Cornelis Cone(n) Vroom—1 poll, 2 horses, 1 ditto of 1 yr. ; 3 cows, 2 ditto of 2 yrs.; 1 ditto of 1 year; 4 sheep, 2 hogs, £70; 22 morgens of land and valley, 44; Total, £114.
Jan Pieterse Mackelyck—1 poll, 4 oxen, 4 cows, 1 ditto of 1 yr.; 2 hogs, £65.10; 12 morgens land and valley, 24: Total, £89.10.
Dierck Cornelise Hooglan—3 polls, 2 horses, 6 cows, 2 ditto of 2 yrs.; 3 ditto of 1 yr.; 2 hogs, £119.10; 8 morgens of land and valley, £16: Total, £135.10.
Paulus Mickielse Van der Voort—1 poll, 1 horse of 3 yrs., 2 oxen, 3 cows, 1 ditto of 3 yrs.; 1 ditto of 1 yr., £58.10; 10 morgens of land and valley, £20: Total, £78.10.
Willem Willemse—1 poll, 2 horses, 2 oxen, 6 cows, 2 ditto of 2 yrs.; 4 ditto of 1 yr.; 1 hog, £96; 13 1/2 morgens of land and valley, 27: Total, £123.
Dierck Hattum—1 poll, 2 oxen, 1 cow, 1 ditto of 2 yrs., £37.10; 1 1/2 morgen of land, £3: Total, £40.10.
Rom Jansen—3 polls, 5 horses, 8 cows, 4 ditto of 3 yrs.; 4 ditto of 1 yr.; 2 hogs, £188; 19 morgens of land and valley, £38 : Total, £226.
Frederick Lubbertse—1 poll, 6 cows, 1 ditto of 2 yrs.; 2 ditto of 1 yr.; 7 sheep, £56.10; 15 morgens of land and valley, £80: Total, £86.10.
Pieter van Neest—1 poll, 5 cows, 2 hogs, £45; 5 1/2 morgens of land and valley, £ll: Total, £56.
Pieter Jansen—1 poll, 2 horses, 5 cows, 3 ditto of 2 yrs.; 4 ditto of 1 yr., £80.10; 8 morgens of land, £16: Total, £96.10.
Big Jan—2 polls, 2 oxen, 2 cows, 1 ditto of 2 yrs.; 1 ditto of 1 yr., 244 ; 2 morgens of valley, £4: Total, £48.
Johannes Christoffel—1 poll, 2 oxen, 2 cows, £40; 6 morgens of land and valley, £12: Total, 52.
Thomes Jansen—1 poll, 2 horses, 2 cows, £52.
Conradus vander BeekÑ1 poll, 2 oxen, 3 cows, £45; 14 morgens of land and valley, £28: Total, £73.
Ackeys Jansen—1 poll, 1 cow, £23.
Paulus Dierckse—2 polls, 2 horses, 2 oxen, 7 cows, 2 ditto of 2 yrs.; 5 ditto 1 yr.; 8 hogs, £122.10; 12 morgens of land and valley, £24: Total, £146.10.
Dierck Pauluse—1 poll, 1 horse of 3 yrs., 3 cows, 4 ditto of 2 yrs.; 3 ditto of 1 yr.; 1 hog, £56.10; 2 morgens of land and valley, £24: Total, £80.10.
Weynant Pieterse—1 poll, 2 horses, 3 cows, 1 ditto of 2 yrs.; 2 ditto of 1 yr., £62.10; 5 morgen of land, 10: Total, £72.10.
Adam Brouwer—2 polls, 2 cows, 3 ditto of 3 yrs.; 3 sheep, 1 bog, £60; 1 1/2 morgen of valley, £3: Total, £63.
Johannes Marcuse—1 poll, £18.
Evert Hendrickse—1 poll, £18.
Gerrit Croesen—1 poll, 2 oxen, 4 cows, 2 ditto of 3 yrs.; 3 ditto of 2 yrs.; 2 ditto of 1 yr.; 3 hogs, £27.10; 14 morgens land and valley, £28: Total, £99.10.
Egbert Steuense—1 poll, £18. Simon AersenÑl poll, 2 oxen, 3 cows, 2 ditto of 1 yr.; 3 hogs, £51; 10 morgens of land and valley, £20: Total, £71.
Pieter Pieterse—1 poll, 1 horse, £30.
Lambert Jansen Dorlant—poll, 4 cows, £38; 8 morgens of land and Valley, £16 . Total, £54.
Jerom. de Rappallie—3 polls, 3 cows, 1 ditto of 1 yr.; 1 horse, £82.10; 8 morgens of land and valley, £16: Total, £98.
Daniel de Rappallie—1 poll, 1 horse, 1 cow, £35.
Simon Claessen—1 poll, 1 horse, 1 cow, 1 ditto of 8 yrs.; 2 hogs, £41; 6 morgens of land, £12: Total, £53.