Yipee-Kai-Aaaaay -- I'm OUTTA HERE!!!

Well, I have no pictures to show you all this time around. The past several days have been painful ones. I have been recovering from a terrible flu which totally sucked and had me lazing around in whole-body-aching nastiness. You saw in the last update.

The one thing that I want to do at this point is give a special shout-out to my brother Alexis "the man" Rosen, for hooking me up in an hour of need. Thanks, man, you're making this all possible.

And that's it. Thank you all for your patience with my now 3+ week delay, and those of you who have been keeping regular tabs on this site without seeing any awesome pictures of cool landscape, soon you will be rewarded. For tomorrow I sail.

written 6/22/1999, 7:40pm; uploaded 6/22/1999, 7:50pm