ML-CFC Commercial Mortgage Trust 2006-4 as of 08/2009: MX DSCR 0.80- 0.90
All data provided by Intex
Id Name/ Type/ Bal GLA/Units LTV WAC
Address Subtype % Pool Occ. % DSCR Originator
45 Mammoth Airport Business Park MX $22,500,000 273,390 62.0 6.030000 %
FC 6325-6375 South Pecos Road, Las Vegas NV 89120 0.5% 61% 0.86x (6 mths) PNC
Tenant % Expires
Five Star Partnership2.9410/31/06
Global Payment Solution2.4808/31/07
8/6/09- Borrower has requested a forbearance agreement. Borrower is submitting intermittent partial payments. Nevada counsel has been retained to pursue foreclosure. Foreclosure filed and sale date scheduled for August 21, 2009.