It's good to be
has indicated he will come out if I schedule my surgery early next year. I'm
thinking of somewhere in the February to April timeframe. My pop doesn't
want to be out here when hurricane season begins next year.
the rear brake rotor (and a fresh set of pads). That did the trick. As for the
Triumph and Springer... well... still in the same state. I really need to
motivate myself and get those running again.
Aside from the trips back to NY for Jet games, and the Thanksgiving visit to
Florida, I am planning on visiting an old friend from Hicksville down near Las
Vegas. Actually, I'll be at Dumont Dunes in California. But I think I want to
head down to his place in Henderson, NV and take the drive to the desert with
him and his family. He owns a sand rail, so that should be fun!
that lost a bit of value, but I'm still pretty much financially sound. Unlike one
of my coworkers who was part of the problem. He knowingly took on a
mortgage that he knew he couldn't afford, then walked away from it. I feel for
some of the people caught up in the downturn, but I have absolutely no
respect for this gentlemen. He continued to live in the house for months and
didn't look for a place to rent until he was informed the house was going to
be auctioned. He then had to scramble to rent a place for his family (he has a
wife and young daughter). If it wasn't for the fact that the bank received an
offer on the house, he would have been on the street (well ok, in a hotel
room) for a couple weeks! What a jackass!