Backtracking and Constraints in Tcl-BC<BR>
Backtracking and Constraints in Tcl-BC
Dayton Clark and David M. Arnow
Dept. of Computer and Information Science
Brooklyn College
{dayton,arnow} @sci.brooklyn.cuny.edu
ABSTRACT: Tcl is extended to include backtracking controls and a facility
for asserting constraints. This increases its flexibility in several domains
and opens the possibility for its use in constraint-based logic programming
applications and, conversely, applying constraint-based logic programming
techniques to more traditional script language domains. The backtracking
extensions are written entirely in Tcl itself, a fact which speaks well
for Tcl's own extensibility.
Scripts and Controls
A good scripting language provides flexible control, data manipulation and
convenient access to external facilities. The vast activity that Tcl [Ousterhout,
1990] has spawned speaks to its own merit in this regard [Tcl/Tk Workshops
1993, 1994, 1995]. Much of this activity has focused on extending the language,
taking advantage of Tcl's elegant support for that endeavour. These extensions
have primarily focused on extending Tcl's access to external resources.
The most famous of these have brought Tcl to X [Ousterhout, 1990], to greater
process and i/o control [Lehenbauer and Diekhans, 1992; Libes, 1990a, 1990b,
1991, 1993] and to TCP/IP [Smith et al., 1993a], and to audio and multimedia
control [Jordan, 1994; Payne, 1993; Smith et al., 1993b; Duval, 1994]. A
second group of efforts, most notably [incr Tcl], have sought to provide
improved structuring facilities, primarily through object-oriented programming
support [Braverman, 1993; Christopher, 1993; Howlett, 1994; McLennan, 1993
and 1994; Menges and Ladd, 1994]. Apart from this group, there have been
few modifications of the language itself. To our knowledge, there have been
no substantial extensions of Tcl's control structures, although Ousterhout
explicitly invites practitioners to do so [Ousterhout, 1993].
In this paper, we present an intension [FOOTNOTE: Our neologism, intended
to express the idea that we are bringing forth a facility that was always
implicit within Tcl. Thus, rather than extending Tcl outward to make external
facilities available [as in, for example, Kenny et al., 1993; Richardson,
1993; Smyth, 1994; and Theobald, 1993], we are extending Tcl inward to make
more available something that was, in a sense, always there], that is, an
inward extension of Tcl, that derives a new control mechanism, backtracking,
from Tcl's unique internal structure. We call this intension Tcl-BC [FOOTNOTE:
That "BC" are the initials of our employer is purely coincidental.]
(Tcl with backtracking and constraints). We start by considering at length
the motivation for making backtracking available in the language, and then
discuss the details of the intension in section 3, providing a few examples
in section 4. In section 5, we describe our implementation and then close
with a few thoughts about where our work will lead and some questions that
it raises.
Wanted: Just One More Control Mechanism
Backtracking as a mathematical concept predates electronic computers by
at least 60 years [Lucas, 1891] and is, of course, widely used as a programming
technique in artificial intelligence and operations research [see, for example,
Schalkoff, 1990]. The essential idea is that at some point in the computation
a set of choices is encountered, only some of which may turn out to be viable.
The choices usually involve the assignment of a value to a variable. The
viability of the choices however can only be determined later in the computation.
Backtracking allows the choices to be made, in some sequence, and with each
choice, the computation proceeds, until "failure" (presumed lack
of viability of the choice) is encountered. At that time, control returns
to the choice point, some, but not all [FOOTNOTE: It is because not all
the program state- including external side effects- is restored that computational
progress is made possible.], of the program state is restored, and the next
choice in the sequence is made. When multiple choice points are involved,
failure always returns to the most recent choice point encountered. If and
when all the choices of a choice point have been exhausted, another failure
is considered to have taken place, relative to the preceding choice point.
Backtracking has some of the flavor of setjmp/longjmp, but for a number
of reasons, not the least of which is the fact that choice points may occur
within procedures whose activation has ended, it involves a more complicated
state restoration/preservation.
