Theunes Gisbertse Bogaert—3 polls, 4 horses, 1 ditto of 1 yr.; 2 oxen, 14 cows, 6 ditto of 3 yrs.; 6 ditto of 2 yrs.; 10 ditto of 1 yr.; 6 hogs, .£247; 40 morgens of land and valley, S80: Total, £327.
Susanne Dubbels—2 oxen, 5 cows, 3 ditto of 2 yrs.; 3 ditto of 1 yr., £49; 8 morgens of land and valley, £16: Total, £65
Pieter Corse(n)—l poll, £18. Hendrick Corse(n)Ñ2 polls, 2 horses, 2 sheep, £61; 10 morgens of land and valley, £20: Total, £81
Hendrick Theymese—1 poll, 1 horse, 3 cows, £45; 3 morgens of land, £6: Total, £51.
Themes Lambertse—2 polls, 3 horses, 1 ditto of 1 yr.; 6 cows, 2 ditto of 3 yrs.; 4 ditto of 2 yrs. ; 2 ditto of 1 yr.; 6 sheep, 1 hog, £129.10; 23 morgens of land and valley, £46: Total, £175.10.
Jan Gerritse—1 poll, 2 horses, 1 ditto of 2 yrs.; 3 cows, 1 ditto of 2 yrs.; 3 ditto of 1 yr.; 2 sheep, 1 hog, £71; 11 A morgens of land and valley, £23: Total, £95.
Jean Aersen—1 poll, 4 horses, 3 cows, 1 ditto of 2 yrs.; 2 ditto of 1 yr.; 1 hog, £87.10.
Juff’w Potters—1 horse, 1 ditto of 2 yrs.; 4 cows, 1 ditto of 2 yrs.; 2 ditto of 1 yr, 2 hogs, £44.10; 18 morgens of land and valley, £36: Total, £80.10.
Dierck Janse Woertman—1 poll, 2 horses, 3 cows, £57; 9 morgens of land and Valley, £18: Total, £75.
Maerten Ryerse—1 poll, 4 horses, 1 ditto of 3 yrs.; 6 cows, 1 ditto of 3 yrs. ; 2 ditto of 2 yrs.; 1 ditto of 1 yr.; 1 hog, £115.10; 31 1/2 morgens of land and valley, £63: Total, £178.10.
Catherine Jeronimus—1 ox, 1 row, £11.
Jabeck Gisbertse—1 poll, 2 horses, 3 cows, 1 ditto of 3 yrs.; 3 ditto of 2 yrs.; 1 ditto of 1 yr.; 2 hogs, £67; 8 morgens of land and valley, £16: Total, £83.
Jan Frederickse—1 poll, 2 cows, I morgen of valley, £30.
Baerent Hegbertse—1 poll, 1 cow, 3 ditto of 3 yrs.; 1 ditto of 2 yrs. 2 ditto of 1 yr., £40.10; 4 morgens of land and valley, £8: Total, .£48.10.
Jan Hansen—1 poll, 2 horses, 4 cows, 2 ditto of 3 yrs. ; 2 ditto of 2 yrs. 1 ditto of 1 yr.; 4 hogs, £80.10; 10 morgens of land and valley, £20: Total, £100.10.
Pieter Jansen-1 poll, I horse, 3 cows, £45; 8 morgens of land and valley, £16: Total, £61.
Michil Hansen—1 poll, 2 horses, 4 cows, 2 ditto of 3 yrs.; 2 ditto of 2 yrs., £75; 20 morgens of land and valley, £40: Total, £ 115.
Wouter Geisse—1 poll, £18.
Andries Jurianse—2 polls, 4 horses, 6 cows, 3 ditto of 2 yrs.; 1 ditto of 1 yr. ; 4 sheep, £124.10; 28 morgens of land and valley, £56: Total, £180.10.
Jan Gillese—1 poll, 1 hog, £19.
Joores Jacobse—3 polls, 5 horses, 1 ditto of 1 yr.; 5 cows, 3 ditto of 3 yrs. ; 2 ditto of 2 yrs.; 4 ditto of 1 yr.; 2 hogs, £167; 40 morgens of land and valley, £80: Total, £247.
Total amount of the valuation of the jurisdiction of Breuckelen, £5,204.
(N. Y. Doc. Hist., ii., p. 475.)
Claes Aerense—3 polls, I horse, 5 cows, 2 ditto of 2 yrs.; 2 ditto of 1 yr., £96.10; 10 morgens of land and valley, £28: Total, £124.10.
Jan Do Swede—1 poll, 1 horse, 1 ditto of 1 yr.; 4 cows, 1 ditto of 1 yr.; 1 hog, £55.10; 2 morgens of land, £4: Total, £59.10.