DP: A library for building portable,
reliable distributed applications
David Arnow,
Department of Computer
and Information Science
Brooklyn College City
University of New York
Brooklyn, New
York 11210
e-mail: arnow@sci.brooklyn.cuny.edu
ABSTRACT: DP is a library of process management and communication
tools for writing portable, reliable distributed applications. It provides
support for a flexible set of message operations as well as process creation
and management. It has been successfully used in developing distributed
Monte Carlo, disjunctive programming and integer goal programming codes.It
differs from PVM and similar libraries in its support for lightweight, unreliable
messages, as well as asynchronous delivery of interrupt-generating messages.
In addition, DP supports the development of long-running distributed applications
tolerant to the failure or loss of a subset of its processors.
Publication Information: This Brooklyn College Technical
Report was presented at the Winter USENIX conference in New Orleans in 1995
and appeared in the conference proceedings: DP - a library for building
reliable, portable distributed programming systems. Proceedings of the
USENIX Winter '95 Technical Conference. New Orleans, Jan. 1995.
Acknowledgment of Support: This work was in part
supported by PSC-CUNY Grant number 6-63278, PSC-CUNY Grant number 6-64184.
(1) Distributed Programming Tools
Although the increase in diversity and availability of parallel multiprocessors
shows no sign of abatement, the one truly ubiquitous parallel computer system
continues to be the LAN of workstations and the one massively parallel system
to which "everyone" has access, if not authorization, is the Internet.
Recognition of network computing as an important platform for parallel computing
and the desirability of high-level and portable programming systems has
resulted in the widespread development of a host of message-passing based
programming environments.
Initially, much of this effort went into the design of programming languages
or language extensions. An extensive review of these is given by Bal [Bal89].
Each language, besides providing a higher semantic level and portability
expresses a view as to how a distributed program ought to be conceived.
These views may be limiting. For example, many languages (e.g. SR [Andrews82])
are strongly influenced by the semantic restrictions (synchronous message
passing) advocated by Hoare [Hoare78]. Other languages adopt an asynchronous
message semantics (for example, NIL [Strom83]). Still others hide message
passing altogether, and present a paradigm different from that of a distributed
system. Most notable among these are parallel logic programming languages
such as PARLOG [Clark88], the shared memory model of LINDA [Gelernter85],
or more recently Concert/C [Aurebach92; Goldberg93].
Languages for distributed systems are necessarily designed with a particular
paradigm in mind and as such must impose some restrictions in order to maintain
the integrity of that paradigm. The portability of their implementation
is not trivial. Perhaps even most significantly, new languages require a
substantial reinvestment on the part of users. Therefore, as the locus of
interest in parallel network computing changed from language designers to
users, there has been a shift to the design of libraries of standard routines
or of environments consisting of supporting processes as well as libraries.
While the programmer is no longer protected by a language, a greater flexibility
and portability can be achieved.
One such environment is PVM [Sunderam90; Geist92], which is implemented
on a variety of Unix systems and enjoys extensive use by computational scientists.
Others include NMP [Marsland91] and P4 [Butler92]. The performance of these
systems and others has recently been reviewed in two papers [Douglas93 and
Parsons94]. In response to both the proliferation of such environments and
the use of PVM as a de facto standard, the past two years have seen an effort
to develop a standard for these environments, MPI [MPI93].
All of these environments provide varying degrees of flexibility, portability
and scalability, with PVM providing the most. However, none of them offer
the flexibility that my applications required. Furthermore, none offer the
kind of reliability that is necessary for conveniently scaling up to long
computations involving many workstations.
(2) Wanted: Portability, Flexibility and Reliability
Portability. DP was developed as a result of my own experiences writing
distributed programs that ran on LANs and the Internet itself from 1988-1991.
These programs included Monte Carlo and other scientific calculations as
well as operations research programs. Writing the process management and
communication code directly in the native system primitives was maddeningly
non-portable even though all the systems involved were either some flavor
of Unix or inspired by Unix. The programs were parallelizations of large
existing codes, and the necessary interprocess communication was embedded
deeply so rewriting these programs in a different language was out of the
Flexibility. Most frustrating was the loss of flexibility (with respect
to use of the native system primitives) that results from the use of any
of the other distributed languages or programming environments available
then and now. The communication facilities available in these systems (and
described in the proposed MPI standard) do not support interrupting messages.
Thus, a process receiving a message must invoke a receive operation explicitly
at each point that a message is sought. The receive operation is typically
allowed to be blocking or non-blocking, so both barriers and polling are
readily available to the programmer.
In situations where a process cannot proceed at all until data from an incoming
message has been received, these message semantics pose no problem- it is
entirely natural to explicitly encode message receive operations just prior
to the use of the needed data in the program and entirely proper for these
operations to be blocking.