Figure 1: Backtracking Through Lunch
choose (sandwich)
cheese, pastrami, avocado
choose (sideorder)
fries, yogurt, beef-barley soup
if (!kosher(sandwich,sideorder))
print sandwich, sideorder
Above is a sketch of a program that uses backtracking to enumerate
all kosher [FOOTNOTE: For the purpose of this example, we define kosher
as simply not mixing meat and dairy products.] lunch combinations (within
the confines of the rather limited menu!). The first, conditional, failure
prevents non-kosher combinations from being printed. The failure at the
end forces control back to a choice point in order that all combinations
be found.
If the kosher predicate is computationally expensive, then in fact this
would be a reasonable application of backtracking Tcl. Otherwise it is just
a cute, but not very practical, example.
Although it is an elegant means of specifying a progression through a search
tree, backtracking in itself does little to facilitate algorithmic efficiency.
Search trees involving multiple choices tend to be combinatorially explosive.
What is needed is a mechanism for pruning, that is generating failures before
one reaches the leaves. One such mechanism is constraints: conditions that
are applied before or during the search which, if violated at any time,
cause immediate failure (i.e. return to the most recent choice point for
the next choice).
Despite its utility, backtracking is usually not implemented at the language
level, except in the Prolog family of languages. This is because:
- implementing backtracking using conditionals and recursion is a widely
understood programming technique;
- backtracking requires an at least implicit distinction between memory
objects that are restored to a prior state and those that are not- a distinction
that does not come naturally in many languages;
- backtracking involves substantial interaction with the program memory
state, complicating the semantics of the language and increasing run-time
overhead and compiler complexity.
- Backtracking makes great sense in a scripting language like Tcl, however.
This is because:
- the purpose of a scripting language is often for fast prototyping or
gluing other programs- widely understood or not, script-writers are understandably
not eager to re-invent the backtracking wheel;
- scripting languages tend to use implicit declarations- distinguishing
between restorable and non-restorable memory objects can be just a matter
of listing one set or the other;
- the use of scripting languages for fast prototyping or gluing other
programs makes their own speed, and therefore the run-time cost of backtracking,
less important than it would be in other contexts.
Finally, there are several characteristics of Tcl that especially invite
an implementation of backtracking. First, is the well-known property of
scripts as first class objects in Tcl and the availability of eval. Second
is the curious fact that the Tcl run-time memory organization is not simply
a global heap plus a stack of activation records. Consider, for example:
#! /usr/local/bin/tclsh
proc Mid {val track} {
global inMid
incr inMid
if {$val > 0} {
uplevel 1 Mid [incr val -1] [append track ":Mid"]
Bot [append track ":Mid"]
incr inMid -1
proc Bot {track} {
global inMid
puts "Enter Bot -- # in Mid currently = $inMid"
puts " up 0 levels: level#=[info level ] ([info level 2])"
puts " up 1 level: level#=[uplevel 1 info level ]\
([uplevel 1 info level 1])"
puts " up 2 levels: level#=[uplevel 2 info level ] (Main)"
set inMid 0
Mid 3 "Calling-Trace:Main"
The output of this program is shown below. The calling-trace printouts (in
the output) correspond to the traditional stack of activation records model
and reflect the dynamic history of procedure invocation. The actual environment
in which Bot executes is given in the printouts of the levels. The next
figure illustrates both perspectives when the first entry to Bot takes place.
Enter Bot -- # in Mid currently = 3
up 0 levels: level#=2 (Bot Calling-Trace:Main:Mid:Mid:Mid:Mid)
up 1 level: level#=1 (Mid 1 Calling-Trace:Main:Mid:Mid)
up 2 levels: level#=0 (Main)
Enter Bot -- # in Mid currently = 2
up 0 levels: level#=2 (Bot Calling-Trace:Main:Mid:Mid:Mid)
up 1 level: level#=1 (Mid 2 Calling-Trace:Main:Mid)
up 2 levels: level#=0 (Main)
Enter Bot -- # in Mid currently = 1
up 0 levels: level#=2 (Bot Calling-Trace:Main:Mid:Mid)
up 1 level: level#=1 (Mid 3 Calling-Trace:Main)
up 2 levels: level#=0 (Main)
Thus there is implicitly a tree of environments in a Tcl computation.
