The Chinese banquet cookbook =[Chung-kuo yen hsi shu] /Eileen Yin-Fei Lo ; drawings by Lauren Jarrett ; calligraphy by San Yan Wong.TX724.5.C5 L5944 1985
The Chinese way :healthy low-fat cooking from China's regions = Chung-kuo ti ch`� hsing chien k`ang ti chih shih p`u /Eileen Yin-Fei Lo ; calligraphy by San Yan Wong.TX724.5.C5 L59443 1997
Chung-kuo ti ch`� hsing chien k`ang ti chih shih p`uTX724.5.C5 L59443 1997
From the earth :Chinese vegetarian cooking = [Ts`ung ti ch`iu ta tzu jan : Chung-kuo shu ts`ai shih p`u] /Eileen Yin-Fei Lo.TX837 .L54 1995
Ts`ung ti ch`iu ta tzu janTX837 .L54 1995
Lucien Front End to Tyrannio