Since I got my new Nikon, we’ve had a few brilliantly cloudy days. Brilliantly cloudy means cloudy, but in a ominous, vivid colorful way, not flat grey.

From my condo, I can see a water tower alone on a hill about a mile away. It’s a nice picture in my mind.

(D40, f/5.6, 200mm)

However, every time I take the shot, I can’t get something I like out of the camera. The light is bad, or the subject is blurred, or there are power lines and trees that can’t be cropped out.

I’ve had a few failures that came close.

Finally, yesterday, I found a sweet spot on the walk home. Successful placement, but it lacks the vibrancy of the previous attempt.

Eventually, it’ll all come together.

(D40, f/7.1 200mm)