We will exploit this in our implementation, as described below in section
Operations research problems
A substantial source of inspiration to us is the success of the language
2LP [McAloon and Tretkoff., 1995 and 1996]. 2LP combines imperative programming
with logic programming facilities (backtracking and constraints) and a linear
programming internal object. Compiled and highly efficient, 2LP focuses
on a particular domain, and is therefore less general and flexible than
C or Tcl. Among other applications, it has been used to implement a scheme
for parallel integer goal programming applied to such classical operations
research problems as job shop scheduling and the capacitated warehouse problem
[Arnow et al. 1995]. The key to 2LP's success lie in these elements:
- an imperative programming model
- a logic programming control- in particular backtracking with constraints
- access to a linear programming solver
- articulation with C
The possibility of utilizing Tcl-BC in conjunction with a standard mathematical
modeling package such as AMPL [Fourer et al., 1994], linked to a linear
programming solver such as Cplex, is not far from our thoughts. With the
addition of access to tools like that, Tcl-BC could function as a highly
extensible (as always) state of the art operations research system. Although
Tcl's control could not compete in efficiency with 2LP, its advantages would
lie in a greater ability to be linked with external resources (data filters,
linear programming solvers, distributed programming extensions, etc.) and
its greater programming flexibility.
Agents and backtracking with constraints
Another impetus for this work is the current interest in Tcl as a vehicle
for (hopefully) intelligent knowledge agents roaming the internet [Johnson,
1993; Ott, 1994; Ousterhout, 1995]. Much of what internet agents will do
is walk through what amount to search trees generated by choice points.
Many of the edges in these trees will involve sending a Tcl script to a
remote site for execution- a relatively time-consuming operation. Acting
intelligently requires the ability to work within constraints, both prior
(as in "don't buy anything that has less than a 1 year warrantee")
and dynamic (as in "don't investigate buying a system whose first two
components are more expensive that an already known complete system").
It also requires the ability to utilize such constraints to minimize remote
script execution.
Backtracking with constraints is a natural way to define such computations.
Furthermore, if one views agents as Tcl scripts, it is likely that agents
will be produced dynamically by some sort of GUI application. It is easier
to automatically generate constraints and backtracking code to define an
intelligent search than to try to build it into a more ad hoc mechanism.
Backtracking: why not just use Prolog?
Using Prolog entails a commitment to logic programming. The experience of
2LP demonstrates the convenience of providing a logic programming control
within the context of an imperative programming model. That backtracking
in Prolog turns out to be much faster than in Tcl-BC is no surprise and
irrelevant- one doesn't choose a scripting language for the sake of speed.
Good and bad uses of Tcl-BC
The "hello, world" application of backtracking is the 8-queens
problem, and we give, in the appendix, its solution in Tcl-BC. It is, however,
precisely not the kind of application that Tcl-BC is intended for, except
as an example of rapid prototyping. This is because the most of the computational
effort lies in the making and unmaking of moves- and not in the computing
the consequences of moves.
Good uses of Tcl-BC will be found wherever the cost of computing the consequence
of a choice greatly exceeds the cost of making and unmaking choices or wherever
significant constraints can be applied to prune the search tree, prior to
or during the search. Thus, the use of Tcl-BC in constructing agents, where
the consequence of a choice will typically involve the remote execution
of a process, seems appropriate.
The Tcl-BC Extension
The backtracking and constraint extension to Tcl are implemented entirely
in Tcl. It is found in a file called bc.tcl. Therefore no special installation
procedures are necessary, simply source the extensions prior to their use.
