July 9, 1998
Today I spoke to Mitchell Banks, one of the two small distributors who
called me yesterday. I had trouble getting the hang of pretending
to be a real filmmaker with a real commodity to sell, but it turned out
I could say whatever I wanted to and get away with it; the distributor's
job was to make me feel good so I would send him a tape, which I guess
I'll do. My friend Gary Walkow once warned me against distributing
tapes too freely, as opposed to making people attend screenings; he said
that distributors all know and talk to each other, and one person who doesn't
like the film can prevent a lot of others from bothering to check it out.
Maybe this is true, but I don't really know how many people are going to
be checking my film out anyway at this point--I might as well send these
dudes tapes on the off chance.
One thing that I realized during this phone call is that people at the
film market are going to be interested in hearing about my next project--I'd
better get a synopsis ready for the script I've been
working on, or rather trying to get to work on.
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