(N.Y. Doc. Hist., ii., pp. 498-503.)
Jeronimus Jorisen—1 poll, 1 horse, 6 cows, 2 ditto of 2 yrs.; 1 ditto of 1 yr.; 2 hogs, £68.10; 8 morgens of land, £16: Total, £84.10.
Jan Cornelis Dainen—2 horses, 5 cows, 4 ditto of 2 yrs.; 3 ditto of 1 yr., £63.10; 10 morgens of land, £20: Total, £83.10.
Tennis Jansen—2 horses, 5 cows, 6 ditto of 2 yrs.; 3 ditto of 1 yr.; 4 sheep, 1 poll, £90.10; 20 morgens of land, £40: Total, £130.10.
Willm Huicke—2 horses, 1 ditto of 1 yr. ; 3 cows, 3 ditto of 2 yrs.; 2 ditto of 1 yr., £53.20; 8 morgens of land, £16: Total, £69.20.
Daniel Rapelic—5 horses, 6 cows, 4 ditto of 2 and 3 yrs.; 3 ditto of 2 yrs.; 2 ditto of 1 yr., £110.10; 24 morgens of land, £48: Total, £158.10.
Jan Aersen (Middagh)—3 horses, 5 cows, 2 ditto of 2 yrs.; 4 sheep, £70; 27 morgens of land, £54: Total, £124.
Thomas Vardon—2 horses, 3 cows, 1 ditto of 2 and 3 yrs. 4 ditto of 1 yr.; 1 poll, £65.10; 8 morgens of land, £16: £81.10.
Jacob Jansen Bergen—2 horses, 1 poll, 3 cows, 1 ditto of 1 yr. 3 ditto of 3 yrs.; 1 ditto of 1 yr., £67.30; 24 morgens of land and valley, £48: Total, £115.30.
Joris Hansen—1 poll, 2 horses, 3 cows, 2 ditto of 3 yrs. ; I ditto of 2 yrs.; 2 ditto of I yr., £86.10; 12 morgens of land, 24: £110.10.
Cornelis Sebrings—1 poll, 2 horses, 2 cows, 3 ditto of 3 yrs., £64; 17 morgens of land and valley, £34: Total, £88.
Tryntie Korssen—3 cows, 2 ditto of 2 yrs. ; 2 ditto of 3 yrs., £28; 2 morgens of land and valley, £4: Total, £32.
Pieter Korsseu—1 poll, 2 horses, 4 cows, .£62; 10 morgens of land and valley, £20: Total, .£82.
Hendrick Korssen—10 morgens of land, £20. Jacob BrouwerÑ2 cows, 1 ditto of 2 yrs., £30.10; 6 morgens of land and valley, £12: Total, £42.10.
Pieter Jansen—1 poll, 3 horses, 6 cows, 2 ditto of 3 yrs.; 1 ditto of 2 yrs. 3 ditto of 1 yr., £99.20; 18 morgens of land and valley, £36: Total, .£135.20.
Klaes Arentse—2 polls, 4 cows, 2 ditto of 2 yrs.; 2 ditto of I yr., £64; 12 morgens of land, £24: Total, £88.
Paulus Dircksoe—1 poll, 3 horses, 5 cows, 2 ditto of 3 yrs.; 4 ditto of 2 yrs.; 2 ditto of 1 yr.; 1 ditto of 6 yrs., £106; 25 morgens of land, .£50: Total, £156.
Liesbet Pouluse—1 cow, 1 ditto of 3 yrs.; 1 ditto of 5 yrs.; 1 ditto of 2 yrs.; 1 ditto of 1 yr., £19.
Mattys Brouwer—1 poll, 1 cow, 1 ditto of 3 yrs., £27. Jan Frederickse 1 poll, 3 horses, 6 cows, 2 ditto of 2 yrs.; 1 ditto of 1 yr., £90.10; 14 morgens of land, £28: Total, £118.10.
Joost Franse—1 poll, 2 horses, 3 cows, 1 ditto of 3 yrs. ; 2 ditto of 2 yrs.; 1 ditto of 1 yr., £67; 16 morgens of land and valley, £32.10: Total, £99.10.
Arisen van Laer—1 poll, 2 cows, 1 horse, 1 yearling, £41.10; 1 morgen of land, £2: Total, £43.10.
Abraham Ackerman—1 poll, 1 cow, £23.
Thomas Lammerse (Lambertse?)—2 polls, 3 horses, 1 ditto of 2 yrs.; 7 cows, 1 ditto of 3 yrs. ; 4 ditto of 2 yrs.; 4 ditto of 1 yr. ; 4 sheep, 2136 18 morgens of land, .£36: Total, £172.
Willem Joresen—1 poll, 5 cows, 2 ditto of 2 yrs. ; 2 horses, 282 12 morgens of land, £24: Total, £96.