The parts of the extension visible to the programmer fall into two categories:
the commands which extend Tcl and implement backtracking and constraints,
and the commands required because of implementation details which replace
standard Tcl commands. The former include bc_state which specifies the
state variables, bc_fail which induces backtracking, bc_loop and bc_choose
which define choice points, and bc_constrain which specifies constraints.
The latter include bc_eval, bc_for, bc_foreach, and bc_while which substitute
for the corresponding standard Tcl commands around code that includes choice
The backtracking calls: bc_state
, bc_choose
, bc_constrain
, and bc_fail
The bc_state operation adds a list of variables (and/or arrays) to
the backtrackable set, that is, the set of variables and arrays whose values
are to be restored upon backtracking. Such variables and arrays are made
global implicitly by this operation.
The bc_fail
operation causes failure to take place,
i.e forces a backtrack to the most recent choice point, provided there is
one. At that point, the values of the backtrackable set will be restored
to that point and the next choice will be taken. If there are no more unexplored
choice points, then all bc_evals (see below) fail and generates an exception.
There are two ways of establishing choice points: bc_choose
and bc_loop
. The form for bc_loop
bc_loop {initialization} {test} {step} {
When a bc_loop
is encountered, the initialization code
is carried out and the test is evaluated. If the test fails (now or later),
then the bc_loop
fails, causing failure to take place.
If the test succeeds, the body is executed once. If, during the execution
of the body or any code thereafter, a failure takes place, the backtrackable
set is restored to the state just prior to execution of the body, the step
code is executed (generating the next choice), and the test is made again
and the process repeats itself.
The form for bc_choose
bc_choose {choice1} ... {choiceN}
When a bc_choose is encountered, current choice is set to choice1. Only
the current choice code (and not the other choices) is executed. If, during
the execution of the current choice or thereafter, a failure takes place,
then the backtrackable set is restored to the state just prior to execution
of the current choice, and the succeeding choice becomes the current choice,
providing there is one. If there is none, then bc_choose fails, causing
The bc_constrain
operation associates a condition with
a list of variables or array-elements. After the operation, any change to
that variable that causes the condition to be false generates an immediate
failure. The form for bc_constrain is:
bc_constrain {variable list} "condition"
Note that if we write
bc_constrain {x} "\$x == \$y+1" ; #
needed to postpone $ evaluation.
a change in x's value that causes this condition to be false will generate
a failure but a change in y's value that does the same will not! This is
somewhat different from the usual logic-programming constraint.
The wrapper calls: bc_eval, bc_for, bc_foreach, and bc_while
Logically, the five backtracking operations described above are all that
is needed and we truly wish we could end this section of the paper here.
However, the backtracking extension requires the ability to gain control
of the Tcl script itself in order to return to choice points. As a result,
four additional calls are needed. They serve as wrappers of Tcl codes that
contain backtracking operations.
First, a definition: backtracking code is any Tcl script that contains choice
points (i.e. bc_choose
or bc_loop
or that invokes a dynamic chain that includes activations containing choice
The bc_eval
operation enables backtracking. Any backtracking
code must be contained in an argument to bc_eval
bc_eval body
where body is a Tcl script.
In addition, loops whose bodies contain backtracking code must replace for,
foreach and while with bc_for
, bc_foreach
and bc_while
respectively. Apart from enabling backtracking,
the syntax and semantics for these replacements are identical to those for
the originals.
An important design consideration was that the extension leave as small
a footprint on Tcl as possible. For this reason, the substitutes for the
basic control commands is regrettable, but in each case required (Section
5 describes the implementation in some detail). Figure 4 summarizes the
use of these wrappers.The substitutions are not syntactic sugar, the construct
bc_for {...} {...} {...} {
code with choice points
is not a replacement for
for {...} {...} {...} {
bc_eval {
code with choice points
The difference occurs if the program bactracks to a choice point within
the loop. The bc_for
loop retains control and its iterations
will continue. The for loop does not regain control. After the the bc_eval
is completed execution continues with the command after the for command.

