DEED BOOK V11—(Doc. Hist. N. Y., p. 49.)
New York, February 14; 1684-5.
The Deposicon of Catelina Trico aged fouer score yeares or thereabouts taken
before the right honorable Collo Thomas Dongan Leut and Governour under his
Royll highss James Duke of Yorke and Albany etc. of N. York and its Dependeyes
in America who saith and Declares in the prsens of God as followeth
That she Came to this Province either in the yeare one thousand
six hundred and twenty three or twenty fouer to the best of her remembrance,
and that fouer Women Came along with her in the same Shipp, in which ship
the Governor Arian Jorissen Came also over, which fouer Women were married
at Sea and that they and their husbands stayed about three Weekes at this
place and then they with eight seamen more went in a vessell by ordr of the
Dutch Governor, to Dellaware River and there settled. This I certify under
my hand and ye seale of this provine.
(N.Y. COL. MSS. XXV.—DOC. Hist. N.Y., pp. 50, 51.)
Catelyn Trico aged about 83 years born in Paris doth Testify and DeClare that
in ye year 1623 she came into this Country wth a Ship called ye Unity whereof
was Commander Arien Jorise belonging to ye West India Company being ye first
Ship yt came here for ye sd Company; as soon as they came to Mannatans now
called N: York they sent Two families & six men to harford River & Two families
& 8 men to Delaware River and 8 men they left att N. Yorke to take Possession
and ye Rest of ye Passengers went wth ye Ship up as farr as Albany which they
then Called fort Oran-gie When as ye Ship came as farr as Sopus which is 1/2
way to Alba-