Parallel Integer Goal Programming
David Arnow, Ken
McAloon and Carol
Department of Computer
and Information Science
Brooklyn College City
University of New York
Brooklyn, New
York 11210
ABSTRACT: We present a vertical integration of linear
programming, logic programming and distributed programming which in this
paper is applied to a family of administrative problems that occur in many
businesses and other organizations. These problems, which require integer
goal programming, are both difficult to model and computationally demanding.
2LP is both a modeling language and a language that provides control for
solving disjunctive programming problems. In 2LP integer goal programs can
be modeled in an elegant manner. Most important to this work, 2LP supports
a mechanism for bringing parallel computing to bear on these problems. Using
the distributed programming library DP as a substratum, we have developed
a scheme for parallelizing integer goal programs in an efficient way. The
result is twofold: a family of applications of broad interest and a systematic
way of parallelizing them on a distributed programming system.
Publication Information: This Brooklyn College Technical
Report was presented at the Computer Science Conference (CSC) during ACM
Week 1995 and appeared in the conference proceedings: Parallel integer goal
programming. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual ACM Computer Science Conference.
Nashville, Tennessee, March 1995.
Acknowledgment of Support: This work was in part
supported by PSC-CUNY Grant number 6-63278, PSC-CUNY Grant number 6-64184,
NSF grant number IRI-9115603 and ONR grant number N00014-94-1-0035
(1) Introduction
A large set of very common situations that arise in decision making can
be formulated as integer goal programs. For example, in scheduling personnel
many criteria must be addressed and the results must prescribe integer -
as opposed to fractional - numbers of workers to fill various slots. In
this situation linear programming and round-off techniques fall far short
because the scale of operations is seldom large enough to absorb the effects
of the round-off gracefully. Another example is portfolio optimization where
there are logical conditions since securities must be purchased in sizeable
lots and there are several criteria to consider for optimization such as
dollar duration and convexity. This is a family of applications which come
not from the scientific world but from a more workaday world.
In previous work, we have fruitfully combined 2LP, a constraint-based programming
language, with DP, a flexible distributed programming environment [McAloon,Tretkoff94;
Arnow95; Arnow,McAloon,Tretkoff94] to implement distributed disjunctive
programming. Here, we have extended that work and constructed a library
for supporting the parallelization of integer goal programs. Our approach
has several advantages, among them efficiency, automatic load-balancing
and the fact that minimal modification of the sequential integer goal program
is required.
We begin this paper with a brief introduction to 2LP. The reader can find
more information on 2LP in [McAloon,Tretkoff95]. Linear and integer goal
programming are then discussed in connection with a 24-hour scheduling application.
In section 4, we describe how one may parallelize an integer goal program
using the parallel integer goal programming support library. The implementation
of this library is discussed in section 5. Finally, in section 6, we discuss
results and future directions.
(2) 2LP
The 2LP language combines a logic programming control structure together
with a new built-in data type continuous in order to capture the modeling
methods of linear and mixed integer programming (MIP). Constraints on these
variables define a polyhedral set. The representation of this convex body
includes a distinguished vertex, called the witness point. Other structural
information and communication routines are also connected with the polyhedral
set. This collection forms an "object" to use object-oriented
programming terminology. 2LP, which stands for "linear programming
and logic programming," is a small language with C-like syntax that
supports these constructs and has its own interpreter.
2LP is different from algebraic modeling languages such as GAMS [Brooke,
Kendrick, Meeraus92] and AMPL [Fourer, Gay, Kernighan93] in several ways.
First, it is a logical control language as well as a modeling language and
so supports AI methods not available to the MIP modeler. Second, it can
directly code disjunctive programs [Balas85] and avoid recoding as a MIP
model. Third, 2LP supports parameter passing, procedure based modularity
and other structured programming constructs while the GAMS and AMPL models
basically consist of global variables and loops to generate constraints.
Fourth, the data types int and double in 2LP are the same as in C/C++ and
so the 2LP model can be passed pointers to data directly from C/C++ avoiding
a detour through a data file. Last but not least, integer goal programs
can not be formulated in GAMS and AMPL; in fact, to our knowledge, 2LP is
the only system in which one can formulate an integer goal program as a
single model.