Variables used in the code that generates choice points in a bc_loop
cannot be constrained. The example in the next section show how this restriction
can be worked with.
To demonstrate the look and feel of Tcl-BC, we consider an example of its
use in solving the following famous cryptarithmic puzzle [FOOTNOTE: The
puzzle is solved by finding an assignment of a decimal digit to each of
the letters S,E,N,D,M,O,R,Y such that no digit is assigned to more than
one letter and such that the above sum, with the letters replaced by the
digits, is correct.] :
We will develop our program in steps. First, we source the essential bc.tcl
and a useful script that defines the wordexpr
that we will use later.
source bc.tcl
source wordarithmetic.tcl
The cryptarithm
procedure will search for a solution;
in doing so, it will create choice points, so its procedure body must be
a bc_eval
. To represent the values of the letters appearing
in the cryptarithmic puzzle, we will use the variables: s e n d
m o r y
. These will change value as the search proceeds, and
will need to be restored upon failure and return to an earlier choice point
and so they are arguments to bc_state
. Three other auxiliary
variables will be needed as well in the backtracking set: v vv
. Their use will be explained below.
proc cryptarithm {} { bc_eval {
bc_state v vv ilet
bc_state s e n d m o r y
Next we set up an array letters that maps the integers 0 through 7 to the
letters in the puzzle.
set nlet 0
foreach let {s e n m o r y d} {
incr nlet
set letters($nlet) $let
As arithmetically sophisticated human beings, we can give, in the form of
constraints, the program some intuitions that are obvious to us. For example,
we know that m must be 1, that o must be 0 or 1 and is therefore 0 and that
s therefore is 8 or 9.
bc_constrain {s} "\$s>=8"
bc_constrain {e} "\$e<8"
bc_constrain {e} "\$e>1"
bc_constrain {n} "\$n==\$e+1"
bc_constrain {m} "\$m==1"
bc_constrain {o} "\$o==0"
bc_constrain {r} "\$r+\$n+1>=\$e+10"
bc_constrain {y} "\$y>1"
bc_constrain {d} "\$d>1"
For each of the letters in the puzzle (the bc_for
we must choose an appropriate value (the bc_loop
). The
former does not involve a set of choices (every letter in the puzzle must
get a value) and so a bc_for
suffices, but the latter
does and therefore requires a bc_loop
to generate choice
points. The constraint that follows prevents the computation from assigning
the same value to more than one letter. The constraint is written in terms
of the value, v
, rather than the particular letter $letters($ilet)
in order to apply to all future values considered. A separate variable,
, is used for generating the choices because of the
rule that constraints cannot be applied to such a variable.
bc_for {set ilet 1} {$ilet <= $nlet
{incr ilet} {
bc_loop {set vv 0} {$vv <= 9}
{incr vv} {
set v $vv
set $letters($ilet) $v
bc_constrain {v} "\$v != $v"
It is only after the bc_for
that we know that values
have been assigned to all the letters in the puzzle. The call to wordexpr
tests whether we have a successful combination. If not we fail, returning
to a choice point generated by bc_loop
. Otherwise, we
print our solution and are done.
if {! [wordexpr {
send + more = money} ] } {
puts " $s$e$n$d"
puts "+$m$o$r$e"
puts "---------"
puts "$m$o$n$e$y"
} }
The figure below shows the output of this program and its time on a Sparc10.
When run with just one of the initial constraints,
bc_constrain {m} "\$m==1"
the program consumes about 50,000 seconds (14 hours) of Sparc10 time. When
that constraint is removed... well, it is still running!
There are three main aspects to adding the ability to backtrack with constraints
to Tcl (or any language):
- the ability to maintain and restore the value of the state variables
to their values at selected points (choice points) in the execution,
- the ability to ensure that constraints are not violated, and
- the ability to backtrack the execution itself to the choice points.