However, there are situations, for example in the Monte Carlo and in disjunctive
programming applications in which the I was interested, where:
- (a) incoming data serves "merely" to increase the efficiency
of the processes computation
- (b) it is not certain that the incoming data will arrive at all!
In these situations, it is both unnatural and extremely inefficient to explicitly
encode non-blocking receive operations in the process's application code.
In some cases, the problem is mitigated by the availability of threads.
A dedicated input thread can integrate the contents of an incoming message
into the process's data objects without the need for polling. However, it
may be that the only way to efficiently respond to the new information is
for the main thread to make an abrupt change in its control, i.e. to make
an sudden jump out of its current nested routine stack. In the absence of
an inter-thread signaling facility, there is no way for the main thread
to recognize the need for this short of testing an object in its own address
space- cheaper than executing non-blocking receives, but still inefficient.
Another loss of flexibility is the inability to send fast UDP-style messages
in situations where message unreliability may not be a serious drawback.
Operating system services often have this characteristic, but, surprisingly
perhaps, so do some applications. Consider, for example, a large Monte Carlo
calculation involving thousands of random walks. It is often the case that
if a small fraction of these are, at random, lost (as a result of message
loss), then the impact is "only" an increase in variance. If as
a result of permitting such losses, the computation can run faster and hence
have a greater sample size, then the benefit could outweigh the loss.
Reliability- for the sake of scalability. Although reliability was
decidedly not an initial concern of this project, the project's own success
forced the issue. The applications that most readily make use of DP are
those which have a high computational cost and which are parallelizable.
But by running a parallelized application over a great number of workstations
on a LAN for a long time, the likelihood of zero workstation reboots during
the course of a single computation began to become uncomfortably low. In
order to more fully realize the potential for the exploitation of networks
and internetworks of workstations, greater reliability is essential. So,
as the project developed, increased reliability (with respect to single
workstation failure) became a goal.
In summary, the DP library was designed with the following goals:
- Flexibility and power: The primitives must provide the power
to perform most distributed programming functions. The application programmer
should not lose any functionality or efficiency by using DP instead of the
native system primitives.
- Portability: The primitives should be implementable on most,
if not all, distributed computing platforms.
- Reliability: the loss due to external circumstances of one or
all processes on a single workstation should have no impact on the outcome
of a distributed computation other than a short delay, provided that the
processes involved do not conduct any i/o other than message sending and
With the exception of not providing a broadcast or multicast message facility,
DP meets these goals. On the other hand, in comparison to other distributed
programming environments and languages, DP provides a very low-level application
interface. There is no typing of messages, minimal support of data format
conversions, no queuing of synchronous messages, and no concept of conditional
receives. There is, however, a higher-level distributed programming support
environments, stdDP [Arnow94] that provides those services and is implemented
using DP.
(2.1) A sketch of a motivating application: capacitiated warehouse location
To clarify the kind of problem that demands the interrupting message facility
that is absent from other environments, we present one example: the capacitated
warehouse location problem- a classic operations research problem.
The goal is to supply the needs of customers from a group of proposed warehouses
and to minimize monthly cost. Using a warehouse requires a fixed monthly
charge and there is the cost of supplying all or part of a customer's requirements
from a given warehouse. The problem is to determine which warehouses to
open so as to minimize cost while meeting demand. Although the problem is
NP-hard, good results can be achieved using Branch-and-Cut and Branch-and-Bound
techniques. Worker processes are given portions of the search tree to explore
and communicate intermediate results to another. Idle worker processes are
given new tasks by master processes which, must obtain these from busy worker
processes. Worker processes can complete their tasks significantly more
rapidly through pruning by "knowing" the current global minimal
Both of these operations- obtaining the new global minimum and paring the
current subtree to define and transmit a new task- are in response to arriving
messages, the number of which is unknown. Polling, besides being inefficient
requires an inordinate modification of the original code. In both of these
cases, efficiency and convenience is served by providing interrupting messages.
This application and other related ones are described in [Arnow91, Arnow94,
(3) DP's services
Although of the same genus as environments such as PVM and P4, DP differs
from each of them in a number of important ways, primarily because of the
above goals. Functionally, the most important difference is its provision
for unsolicited messages whose arrival generate a software interrupt. This
provides a flexible method of sending large quantities of urgent information
that cannot be easily accomplished with, say, the unix-signal transmission
of PVM. It also allows a programming environment to provide a shared-memory
like capability. DP permits messages to be sent in the cheapest way possible,
when reliable transmission is not necessary. Messages can be received with
or without blocking. Process creation is dynamic and limited only by available
computing resources. Furthermore, DP can guarantee the reliability of those
processes that engage in no i/o other than message sending and receiving
in the event of a single workstation failure. This section presents an overview
of most of the services provided by DP.
(3.1) Process management
Execution. Execution of a DP application starts by invoking a suitably
compiled and linked DP executable program. In DP parlance, this process
is called the primary, though its primacy is for the most part just a matter
of being first- there is nothing very special about the primary. The primary
process and its descendants (those process that are spawned by it or its
descendants) constitute a DP process group. DP processes can only communicate
within this group.