In the context of parallel programming, 2LP has two unique functionalities:
on the one hand, the logic programming control structure gives the programmer
the ability to subdivide the application into parts of varying granularity;
on the other, the fact that functions from a distributed programming library
can be called and data shared from a running 2LP model means that a 2LP
program can be parallelized without any change to the 2LP system itself.
(3) Integer Goal Programming
Linear programming is oriented towards optimizing an objective function
subject to a set of linear constraints. In practice, however, the decision
maker often has several objectives to work on. The standard way of handling
this is to use so called deviation variables to "measure" the
gap between a feasible point and a goal and then to add these variables
with appropriately weighted coefficients to the objective function. The
weights on the deviation variables must correspond to the priorities given
the various goals. The measure used and the assignment of weights to the
deviation variables leave much to be desired both from the point of view
of modeling and of results obtained. Things can be improved if goals are
prioritized and an incremental approach employed. Using 2LP this can be
modeled in a straightforward way. With this approach goals can be formulated
and a program written to consider them in the order of their importance.
The result is a sequence of successively refined linear programs. In other
words, the constraints reached in satisfying one goal stay in place and
their solution provides a "hot start" for working on the next
When some or all of the continuous variables in an application are required
to have an integer value at solution, the application becomes a mixed integer
program. From the point of view of computational complexity, adding integrality
requirements has a dramatic impact and can make the models extremely difficult
to solve. What is needed is a branch-and-bound search done as cleverly as
possible. When there are several goals, several difficult problems are created.
This situation is called integer goal programming. Unlike the linear case
where the successive goals lead to successive refinements of a sequence
of constraint sets, there is a discontinuity in going from one goal to the
next in the MIP situation and the previous solution can not be used as a
starting point for treating the next goal. Instead, the previous solution
must typically be jettisoned and the constraints brought back to their original
linear state; then the result obtained for the previous goal can be added
as a set of additional linear constraints and the resulting new MIP problem
solved with the objective that corresponds to the new goal. Often the new
goal will require additional constraints to be formulated and these constraints
must also be included in order to work on this goal. In a more positive
vein, when a solution is found that optimizes the current goal, that solution
will provide a bound for the next goal: this information can be used to
force the next round to look for strictly better solutions to its goal.
To fix ideas, let's describe an example of this type of application. Consider
the problem of staffing a bank of toll booths, a 24 hour supermarket, or
other round the clock operation. Let us say that these workers each work
5 consecutive days, that they can come on at any hour, work 4 hours, have
a 1 hour lunch break and then work 4 more hours. For every hour of the week,
there is a certain number of workers required for that time slot.
To model this situation, one can formulate linear constraints to express
the fact that staffing requirements must be met. One can introduce global
continuous variables S[i] to represent the number of workers that come on
at each hour and global continuous variables X[i] to represent the number
working at a given hour. One can store the number of workers needed at hour
i in wneeded[i] and then define symbolic constants as follows:
- #define DAYHRS 24
- #define FULLWKDAYS 7
- #define WORKWKDAYS 5
- #define SHIFTHRS 9
- #define BT 4
Now we can express the personnel requirements by a call to a routine such
as the one in Figure 1 below.
However, this is not a linear programming problem but an integer
programming problem because fractional workers can not be hired! Since the
workers needed will vary quite a bit from hour to hour in the day, with
an integer solution we will almost certainly find that the number of workers
available at most time slots exceeds the number actually required.
Let's say that management's goals are to:
- hire as few workers as possible;
- have as few weekend workers as possible;
- have supplementary staff available in as many hourly periods as possible;
- spread the supplementary workers evenly among the periods that are to
have supplementary workers.
Then goals 0 and 1 can be formulated as simple objective functions. For
example the objective for goal 0 is
Z0 == sigma(int i=0; i<WKHRS; i++)
X[i]; // objective function for
// minimizing number of workers
Goal 2 will require additional variables and constraints to capture the
slack between the number of workers present at a given hour and the number
required; goal 3 requires an additional variable to serve as a uniform bound
on the number of supplementary workers and constraints to express this.