In Tcl-BC, the first two aspects are handled in a straight forward manner
using the built-in Tcl facilities. The last aspect requires more code and
is conceptually more involved, however, it is still done within Tcl itself.
Maintaining state. First, to maintain the state variables we keep
a list of the variable names. Then when a choice point is encountered, we
create a script which will restore the variables to their current values.
The only non-trivial point is that we must make sure that state variables
which don't exist when the choice point is encountered are made to not exist
when we backtrack to the point.
Constraints. Tcl's ability to trap whenever a variable is modified
via (the standard Tcl command) trace is the core of the implementation of
constraints within Tcl-BC. Modification of any constrained variable invokes
a command which finds the appropriate constraints, tests them, and causes
a failure if the constraint is violated.
It is worth noting that the list of constraints is itself part of the state
and is backtracked.
Backtracking. To backtrack the program flow requires the ability
to continue execution at a choice point which may be anywhere within a script.
The native Tcl eval
takes an entire script as a single
argument and provides no way to begin or continue execution at a point within
the script. Hence, bc_eval
was required.
is meant to be functionally equivalent to eval.
In fact, we imagine that future versions of Tcl-BC may "hijack"
, replacing it with bc_eval
The first thing bc_eval
does is to turn its argument
script(s) into a strip. The strip is a Tcl list of the first level commands
in the script. Only the first level of commands are broken out, a command
(such as if or bc_eval
) which itself contains scripts
becomes a single element in the list (see Figure 6, below).
Since bc_eval
's will most frequently be inside of
loops and evaluated many times, a list of encountered scripts and the corresponding
strips is maintained. Subsequent invocations of bc_eval on a script then
bypasses the parsing of the script.
Once the strip is available, bc_eval
steps through the
list evaluating each of the commands, applying eval. If one of the commands
directly or indirectly invokes bc_eval
then the current
strip and the position within that strip is saved in a list. The new script
is then converted to a strip and processing continues. When the end of the
new strip is reached, processing of the interrupted strip is resumed.
This gives the flow of control within Tcl-BC an unorthodox flavor of machine
language type control (complete with a program counter and branches) combined
with implicit subroutine calls. In a sense, there are two simultaneous execution
flows, the normal Tcl flow and the Tcl-BC flow. Consequently, naive combinations
of bc_eval
and normal Tcl may lead to unexpected behavior
(see section 3.3, Restrictions).
Choice points are not explicitly entered by the programmer, they are implicit
in the bc_loop
and bc_choose
When a choice point is encountered a the current state (variables specified
in bc_state statements) is saved in the form of a script that will restore
the state. This script along with the current evaluation level (Tcl procedure
nesting depth), a pointer to the current strip, and the current position
within that strip are pushed onto a stack. Execution then proceeds.
When bt_fail
is encountered, the choice point stack
is popped, the evaluation level, strip, and position are restored, the script
which restores the state is evaluated and execution proceeds from the restored
Currently, our primary difficulty with respect to compatibility with Tcl
in general and other Tcl extensions, is the handling of returned values,
from commands or procedures. Solving this problem is at the top of our agenda
and it should be solved soon.
Typical presentations of backtracking invoke a tree structure to describe
the flow of problem. Tcl-BC does not maintain an explicit tree but the list
of partially evaluated strips can be viewed as a tree since each thread
(as we call them) in the list points to a previous thread in the list. Imbedded
in this list for a particular problem is the tree normally used to describe
the problem.
Practical details: compatibility and availability
Compatibility. Tcl-BC is totally written in standard Tcl and in this
regard should not interfere with any other extension. (Tcl-BC does reserve
two prefixes, bc_ and _bc_, for naming its procedures and variables). However,
bc_eval'ed and eval'ed scripts cannot be freely intermingled (see section
3.3). Furthermore, bc_eval does not correctly implement returned values
and procedure returns. These problems are the focus of our current work.
Availability. Backtracking Tcl is distributed as an under-1000 line
script, along with documentation and examples. The relevant URL is
Alternatively, send email to the authors.
