New Milk, Ditto. Fresh Butter, Ditto. Vegitables, Ditto. And most articles which are the products of a farm, will share the same fate. RAM MUTTON and BULL BEEF excepted.
Some few days since a Scrivener, who sometime resides amongst us, indulged himself with a walk to ASCOT-HEATH RACES, he walked around the course, refreshed himself at Loosley’s Barn;—He then walked down to the Ferry, and very deliberately walked into the river and had it not been for the friendly assistance of some gentlemen belonging to the army, in all probability he would have then stepped into eternity.
So great a number of Satires in Verse have, and do daily appear here, that one would imagine all the people of Brooklyne were turned Poets.
The State of Massachusetts Bay, being now convinced of the necessity of fitting a fleet to support their fishery, have sent two schooners of 6 carriage guns, and a sloop of 4 guns and well manned, to cruise off Halifax, with strict orders to bring all the British frigates into Marblehead.
Extract from a Philadelphia Paper.
When the account of the defeat of the British fleet, off Dominica, on the 12th of April, arrived here, the Congress, by the desire of Mr. Luzerne, immediately assembled and passed the following resolves:
Ò1st. Resolved nem. con. That the exigencies of our public affairs were such, that the British fleet ought to have been defeated.
2d. Resolved nem. con. That as Mons. Luzerne has assured us the fleet of his Most Christian Majesty had totally defeated the fleet of the British King on the 12th of April, off Dominica, the British fleet certainly was defeated.
3d. Resolved nem. con. That the thanks of this House be
presented to Mons. Luzerne, for this early and important intelligence.
By Order of Congress,
In Congress, May 27, 1782.
After which Te Deum was sung in Congress, nemine contradicente, high
Mass performed, a Feu-de-Joie fired in the evening, and the city of Philadelphia
grandly illuminated.