Identification. Each DP process is identified by a value of type
DPID, guaranteed to be unique among all possible DP processes. The function
dpgetpid() returns the current process's id via a storeback parameter. Processes
learn the DPIDs of other processes either by being their parent, by receiving
a message from them, or when the DPID of a process is in the contents of
a message and is used by the receiving process as such.
The hosts file. In order to spawn processes, a DP program must have
information about the available hosts for process creation. DP processes
can acquire that information dynamically but it is usually convenient to
provide that information to the primary via a hosts file in the directory
from which the DP application is executed. The primary will automatically
read this file and prompt the user for the passwords needed to access the
networks named. This information is inherited by spawned processes.
The hosts table. Host information is maintained internally in a hosts
table. In DP application code, hosts are identified using integer indices
to this table. The table is dynamic- new hosts can be introduced during
run-time by the function dpaddhost(). This call is an alternative and a
supplement to providing host information through a static, though convenient,
hosts file.
Process creation. Process are spawned by calling dpspawn(), passing
- the name of the program to be executed,
- the integer index of the host on which to run the new process,
- a semantic packet to be sent to the new process; this packet is a program-determined
collection of bytes that can be used as an initial parent-to-child communication-
typically it contains the DPID of the parent, along with possibly other
application parameters.
The call to dpspawn() returns the DPID of the new process via a storeback
parameter. The entry point for the newly spawned secondary processes is
main(), not the instruction after the call to dpspawn(). These secondary
processes do not have access to the original command-line arguments nor
do they inherit a copy of the creator's address space- their data must come
from the semantic packet or from subsequent received messages. Guiding dpspawn
is the entry in the internal host table for the given host id. That entry,
among other things, determines the user name under which the new process
will run and most significantly the directory in which the program must
be found and in which the new process will start executing
Initialization. The first DP call any DP program makes should be
dpinit(), which sets up the necessary process and communication environment.
This includes initialization of DP's data structures and establishing an
address. If the process calling dpinit() was created by dpspawn() the caller
is given access to the semantic packet, described above. A pointer to this
packet is returned via storeback parameter to dpinit(). The size of the
packet is also stored back. In the case of a primary process, there is no
semantic packet and the size stored back is p;1: that is how the code
can determine whether it is running in the primary process or a secondary
after a call to dpinit().
The call to dpinit() completes the handshaking with the creating parent
process. The creating process cannot continue its work until the created
process makes this call. For this reason, the call to dpinit() should be
made as soon as possible. Upon returning from dpinit(), the process is a
genuine DP process and can partake in the activities of the DP family.
In all cases, dpinit() returns the number of host machines in its inherited
internal host table and stores back the host id of the machine on which
the process is running.
Joining a DP process group. Any non-DP process may join an existing
DP process group. For this to be possible, one or more of the processes
in the group must invoke dpinvite(). This call creates a contact file, which
contains all the information that a new process would normally get from
dpspawn(). All the joining process need do is invoke dpjoin() with the pathname
of the contact file as an argument. This call plays the role of dpinit()
and establishes communication using information provided in the contact
file. The newly joined DP process's identity can then be conveyed to any
process in the group. Note that this mechanism requires that the joining
process and the inviting process must share some file address space in common.
Finishing Up. All DP processes must call dpexit() to make a graceful
exit. The dpexit() function is the DP substitute for Unix exit() call; that
is, it makes a no-return exit. If a DP process fails to exit using dpexit(),
i.e. if it exits using the Unix exit(), other DP processes in the application
may fail. The main purpose of dpexit() is to withdraw the exiting process
from contact with the remaining DP processes prior to an actual exit in
a way that guarantees correct message transmission. The only argument to
the function is a string identifying the reason for termination. The string
appears only in the log file for the process and may be null.
Sometimes, it may be desirable for a process to cease DP activity but persist
in some other activity. By passing the address of a function to dpsetexfun()
any time prior to calling dpexit(), a process guarantees that dpexit(),
after withdrawing from the group of DP processes, will call the indicated
function prior to doing the actual Unix exit.
Bailing out. The dpexit() call terminates one DP process in the group. Generally,
each process's own logic dictates when that termination is appropriate.
In exceptional circumstances, it may be necessary to allow a single process
in the group to force termination in the entire group. In such a case, dpstop()
can be called. The dpstop() call force immediate shutdown of all processes.
The function set by dpsetexfun() is not called and the ensuing shutdown
is so radical that even earlier messages that had been sent but were not
yet delivered may be thrown away. The function receives one argument, a
string, which has the same meaning as the string passed to dpexit().