Retrospect and Prospects
We view the development of Tcl-BC as double edged research. We are investigating
the integration of backtracking into an imperative programming language
and we are investigating the extensibility of scripting languages such as
Tcl. We feel comfortable that our combination of backtracking and Tcl, while
not seamless, shows that a smooth integration is feasible. As we stated
at the outset of this paper, much of the work on extending the language
Tcl itself has focused on adapting Tcl to be appropriate for writing very
large Tcl programs. In contrast, our effort provides a powerful, expressive
tool that makes it easier to use Tcl as a coordinating language.
False starts. As we discussed in section 2, the fact that Tcl can
support a tree, rather than merely a stack, of activation records encouraged
an implementation of backtracking. However, at the outset of this project
we were also intrigued by the notion of using Tcl interpreters to represent
active choice points. We were deterred from pursuing this by our inability
to find a simple way for an interpreter to inherit state information, including
position in a script, from another. Had there been a way to fork an interpreter,
we could have eliminated the wrapper calls described in section 5.2, at
the price of implementing the extension in C.
Regrets. We have already stated our concern over the need for wrappers.
But these merely reflect a deeper, regrettable but apparently unavoidable
aspect of the implementation-- its assembly code-like interpretation, with
a program counter and all.
Why doesn't Tcl have.... Given the maturity of Tcl and our intuition
that it was right for this project, we worked for the most part on the assumption
that whatever we needed must be available somewhere within Tcl. For the
most part this was true, with the exception of the parser. It seemed surprising
that, with Tcl scripts having the status of first class objects, there is
no Tcl-provided mechanism for parsing them or at least a procedure to turn
a script into a list of commands. The built-in command info complete
performs the most tedious part of the parsing. We are also wondering whether
a broader interpreter-creation/state inheritance mechanism would be possible.
Besides facilitating an extension like this it might be very useful in threaded
Future goals. We have several immediate goals. The foremost of these
is to hijack Tcl's eval
. This would eliminate the need
for wrappers and, if done properly, reduce the likelihood of collisions
with other extensions. Secondly, we would like to explore the performance
impact of implementing this extension in C. In addition, we have plans to
apply Tcl-BC to the applications cited in section 2.
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Vehicle for the Microwave/Millimeter-Wave Pilot Sites (MMPS. Proceedings
of the 1st Tcl/Tk Workshop, Univ. of Calif. at Berkeley, (June, 1993).
Lehenbauer, K. and Diekhans, M.: Extended Tcl: Extended command set for
Tcl, unpublished manual page, (January, 1992). This was cited by Lehenbauer
in paper at one of the recent TclTk workshops. A more useful reference is:
Libes, D.: Curing Those Uncontrollable Fits of Interaction. Proceedings
of the Summer 1990 USENIX Conference, Anaheim, CA, (June, 1990).
Libes, D.: Using expect to Automate System Administration Tasks", Don
Libes, Proceedings of the 1990 USENIX Large Systems Administration Conference
(LISA) IV, Colorado Springs, CO, (October, 1990).
Libes, D.: Expect: Scripts for Controlling Interactive Programs. Computing
Systems 4,2 (1991).
Libes, D.: Kibitz - Connecting Multiple Interactive Programs Together. Software
- Practice & Experience 23, 5 (May, 1993).
Lucas, E.: Recreations Mathematiques (1891).
McAloon, K. and Tretkoff, C.: Optimization and Computational Logic, Series
in Discrete Mathematics and Optimization, J. Wiley and Sons, to appear (1996).
McAloon, K. and Tretkoff, C. 2LP: Linear programming and logic programming,
Proceedings of Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, edited
by V. Saraswat and P. VanHentenryck, MIT Press, 1995, pp 101-116.
McLennan, M.J.: [incr tcl] - Object-Oriented Programming in TCL. Proceedings
of the 1st Tcl/Tk Workshop, Univ. of Calif. at Berkeley, (June, 1993).
