This brief talk was given as part of a Panel Discussion at the Eastern Small
College Computing Conference held at Iona College in October, 1995. You
might ask, "why a presentation from Brooklyn College, with approximately
15,000 students, at a Small College Conference?" My answer: "Our
student body may not be small, but our budget is."
The panel was originally proposed by Robert Workman of Southern Connecticutt
State University. It was organized by him along with Wayne Spies, also of
SCSU, who served as moderator. Other participants in the panel were Barry
Burd of Drew University and Jerry Cole of New York Institutie of Technology.

NOTE: The CS 1.5 course referred to in the next slide corresponds to
CIS 15 at Brooklyn College. It is characterized here as "CIS 1.5"
because it is is approximately intermediate between the "typical"
ACM CS 1 and ACM CS2 courses. To make matters more confusing, the Brooklyn
College course that approximately correspons to the first two thirds of
ACM CS1 is numbered CIS 1.5!

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