(3.2) Communication
Sending messages. DP processes communicate by sending and receiving
messages. For sending messages, the dpwrite() routine requires the DPID
of the recipient and a pointer to the start of the message body along with
the message body size. A variant, dpsend(), allows a message body to be
specified as a linked list. Messages can be reliable or non-reliable and
interrupting or non-interrupting. Reliability here means that DP, which
as I describe in section 4 uses UDP as its underlying protocol, will carry
out an ack/timeout/retransmit protocol that will guarantee the eventual
availability of the message to the target provided that the underlying network
and relevant host machines do not fail. Reliable messages are received in
the order in which they were sent. Sending the message unreliably means
that DP will send the message to the target only once and assume no further
responsibility- a much cheaper method of message transmission.
Regardless of whether the message is sent reliably, return to the sender
is immediate; the sending process will not be blocked during this time.
So upon return from dpwrite(), one thing is certain: the target has not
yet received the message.
Receiving messages. Logically, each DP process has two receiving
ports: one for receiving interrupting messages and another for receiving
non-interrupting messages. Non-interrupting messages are queued upon arrival
and do not affect the receiving process until it explicitly reads the message
with the dprecv() call. In the case of the interrupting message, the message's
arrival may force the invocation of a special message-catching routine if
such a routine has been designated by the receiving process via a call to
dpcatchmsg(). Whether or not such a routine has been designated, the interrupting
message must be read explicitly with the dpgetmsg() call, not the dprecv()
call. Both routines return the DPID of the sender as well as the message
itself and both routines move the incoming message from an internal DP buffer
to an application-provided buffer. If the latter is insufficient to hold
the message, the message is truncated. The dprecv() call can be made with
or without blocking semantics, but the dpgetmsg() call, because it is typically
used inside an interrupt handler where blocking would be inappropriate never
blocks. In the event that several interrupting messages arrive before the
system has had a chance to invoke the message handler function, only one
call to the message handler will be made, i.e., there is not a one-to-one
correspondence between interrupting messages and calls to the handler. Hence,
the message handler must be assume that there may be more than one interrupting
message ready to be received.
Longjumps. Sometimes when the message-catching routine is invoked,
it responds to the incoming information by modifying a global data structure
or sending out a message with requested information. At other times, however,
it must respond by making an exceptional change in the control flow of the
receiving process. The dplongjmp() routine provides that capability. It
works exactly as longjmp() does and in fact its argument is a jmpbuf that
was set by setjmp() (there is no "dpsetjmp"). The only reason
for dplongjmp() (instead of the standard longjmp()) is that the jump out
of the message handler must be accompanied by a re-enabling of interrupting
(3.3) Synchronization and timeouts
Critical sections. The application-specified message-catching routine
may be invoked at any time and may reference global objects. Thus, any other
code that accesses these global objects is a one-way critical section, in
the sense that though, upon receipt of an interrupting message control may
transfer from the critical section to the handler, the reverse is not possible:
control will not pass from the handler until it has completed its work and
returns. To guarantee mutual exclusion, such access should be preceded by
a call to dpblock() to disable calls to the interrupt handler and followed
by a call to dpunblock() to re-enable them. Upon invoking dpunblock(), if
any interrupting messages arrived since the call to dpblock(), the catching
function will be invoked.
Synchronization and Timeouts. Sometimes a process needs to wait until
some condition becomes true, typically as a result of incoming interrupting
messages. The dppause() call suspends execution of the process until any
asynchronous event takes place. The application may set a timer and a timeout
function through non-zero arguments to this call. Upon entering dppause(),
interrupting messages (and calls to the message catcher) are enabled and
status is restored upon return. Typical use of this function is
while (!some_desired_condition)
dppause(0, (FUNCPTR) 0)
The intent of this code is not to proceed until some_desired_condition,
which presumably depends on the arrival of a message, is true. Rather than
busy-wait, the program calls dppause() which will not return until some
event, possibly a message arrival, has taken place. Because many events
are possible, the desired condition has to be rechecked and dppause() reentered
if necessary. The window between the checking of the desired condition and
entry into dppause() open the possibility for a race condition and so the
loop is enclosed by calls to dpblock() and dpunblock().
(3.4) Restrictions and Application Front Ends
Except for processes that use dpjoin() to join a DP process group, standard
input/output/error are not available to the DP application. Thus dpjoin()
is essential if interactive programs are desired. Message-catching functions
may not call dprecv() in blocking mode.
Timing. All systems calls and standard subroutines that are implemented
using the Unix alarm system call (or its variants) are not allowed because
they would interfere with DP's own reliance on this facility. That includes:
sleep, alarm, ualarm. To restore some of this functionality to the application
writer, there is a special DP routine, dpalarm(t,f) which arranges for function
f to be invoked after t milliseconds.
Asynchronous and signal-driven i/o. Using the BSD select() system
call or making use of the SIGIO signal is forbidden.