We now have four integer programming problems to solve incrementally. Let
us remark that for the first goal a quick and dirty initial solution can
be found by rounding off the linear solution; unfortunately, this usually
provides very unsatisfactory bounds. A better technique is to compute a
solution by progressive round-off by which we mean re-optimizing the objective
before freezing each continuous variable at the ceiling of its incumbent
value. However, the progressive round-off changes the feasible region and
the original region must be restored before the search for the optimal integer
solution can begin. All of this can be done in 2LP by wrapping the progressive
round-off in a double negation-as-failure and caching the results; double
negation-as-failure tests the consistency of a statement by running it and
then restoring the constraints to their state when the call was made. In
this way the branch-and-bound search required to solve the problem to optimality
can be given an initial bluff.
With 2LP we are able to formulate one program for the integer goal programming
situation. The coding method we employ to achieve the kind of discontinuous
progress required by integer goal programming is to use the if/not combination
which is similar to double negation but which also allows for alternative
action if the problem is not feasible. In the following fragment, Z0 is
the objective function for the zeroth goal, Z1 for the first goal, etc.
The variable Z0 is to be maximized, Z1 to be minimized, Z2 to maximized
... // linear problem set up
where, the goal solving routines are something like
zeroth_goal() {
if not { // conduct search for best solution
cache0 = wp(Z0);
cache1 = wp(Z1);
} then
printf("No solution found for goal 0");
first_goal() {
Z0 == cache0;
Z1 <= cache1;
if not {
cache1 = wp(Z1);
cache2 = ...
} then
printf("No solution found for goal 1");
With the parallel integer goal programming support library, we can wrap
the appropriate parts of the model with calls to the support library to
run the program in any number of distributed environments. Thus the resulting
model is independent of the number or type of processors used. Moreover,
the interface machinery has been designed to apply as systematically as
possible to all integer goal programming models. This support library is
described in the next section.
(4) Parallel Integer Goal Programming
In this section, we describe how an integer goal program, written in 2LP
is parallelized in our system. The basic idea, of course, is to have N processes
searching different parts of the decision tree which is created by the search
for solutions; collectively, they seek to maximize or minimize an objective
function. At this point in our research, for simplicity, the goals are serialized,
with implicit barriers guaranteeing that all active processes are seeking
the extremum of the same objective function. From the programmer's point
of view, the processes are symmetric. Collectively, they maintain a stash
of workorders, each of which is a complete description of a node in the
current search tree. A parallel integer goal (PIG) computation has the structure
shown in Figure 2 below.
A globally distributed cache holding the provisional extrema of the
objective functions associated with the different goals is accessible to
all processes. The processes themselves consist of three components: a 2LP
integer goal program; a library of support routines for parallelized integer
goal programming; and the application-specific code that serves to provide
the "glue" between them.
The PIG support library.
The parallelization of the integer goal program is facilitated by the PIG
support library. This library handles process creation and synchronization,
interprocess communication, and maintenance of the cache. It also manages
the workorder stash, in order to carry out task decomposition and task assignment.
All of these are transparent to the programmer. (In fact, the programmer
barely needs to be aware of the distributed nature of the computation!)
The programmer need only make a few modifications to the 2LP integer goal
program and write the application-specific "glue" code, described
in subsection 4.2 below.
The library provides five routines for external invocation.
- pig_appstart() is called at the outset by each process. It manages process
creation and initialization.
- pig_stashset() is invoked at the outset of each goal computation to
initialize the global stash of workorders.
- pig_getwork() is called at the outset of each goal computation and with
the completion of each search of a sub-tree. It provides a workorder for
the calling process.
- pig_split() is called when it is possible to split off a sub-tree from
the calling process's current search tree. The routine will only do so if
the workorder stash has fallen below a low-water mark.
- pig_brag() is called to update the global cache when the calling process
has found a new extremum.
Parallelizing the sequential code.
Although the PIG library handles all the parallelism, it requires some guidance
from the integer goal programming code. Once launched the 2LP model can
invoke but not be invoked by external C routines. Hence it is necessary
to provide an additional C module, the glue, the purpose of which is to
provide guidance to the PIG library and to provide information gleaned from
that library to the 2LP model. The module is inherently application-specific
(otherwise it could have been incorporated into the library).