McLennan, M.J.: [incr Tk]: Building Extensible Widgets with [incr Tcl].
Proceedings of the 2nd Tcl/Tk Workshop, New Orleans, (June, 1994).
Menges, J. and Ladd, B.: Tcl/C++ Binding Made Easy. Proceedings of the 2nd
Tcl/Tk Workshop, New Orleans, (June, 1994).
Ott, M.: Jodler -- A Scripting Language for the Infobahn. Proceedings of
the 2nd Tcl/Tk Workshop, New Orleans, (June, 1994).
Ousterhout, J.K.: TCL: An Embeddable Command Language. Proceedings of the
1990 Winter USENIX Conference, (January, 1990).
Ousterhout, J.K.: An X11 Toolkit Based on the TCL Language. Proceedings
of the 1991 Winter USENIX Conference. (January, 1991).
Ousterhout, J.: Tcl and the Tk Toolkit., Addison-Wesley (1993).
Ousterhout, J.: Scripts and Agents: The New Software High Ground. Invited
talk at the 1995 Winter USENIX Conference, New Orleans, (January, 1995).
Payne, A.C.: Ak: An Audio Toolkit for Tcl/Tk. Proceedings of the 1st Tcl/Tk
Workshop, Univ. of Calif. at Berkeley, (June, 1993).
Richardson, D.: Cooperating Applications through Tcl/Tk and DCE. Proceedings
of the 1st Tcl/Tk Workshop, Univ. of Calif., Berkeley, (June, 1993).
Schalkoff, R.J.: Artificial Intelligence: An Engineering Approach. McGraw-Hill
Smith, B.C., Rowe, L.A., and Yen, S.C.: Tcl Distributed Programming. Proc
of the 1st Tcl/Tk Workshop, Univ. of Calif. at Berkeley, (June, 1993).
Smith, B.C., Rowe, L.A., and Yen, S.C.: A Tcl/Tk Continuous Media Player.
Proc. of the 1st Tcl/Tk Workshop, Univ. of Calif. at Berkeley, (June, 1993).
Smyth, D.E.: Tcl and Concurrent Object-Oriented Flight Software: Tcl on
Mars. Proceedings of the 2nd Tcl/Tk Workshop, New Orleans, (June, 1994).
Tcl/Tk Workshops: 1993, 1994 and 1995. The 3rd workshop was cosponsored
by Usenix which will publish the proceedings. On-line proceedings of the
1st and 2nd workshops can be found at these ftp sites: ftp.aud.alcatel.com/tcl/workshop/
1993/ tcl93-proceedings.tar.gz and ftp.aud.alcatel.com/ tcl/ workshop/1994/1994_workshop.tar.gz
Theobald, D.: Interfacing an Object-Oriented Database System from Tcl. Proceedings
of the 1st Tcl/Tk Workshop, Univ. of Calif. at Berkeley, (June, 1993).
Appendix: 8-queens
The 8-queens problem is the standard illustration of backtracking in AI
textbooks. The idea is to place 8 queens on the chessboard so that no queen
is attacking any other queen. That amounts to choosing a set of 8 squares
from among the 64 squares in the 8x8 chessboard such that no pair of squares
lies on the same row, column or diagonal. The latter requirements are the
constraints of the problem.
source bc.tcl
bc_eval {
bc_state queen r c row column queen_list
set queen_list {}
set row 0
set column 0
set row_max 8
set column_max 8
bc_for {set queen 1} {$queen <= 8} {incr queen} {
bc_loop {set r 1} {$r <= $row_max} {incr r} {
set row $r
bc_loop {set c 1} {$c <= $column_max} {incr c} {
set column $c
lappend queen_list [list $row $column]
bc_constrain {row} "\$row != $row"
bc_constrain {column} "\$column != $column"
bc_constrai n {column} "abs(\$column - $column) != abs(\$row - $row)"
puts stderr "Results--"
foreach position $queen_list {
puts stderr " row [lindex $position 0] column [lindex $position