Exec and fork. Use of any of the exec variants is forbidden, unless
used in conjunction with fork() or after dpexit() has been called. The fork()
system call can be used provided that the children do not attempt to partake
in the execution of DP routines. Child processes (but not the parent) may
do execs.
Application front ends. These restrictions might initially seem daunting
to the application writer. However, it is always possible for non-DP processes,
such as one intended to support an event-driven user interface front end,
to fork a child process which uses dpjoin() to become a DP process or even
which uses dpinit() to become a DP primary process. The non-DP parent and
the DP child can communicate using pipes or SysV IPC.
(4) Examples
A simple example: primes. The primes program, shown below, illustrates
the use of the DP interface. The primary process uses dpcatchmsg() to arrange
for fcatch() to be invoked in the event of an interrupting message and then
spawns two processes for every available host, sending a semantic packet
containing just the DPID of the primary to each secondary process. It divides
the interval 1..100000 equally among all the processes, including itself
and then uses dpwrite() to send the lower bound of each subinterval to each
process in a reliable, non-interrupting message (DPREL|DPRECV). The primary
then searches for primes in its own subinterval.
Meanwhile, the secondary processes have started and, having received their
lower bound by calling dprecv(), they too start searching for primes in
their own subintervals. Both secondary and primary processes invoke newprime()
when a prime number is found. For the primary, newprime just adds the prime
to the set of primes- this is a critical section because an interruping
message may access the same set and so must be protected with dpblock()
and dpunblock(). For the secondaries, dpwrite() is used to send the prime
number in a reliable, interrupting message (DPREL|DPGETMSG). The arrival
of these message cause fcatch() to be invoked, and the incoming prime number
to be stored in the set of primes.
To let the primary know that no more primes are forthcoming, secondaries
send a negative integer in a reliable interrupting message and then exit.
The primary waits till it has received the appropriate number of such messages
and then exits.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dp/dp.h>
struct semstr { /* most programs would have */
DPID s_id; /* other fields here as well */
} s, *sp;
#define MAXPRIMES 100000
int p[MAXPRIMES], np=0, IsPrimary,
nprocs, nhosts, done=0,
interval, myhostid;
#define RelInt (DPREL|DPGETMSG)
#define RelNonInt (DPREL|DPRECV)
sendint(DPID *dest, int i, int mode) {
dpwrite(dest, &i, sizeof(i), mode);
newprime(int n) {
if (IsPrimary) {
dpblock(); /* potential race condition */
p[np++] = n; /* so block interrupts */
} else
sendint(sp->s_id, n, RelInt);
fcatch() {
int v;
DPID src;
while (dpgetmsg(&src,&v,sizeof(p)
if (v<0)
p[np++] = v;
search(int n1,int n2)
int i;
for (i=n1; i<=n2; i++)
if (IsPrime(i))
primary(char *prog) {
int i=1, v=0;
DPID child;
FILE *fp;
while (i<nprocs) {
dpspawn(prog, &child, i%nhosts,
&s, sizeof(s));
sendint(&child, v, RelNonInt);
dpblock(); /* potential race condition: so */
while (done<nprocs) /* block interrupts */
dppause(0L, NULLFUNC);
/* write primes to results */
output("results", p, np );
dpexit("You're fired!");
secondary() {
int v;
DPID src;
dprecv(&src, &v, sizeof(v), DPBLOCK);
sendint(sp->s_id, -, RelInt);
dpexit("I quit!");
/* main: executed by all processes */
main(int ac, char *av[]) {
nhosts = dpinit(av[0], &sp,
&size, &myhostid);
IsPrimary = size==(-1);
nprocs = 2*nhosts; /* 2 processes per host */
interval = MAXPRIMES/(nprocs+1);
IsPrimary? primary() : secondary();
Capacitated warehouse location problem, again. A branch-and-bound
search for solutions can be efficently parallelized using DP. N processes
are created, N being determined by available hardware. The primary maintains
a set of unsearched subtrees- initially this set is take from the top N
subtrees of the search tree. When a secondary process becomes idle, it sends
an reliable interrupting message to the primary requesting a subtree and
then waits until it recieves one. When the primary's set of unsearched subtrees
falls below a low-water mark, it sends reliable interrupting messages to
all the active secondaries, requesting that they split their subtree at
the next convenient point. These will continue to split their subtrees,
sending (in reliable interrupting messages) the split-off branches to the
primary to replenish its set, until the primary, having passed a high-water
mark, sends them reliable interrupting messages to desist. This is very
effective load-balancing. The availability of interrupting messages here
is essential because of the unpredicatibility of need and availability of
search subtrees on the one hand and the undesirability of frequent polling
on the other.
