- Tryntje Hendricks.
- Paulus Derekse, with attestation of Fort Orange.
- Jan Pietersze.
- Maria Hoogeboom, of Bunninck.
- 1663, Feb. 21st. Wilhelmus Bredenbent, of Cojanus (Gowanus),
chosen Elder in place of Jan Jorise, who died on the 28th of January,
- March 25th. Marten Reyerszen, of Amsterdam, admitted
to membership with attestation of Flatbush.
- Anneken Dourcoop, wife of Michael Syperus, with attestation
of certificate of the Manhattans.
- Sept. 23d. Pierre Parmentier, of Man hiem.
- Thonnet Terrin, of Manhiem.
- Roelof Willemszon, of Beverwyck.
- Willemken Tyssen, from Beverwyck.
- Dec. 23d. Cornelis van Bossum (Borsum).
- Geertje Gysbert.
- Jean Messural.
- Jenne Carton.
- 1664, April 9th. Meynert Jorney, of Manheim.
- Jacob Leendertsen, of Middlewout.
- Rebecca Fredericks, of Middlewout.
- Albert Coninck, of Middlewout.
- Tryntje Jans, of Middlewout.
- Aert Teunissen Middagh, of Heykoop.
- Janneken Jans, of Almeloo.
- Judith Joris (Rapalie), of Nieuw Netherland.
- Janneken Montfoort, of Nieuw Netherland.
- Anneken Rems, of Nieuw Netherland.
- Nieltje Jana, of Nieuw Netherland.
- 1670, May 13th. Dirck Storm.
- Jan Pietersen Mackelyck.
- Styntien Janssen, his wife.
- 1684, Oct. 3d. Maria Baddia presented the Church with
a silver “beecker,” or communion-cup. (This Maria Bad dia,
sometimes called Mary Thomas, mar.
1. Jacob Vardon or Verden; 2. Willem Adriaense Bennet, and 3. Mr. Paulus