Baerent Hegbertse—1 poll, 1 cow, £62; 3 morgens of land, .£6: Total, .£68.
Joost Fransen—1 poll, 2 horses, 1 ditto of 1 yr.; 5 cows, 1 ditto of 2 yrs.; 3 ditto of 1 yr.; 2 hogs, £79; 19 morgens of land and valley, £38: Total, £117.
Andries Juriaense—1 poll, 2 horses, 2 ditto of 3 yrs.; 8 cows, 1 ditto of 2 yrs.; 2 ditto of 1 yr., £103.10; 28 morgens of land and valley, £56: Total, £159.10.
Lambert Jansen Dortlant—1 poll, 3 cows, £33; 8 morgens of land and valley, £16: Total, £49.
(Evert) Hendrickse—1 poll, £18.
Wouter Geisse [?]—1 poll, £18. Simon AersenÑ1 poll, 2 oxen, 4 cows, 1 ditto of 2 yrs.; 1 hog, £56; 8 morgens of land and valley, £16: Total, £72.
Jean Pietersen Mackelyck—1 poll, 4 cows, £38; 8 morgens of land, £16: Total £54.
Jean Frederickse—1 poll, 2 horses, 2 cows, .252; 7 morgens of land, £14: Total, £66.
Johannes Christoffel—1 poll, 2 oxen, 2 cows, 1 ditto of 2 yrs., £42.10; 7 morgens of land, £14: Total, £56.10.
Mr. Paulus van der Beeck—2 polls, 3 horses, 4 cows, 2 ditto of 2 yrs.; 2 ditto of 1 yr., £100; 20 morgens of land and valley, £40: Total, .£140.
Theunes Gisbertse (Bogaert)—3 polls, 4 horses, 1 ditto of 2 yrs.; 5 oxen, 2 cows, 5 ditto of 3 yrs.; 10 ditto of 2 yrs.; 8 ditto of 1 yr. 9 hogs, .£251 40 morgens of land and valley, £80: Total, £331.
Simon Claes—1 poll, 1 horse, 2 cows, 1 ditto of 2 yrs. 2 do of 1 yr. 1 hog, £46.10; 7 morgens of land and valley, £14: Total, £60.10.
Juffrouw Potters—1 horse, 1 ditto of 3 yrs. ; 4 cows, 1 ditto of 2 yrs.; 3 hogs, £45.
Jean Aersen—1 poll, 3 horses, 2 cows, I ditto of 3 yrs.; 2 ditto of 2 yrs.; 1 ditto of 1 yr, .£74.10; 18 morgens of land and valley, £36: Total, £110.10.
Thomas Jansen Van d(uyn?)—1 poll, 2 horses, 3 cows, £57; 1 morgen of land, £2: Total, £59.
Acheys Jansen van deick—1 poll, 2 oxen, 2 cows, 1 ditto of 1 yr., .£41.10; 1 morgen of land, £2: Total, £43.10.
Dierck Hattum—1 poll, 2 oxen, 2 cows, I ditto of 3 yrs.; 1 ditto of 2 yr., £50.10; 1 morgen of land, £4: Total, £54.10.
Jurian Blancke—2 horses, 1 cow, 2 ditto of 1 yr., .£32; 6 morgens of land, .£12: Total, .£44.
Daniel de Rappallie—1 poll, 1 horse, 2 cows (valuation destroyed).
Jerm. de Rappallie-2 polls, 2 horses, 2 cows; 8 morgens of land (valuation destroyed).
Pieter Jansen—1 poll, 2 horses, 2 oxen, 6 cows, 4 ditto of 2 yrs.; 3 ditto of 1 yr., £98.10; 25 morgens of land and valley, £50: Total, £148.10.
Jan Jansen—1 poll, 2 oxen, 2 cows, 1 ditto of 2 yrs.; 3 ditto of 1 yr., £45.10; 2 morgens of land, £4: Total, £49.10.
Hendrick Corsen—1 poll, 3 horses, 2 cows, 1 ditto of 2 yrs., £66.10; 12 morgens of land and valley, £24: Total, .£90.10.
Pieter Corsen—1 poll, .218.
Casper Cornelise—1 poll, £18.
Willem Willemse Bennett-1 poll, 2 horses, 2 ditto of 1 yr.; 2 oxen, 5 cows, 4 ditto of 2 yrs.; 3 ditto of 1 yr., £99.10; 181 morgens of land and valley, £227: Total, .£126.10.
Rem Jansen—3 polls, 4 horses, 2 cows, 5 ditto of 3 yrs.; 2 ditto of 2 yrs.; 1 ditto of 1 yr.; 2 hogs, £184.10; 19 morgens of land and valley, £38: Total, £222.10.
Dierek Stoorm—1 poll, 1 horse, .£30; 11 morgens of land and valley, £22: Total, £52.
Maerten Ryerse—1 poll, 4 horses, 8 cows, 1 ditto of 2 yrs.; 3 ditto of 1 yr.; 2 hogs, £117.10; 31 1/2 morgens of land and valley, £63: Total, £180.10.