An important element of the branch-and-bound search algorithm is the ability
to prune search subtrees when the best extremum the subtree can offer is
inferior to the best extremum already encountered. In a shared memory environment,
all processes have memory access to the best extremum but in a message-passing
network environment making sure this information is rapidly available to
all processes is both necessary and non-trivial. Using DP, this problem
is efficiently addressed as follows. Whenever a secondary discovers what
appears to be a new best extremum it sends a reliable interrupting message
to the primary, which multicasts this in lightweight (unreliable) messages
to all the other secondaries. Making these message interrupting guarantees
that the information will become available to the receiving process as quickly
as the underlying system permits. Using lightweight messages ensures that
the multicasts will not overload the system nor overbuden the primary. The
cost of occasionally losing such a message is minor: it simply means that
occasionally for some, usually small, duration, a secondary may not be pruning
its subtrees as effectively as it would otherwise.
DP is implemented using the socket system call interface to the TCP and
UDP services of the TCP/IP protocol suite, basic Internet services such
as ping and rexec and, of course, a host of Unix services. Once the basic
implementation issues were decided all of these services were used in the
obvious way.
Communication mechanism. The first issue to be decided was how inter-process
communication is to be handled. PVM and many other environments use TCP.
This is a very attractive choice given that much inter-process communication
has to be reliable and that TCP handles this within the OS kernel. Building
a reliable service using UDP requires duplicating much of this outside the
kernel with all the context-switching cost that this implies. Nevertheless,
DP's inter-process communication is almost entirely implemented using UDP.
The reasons for this are:
- TCP requires maintenance of connections and Unix (and presumably most
systems) place limits on the number of connections that a process can maintain.
The choice then is to take down and recreate connections as needed (too
expensive), limit the number of processes with which a process can communicate
(clearly unacceptable), or implement a routing mechanism. This would have
to be done outside the kernel, negating in part the purpose of using TCP
in the first place, especially when large numbers of processes are involved.
- Efficient as TCP is, sending a UDP packet into the ether is cheaper,
and because the design of DP was predicated on the desirability of low-cost
unreliable messages in many cases, it seemed a shame to pay more than necessary
for that kind of communication.
- The fault-tolerant mechanism, described below, is greatly simplified
using UDP rather than TCP. This was not a reason at the outset of this project
for using UDP, but it became a reason for being very glad about the choice!
Using UDP does require DP to guarantee reliable sequenced delivery of those
messages that require this service. In the current implementation, reliable
messages are implemented in the most naive way (with sequence numbers, positive
acks, timeouts, retransmits and a notion of "stale" messages).
More sophisticated implementations are certainly possible and in the still
"gray" part of the DP interface, there are calls that allow the
programmer to adjust protocol parameters such as timeout size.
Process identification. It would have been desirable for DPIDs to
be integers or some other basic C type. However, that requires some kind
of id-to-address mapping internal to DP. A problem arises when an application
DP process references a DPID for which its own DP runtime support does not
have a mapping. This could and does arise when DPIDs are sent in application
messages. To eliminate any need for a centralized or distributed id resolution
mechanism, DPIDs are not integers but 28-byte structures containing all
the information needed to address the corresponding process and more. The
additional information represents "the kitchen sink". Some of
it, in retrospect, has turned out to be useful- other components (indicating
what protocol- for example IPX- is involved) may never find a use.
There are parallel methods which naturally assign integers to a set of processes
and use these assignments in their algorithms. As it turns out, the use
of a non-basic type does not pose much of a problem in those cases. Programs
which use such methods do not spawn processes dynamically but rather use
a fixed number of processes created from the outset. The need to create
an initial DPID-to-integer map is only a minor inconvenience to the application
writer, and there are libraries, such as stdDP [Arnow, 94] built on top
of DP that provide this service, along with others. From an esthetic point
of view the chief regret with this choice is the necessity for providing
a dpidmatch() function. On the other hand, from an implementation point
of view, things are greatly simplified.
Process creation and initialization. Processes are created using
the rexec service. In order to spawn a process, the creator, after checking
the argument to dpspawn() as best as possible, forks a child process which
does most of the work. The child process calls rexec and uses the resulting
TCP connection to deliver the semantic packet and the internal hosts table
to the newly spawned process. It uses the same connection to receive the
new process's DPID (which contains, among other data, its UDP address).
This is the only use of TCP in the implementation. The parent receives the
DPID from the child through a pipe and waits for the child process to complete
the handshaking with the new process and disappear, along with its TCP connection.
This arrangement avoids the need for a separate call by the parent to recognize
the completion of the process creation. Although it compels the parent to
wait until the new process is created, the creator is still able to receive
and respond to interrupting messages- an allowance which is made much easier
by having a child process do most of the work.

Reliability. The scheme for enhancing reliability is inspired
by one used, in a different context, in the early 1980s in the design of
a fault-tolerant Unix box based on a shared memory architecture [Borg83].
