On the weekend of May 5th, I went to Chelan to see my brother compete in a Mountain bike race. While he didn’t do so well, he finished, which was more than we gave him credit for. I showed up about 9 AM Saturday morning, after leaving Pullman before 5. The total trip was just over 515 miles in 2 days.

pre race warm up?
I finally dug the camera out about noon, when Corey was playing a very cool toy that turns your mountain bike into an exercise bike. We all want one of these so we can ride while watching TV.

waiting for racers
Unfortunately, the mountain is set up so we couldn’t (or rather wouldn’t) get to the downhill side. This is the view from our first perch back towards the start of the race.

The first group A slight hill More riders on the hill

The beginners...
The guy in Purple (obviously not a true Coug there) is Corey, this was his first lap.

Looking down at more Bikes

Steeper ascent
After sitting a while, we moved downhill towards the start for the second lap. The hill was a bit steeper here, so we thought it would be more fun to torture the poor riders.

I wasn’t kidding, this hill is nasty.

Last bit
These shots are closer to the finish line, where the course designers created a particularly nasty sandbed. Racers would come off the road in top gear and bog down to the point of stopping by the time they got to us.

Here is Corey in the same sand at the first lap.

And here he is again when he finally finished an hour later! What a smile :)

I am not sure what was going on with Jesse here, but i found the picture to be somewhat amusing, so I posted it anyway.

Bringing in some wood
Since it was still early May, things cooled off quite a bit during the night We needed firewood, Jesse started with a large stick, and we eventually took down a tree that took three people to bring it back. Mind you, they pushed this tree down without an axe or anything of the sort.

Another shot of the tree
This picture gives a better idea of the size of this tree. It was quite dry apparently, as there was nothing left of it the next day.

Here is a nice shot of the fire that tree had to feed.

Since it was 5 May, Jesse was celebrating with Tequila. I choose Beer.

What night of drunkedness would be complete without a harmonica?

And here we have any preparing a proper Corona, limes and salt are not optional.

The first victim of the night, and it wasn’t me.