ment by Peter A. Jay: “The first two pages of these notes
are, I believe, in the handwriting of John Chambers, an eminent counsel, afterwards
Judge of the Supreme Court of the Colony—the note on the margin is in
the writing of John Jay, his nephew and executor of his widow. ”
P.A. JAY.”
The trial appears to have taken place in 1741, but no records have been seen throwing light upon its results.
“Gerrit Dortland says he is 86 years of age. Was born at the ferry, and lived after at Brookland; knew Frederick Lubbert’s land since a boy, says that he knew where Frederick Lubbertse lived, which is S. Westward of Sebring’s mill,1 and it was commonly esteemed that Frederick Lubbertse’s line was near to his house. Remember Joost Francey in possession of land that George Bergen and Israel Dow have; fences went to the creek, about sixty years since he knew them; has now seen the fences and think they stand as then. Remembers Jane Evertse Bout in possession of Bevois land, was a man of 75, and married a girl of 16. Says he help't him to make his fences; workÕt there two years and fences stood as now, was then about 23 years old; never then heard that Frederick Lubbertse made any pretension to these lands nor any for his right till now.
“Maritie Bevois says is aged 84 years, near 85, was born in New York; it's last May 63 years since she came to live at Brookland; knew Frederick Lubbertse lived where Hans Bergen now lives. Remembers was going to the place where Brewer's mill' is now from Brookland by the house of Lubbertse and saw many little hills in the way from the house to the mill along the neck and enquired what the hills were, and was answered by them with her that it was the Indian corn land; knows where Mauchonell. lived a little below Tommeties; knew the land of George Bergen to have belonged to Maritie Gerritse, or Ex. She let it to Israel Francey (Maratie Ex.) lived at New York. She remembers Francey on it about 60 years ago, that Francey lived on it till Maratie sold it to George Hanse, father of George Bergen. Remembers it to be always in fence, and that the fences stood as they now stand and the same of the other lotts; has lived at Brookland ever since she removed from York as before.
1 This is evidently an error, Lubbertse’s house being southeastward from Sebring’s Mill, and north northwest of Freek’s mill pond, formerly Brower‘s, at the head of a small creek, and near the junction of the present Hoyt and Warren streets.
2 Brower’s Mill