Each active process is created with a backup process residing on a different
workstation. The workstation housing a backup must be binary compatible
with that executing the active process. Furthermore, because of the way
recovery is implemented, each pair of active and backup processes must share
some file address space in common (though between two distinct pairs there
is no such need). The scheme only guarantees against single workstation
failure, though it may work in the event of multiple failures. What it requires
is that the workstation holding the backup process not fail. So in the figure
below, had th backup of process C been executing on an additional machine,
say Sparc#4, rather than on Sparc#2, then both Sparc#1 and Sparc#2 could
have failed simultaneously.

When process A sends a message to process B, process B uses the message
and sends a copy of the message to its backup, B'. If the message is a reliable
message, B' sends the acknowledgment to A. Thus A continues to retransmit
in the usual way until it is certain that both B and B' have the message.
Redundant transmits to B cause no problem because they are simply stale
messages which an ack/timeout/retransmit protocol would ignore anyway. B'
saves all messages (until, as described below, a checkpoint operation takes
place). Upon detection of failure (see below), B' starts executing. Since
it has all the messages (with the possible exception of a few unreliables)
that B received, its execution will be identical. It will send output messages
that are redundant to ones sent by B previously, but these will be treated
as stale by their recipients and not cause any inconsistency.

To preserve the total order of messages as B received them, B assigns each
newly received message an internal sequence number. This number is passed
on with every copy of that message that B sends to B'.
Failure is detected in an ad hoc fashion. If process B periodically sends
dummy messages to its backup, B'. If B' does not hear from B after a time,
it pings B's machine. If there is no respond after a number of tries, B'
takes over from B.
Recovery begins with B' sending a recovery message to B's parent and every
process that B has interacted with. Processes receiving such messages revise
their internal DP process tables appropriately and propagate these messages
to all other processes they in turn have communicated with. The application
code layer never learns about this and will continue to use the original
DPID of B which will now be mapped to that of B' by the DP implementation.
Delay in this propagation of recovery messages poses no problem because
messages sent to B will remain unacknowledged and hence be retransmitted,
eventually, to B'. Furthermore, even if B has only failed temporarily (the
transceiver cable fell out, say) and comes back to life in the middle of
the recovery there still will not be a problem since it always forwards
any messages that it receives to B'. Any messages that a temporarily reincarnated
B would send will either be stale or cause the equivalent B' message to
be treated as such.
Following the transmission of recovery messages by B', is the roll-forward
phase. To avoid the delay that would result from having to roll-forward
from scratch, active processes periodically (and transparent to the application)
have checkpoints, where DP writes out the process's entire stack and data
segment to disk. (This is why the active/backup pair must have some file
space in common.) At the outset of the roll-forward phase of recovery, these
segments are copied into the address space of process B', so the roll-forward
starts from the last checkpoint. These checkpoints are done quite infrequently,
on the order of 10-15 minutes. The rationale is that anyone running a computation
on a group of workstations in which one fails should be grateful to have
only a recover delay of 15 minutes. The reason for the fault-tolerance is
for computations that run hours, not minutes.
To reduce excess message traffic resulting from redundant messages sent
by B' in its roll-forward phase, the active process keeps B' informed as
to the number of messages it has sent out to each process. During roll-forward,
these counts are decremented and no messages are actually sent out to a
given process until its corresponding count has reached 0.
This scheme necessarily requires a number of restrictions on the activities
of the active processes. One severe restriction is that they cannot be doing
I/O other than DP message transmission (or if they do I/O, its integrity
can't be guaranteed).
(6) Performance
A number of comparisons of DP's performance with that of PVM have been made.
One test involves a ring of processes passing a single message from one
to the other. Another involves a set of processes, each of which is sending
and receiving messages symmetrically to all the others.
In each test, a DP and an equivalent PVM program were run simultaneously,
in the same environment (same machines, same network, same directories,
etc.) Each program was given a timeout value and the number of messages
passed at that point was measured. Table 1 shows the ratio of messages sent
in the DP program to that of the PVM.
Table 1. Comparing DP and PVM
Processes DP/PVM: ring DP/PVM: set
8 1.33 0.82
16 1.34 0.88
64 1.23 0.81
100 1.36 0.90
112 1.37 1.78
These results suggest DP performs comparably to PVM, that DP may scale better
(probably because it does not rely on TCP connections) and that a more through
performance study is desirable.
(7) Portability
DP is implemented on SunOS, Solaris, AIX and on DEC RISCstations. Earlier
versions were implemented on the Alliant FX-8 and the KSR-1. A Windows-NT
implementation is underway as is a port to NetBSD.
Apart from its reliability enhancement, DP is very undemanding of the underlying
system. It requires the ability to spawn remote processes, send messages
without blocking and have interrupt-driven input. The reliability enhancement
described above has been implemented on SunOS only. Presumably it could
be carried out in most Unix environments.
(8) Retrospect and Prospects
There seems to be a gap between system designers and application programmers
in the area of parallel distributed programming. In this project, I started
out wearing an application programmer hat. I had a set of requirements.