Modifying the 2LP integer goal programming code. There are only four modifications
that must be made in the sequential 2LP code- all of these involve invoking
a routine in the glue code, which in turn makes a call to the PIG support
library. Two of these modifications are trivial: at the outset, an initialization
routine must be called. Second, the 2LP program is embedded in a loop that
repeatedly calls a routine to get a workorder. The code below shows the
modifications needed for the example presented in the previous section.
startup(); // call glue initialization routine
... // linear set up
and(;;) {
getwork(); // call glue to obtain workorder
// or to terminate
if goal == 0;
then zeroth_goal();
else if goal == 1;
then first_goal();
else if goal == 2;
then second_goal();
else if goal == 3;
then third_goal();
In addition, the programmer must identify those places in the 2LP program
where a new extremum has been computed and call a routine from the glue
code to update the distributed cache of provisional extrema. Second, whenever
the 2LP program reaches a point in the search tree where a branching decision
must be made (called a choice point), it must call a routine so that the
alternatives not taken at that point are made available to the global workorder
stash as a possible new task.
Writing the glue code. Thus, the lion's share of the work is writing
the glue code in C. Essentially, this module serves as an intelligent interlocutor
between the 2LP code and the PIG support library. It presents data made
available by the support library in a form that is accessible to the 2LP
code and guides the actions of the support library using information provided
by the 2LP code.
There are two objects around which the code revolves: the cache and the
workorder. The latter is a structure that completely defines a partially
completed task. Such a structure typically includes the following information:
- the current goal
- the branching decisions made so far towards achieving the goal
- extrema of the objective functions of previously realized goals
Other information can be included as necessary. The programmer must also
write any needed 2LP-callable C routines that encode and decode decision
information using this structure.
The functions that manipulate these objects can be divided into those
functions which are invoked by the PIG support library and those functions
which are invoked by the 2LP code. Below, however, they are grouped according
to purpose.
Workorder operations. The nature of the workorder is application
specific, yet the PIG support library uses the objects in messages sent
to distribute the overall task. The glue code must therefore provide some
minimal primitives for the support library: operations to copy a workorder
and to initialize it to NULL.
Cache updating. When a potentially better extremum is found in the
2LP code, it invokes a glue routine, which might be called brag(). This
routine will typically invoke the pig_brag() routine of the support library.
Load balancing. There must be also be a routine to be invoked by
the 2LP code when a choice point, as described above, is reached. This routine
which might be called choice() is invoked by the 2LP code and will typically
invoke the pig_split() routine of the support library. At the same time,
there must be a routine that extracts part of the current search tree and
packages it in the form of a workorder. This routine which might be called
give_workorder() is invoked by the support library when the global distributed
stash of workorders falls below a low-water mark.
On the other hand, when the 2LP code completes its search of its current
subtree, it will invoke a routine, which might be called getwork(), to obtain
another subtree to search.
Goal establishment. Because each goal involves different notions
of what constitutes a workorder, a routine, which might be called new_goal(),
must be provided for the support library to invoke with each new goal. This
routine updates variables that define the current goal and invokes the pig_setstash()
routine which creates an initial workorder stash for the new goal.
Stash setup. The size of the workorder stash is extremely important
for the efficiency of the computation. The size should be large enough so
that no process that has finished with a subtree remains idle for long but
not so large that tree splitting and its associated message overhead is
too frequent. The precise trade-off is application-dependent, and so the
glue must include a function which might be called get_stashsize(), to return
an appropriate size to the support library. In addition, an init_stash()
routine must be provided for the support library to invoke when it needs
to initialize a particular workorder in the stash at the outset of the computation
of a new goal.
Startup. An initialization routine, called by the 2LP code at the
outset, handles any necessary initial actions and invokes the pig_start()
routine which handles process creation and initialization.
(5) Implementing the PIG Support Library
Parallel strategies
The most important optimizations are algorithmic ones, which in this family
of problems means tree pruning. The integer goal code can bound the extremum
of a subtree that is being searched, and discard the subtree if it is known
that another subtree with a better extremum exists. Therefore, the PIG support
library seeks to distribute this information as rapidly as possible. It
is the cache mechanism that does this. When any process discovers a candidate
for the best extremum, the pig_cache() routine communicates this to one
process that is singled out for cache-maintenance. If this value is, in
fact, a new global extremum, this process will multicast it to all processes,
increasing the possibility of pruning.
The other main strategy of the library is load-balancing. This is achieved
by maintaining the stash of workorders, each a description of a search sub-tree.
High-water and low-water marks are associated with this stash. One process
is responsible for overseeing the stash. As processes become idle, this
process provides them with workorders. When the stash falls below the low-water
mark, it multicasts a request for workorders to all non-idle processes.