There was no library then that came close to meeting them and even now no
other library meets all of them. At the outset, I had no plan, for example,
to provided dynamic process creation. As soon as I wore the system designer
hat for a while, that seemed to be a great weakness in the design. It seemed
that the flexibility to start with only a few processes and then as new
tasks are identified, create additional ones is crucial. Ideally, the programmer
would design the process structure of the application to mirror the logical
task structure of the problem. After taking the trouble to provide this
facility, I was quite chagrined to find that most of the DP users simply
assess the number of machines that they have available, choose a number
of processes about twice that number, and let them run, using a "worker
parallelism" paradigm, in which worker processes are given or pick
up tasks as they become idle. The reason for this is understandable. Available
hardware is the determining factor in the plans of these practitioners.
As I turned to using DP myself, I found I was doing the same thing. Is dynamic
process creation really worth the trouble?
On the other hand, the interrupting message facility and the unreliable
messages are used extensively. The former in particular has been seen to
simplify the parallelization of existing code, by eliminating the need for
finding the places in the code to put receives. The interrupting message
handler takes care of that. Message sends still need to be inserted into
the existing code, but somehow it is easier to identify the points where
there is a result to brag about (to other processes say) than to identify
receives. In cases where the reverse is true, then sending requests for
data can be placed at the appropriate points and the sending of results
can be interrupt driven.
On the other hand, the interrupting message facility and the unreliable
messages are used extensively. The former in particular has been seen to
simplify the parallelization of existing code, by eliminating the need for
finding the places in the code to put receives. The interrupting message
handler takes care of that. Message sends still need to be inserted into
the existing code, but somehow it is easier to identify the points where
there is a result to brag about (to other processes say) than to identify
receives. In cases where the reverse is true, then requests for data can
be placed at the appropriate points (send request in an interrupting message,
wait for response) and the actual sending of results can be driven by the
arrival of these interrupting messages.
The implementation of single processor fault-tolerance invites an effort
to undertake process migration and load balancing. Whether the admittedly
heavy-handed fault-tolerant scheme used here is efficient enough for that
remains to be seen.
(9) Availability
DP runs on Sun SPARCstations, DEC RISCstations and on IBM RS/6000s with
C and Fortran interfaces. It is, along with documentation and some utilities,
available from the author.
(10) Acknowledgments
While an undergraduate at Harvard, Haibin Jiu spent two of his summers assisting
in this effort. Jim Basney, a student at Oberlin spent a "winter term"
on this as well. I especially would like to acknowledge the work of Jerry
Chen, who while working on his doctorate at CUNY implemented an early version
of DP on the KSR-1 and with whom I have had many valuable conversations.
(11) References
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Appendix: The DP interface header:
#define DPRECV 0x00 /* not interrupting */
#define DPGETMSG 0x01 /* interrupting */
#define DPREL 0x00 /* guaranteed delivery */
#define DPUNREL 0x02 /* no guarantee */
#define DPBLOCK 0x00 /* Wait for message */
#define DPNOBLOCK 0x01 /* Don't wait */
#define DPFAIL (-1)
#define DPNOMESSAGE (-2)
#define DPIDSIZE 28
typedef struct {
char dpid_info[DPIDSIZE];
typedef void (*FUNCPTR)();
#define NULLFUNC ((FUNCPTR) 0)
int dpinit(char *prog, char *semanticp, int *size, *hostid);
/* RETURNS: DPFAIL or # of available hosts */
int dpaddhost(char *hstn, *dmnn, *path, *user, *passwd);
/* RETURNS: number of hosts in host table */
void dpgethost(int hid, DPHOST *hptr);
/* STORES BACK: host info for host #hid */
int dpwrite(DPID *dest, char *data, int nbytes, mode);
int dprecv(DPID *src, char *data, int limit, int flags);
int dpgetmsg(DPID *src, char *data, int limit);
int dpspawn(char *prog, DPID *newid, int hid, char *semantic, int size, int sendflag);
/* STORES BACK the id of the new process and
returns DPSUCCESS or DPFAIL */
FUNCPTR dpcatchmsg(FUNCPTR f);
/* RETURNS NULLFUNC or ptr to previous catch function */
void dpexit(char *exitstrng);
/* removes process from DP group and exits */
void dpgetpid(DPID *myid);
/* STORES BACK: DPID of executing process */
void dpalarm(long t, FUNCPTR f);
/* set alarm for user's function f */
void dplongjmp(jmpbuf label, int rv);
/* longjmp to label , return value rv */
void dppause(long t, FUNCPTR f);
/* set alarm for user's function f and pause */
int dpblock(); /* disable interrupts */
void dpunblock(); /* enable interrupts */
void dpsetexfun(FUNCPTR f)
/* set a f to be called when exiting */
void dpstop(char *stopmsg);
/* abandon ship fast */
int dpidmatch(DPID *ip1, DPID *ip2);
/* return true if match; else false */
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