When the stash reaches the high-water mark, it multicasts a request to cease
sending workorders.
When an active process receives a request for workorders, it is generally
not in a position in its computation to respond. However, at the next choice
point that it reaches in the tree, it will split a sub-tree off, encode
it, and ship it to the maintainer of the stash. Granularity is parameterized
and under the control of the 2LP programmer, since environments will vary
in communication overhead. This guarantees that even when there are great
performance differences among the actual machines in the system, the load
will be well-balanced.
In the current implementation, a master process maintains both cache and
workorder stash. This asymmetry is invisible to the programmer and is not
even essential. In the current implementation it is just a matter of convenience.
How effective are these strategies? In the computation associated with each
goal, there are logically two phases: searching for the extremum and then
verifying that it is truly the extremum. The search phase algorithmically
benefits from breadth-first search. Rapid distribution of the cache is important
in this phase and only in this phase. In the verification phase, a more
trivial kind of parallelism is involved, because once the true extremum
is known, there is a fixed number of nodes in the search tree that must
be examined. Here the load balancing strategy is all-important.
Using DP
Implementing the PIG library requires the use of a distributed programming
platform that efficiently supports PIG's communication requirements. Both
strategies described above, i.e., obtaining and distributing the cache and
the workorders have a common aspect: they are data-driven rather than need-driven.
For example, it is a process's discovery of a new extremum that prompts
the distribution of that information to the other processes. That information
will be useful to the receiving processes whenever it arrives. Arrival however
is completely unpredictable. To avoid the inefficiency of polling, the PIG
library needs to communicate using messages that interrupt the receiver.
Because of this requirement, the DP library is used. Unlike many other distributed
programming support systems (for example PVM [Sunderam90]), DP provides
interrupting messages.
In addition, DP allows the implementor to send messages cheaply and unreliably.
This is useful when, as in the case of cache distribution the overhead incurred
by guaranteeing reliable message delivery is less desirable than the occasional
loss of a message. (Workorder loss on the other hand is never acceptable
and it requires reliable delivery.)
Finally, DP's message-sends are asynchronous, in the sense that return after
the call to send is not delayed by the system at all. This applies to both
reliable and unreliable message modes. This property is important in reducing
computation delays that might otherwise result from sharing information.
(6) Results
Tables 1 and 2 display running times for a sample application on Sun IPCs
and Sparc10s. It is interesting to note the irregularities in speedup. These
are not artifacts of particular experiments but rather result from the breadth-first
character of a parallelized depth-first tree search. For example, anomalies,
such as superlinear speedup, can occur when, as a result of the vagaries
of task distribution, a process discovers a particularly good solution early
on. Such a discovery may serve as a cut-off to speed the search of the other
processes. On the other hand, in the end-game, a process may not be able
to readily share work because it is not generating a sufficient number of
branching points. Addressing this problem is on our agenda for future work.
Table 1: IPC Running Times
processors 1 2 4 5 10
seconds 1380 1066 740 399 265
Table 2: Sparc 10 Running Times
processors 1 2 3 4 5
seconds 581 200 190 149 145
We also plan to explore parallelizing the pursuit of the goals themselves.
That is, rather than run goal n completely prior to running goal n+1, processes
would be assigned to explore later goals in order to converge more quickly
in a breadth-first manner to a globally satisfactory solution taking all
goals into account. This raises interesting algorithmic and communication
[Arnow95] D. Arnow, DP - a library for building reliable, portable distributed
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[Balas85] E. Balas, Disjunctive programming and a hierarchy of relaxations
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[Brooke,Kendrick,Meeraus92] A. Brooke, D. Hendrick and A. Meeraus, GAMS:
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[Fourer,Gay,Kernighan93] R. Fourer, D. Gay and B. Kernighan, AMPL: A
Modeling Language for Mathematical Programming, The Scientific Press,
[McAloon,Tretkoff95] K. McAloon and C. Tretkoff, Optimization and Computational
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[McAloon,Tretkoff94] K. McAloon and C. Tretkoff, 2LP: Linear programming
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Practice of Constraint Programming '93, MIT Press.
[Sunderam90] Sunderam, V.S.: PVM- A framework for parallel distributed computing.
Concurrency: Practice and Experience 2 (1990).
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