His Excellency Benjamin Franklin, Esq., Minister Plenipotentiary for the United States of America, having introduced the use of Electrical Rods in the French navy, was the occasion of drawing the British thunder upon them in the West Indies. Probatum est.
By a letter from Maryland we are informed, the Assembly of that province are determined to shake off the fetters of Congress and throw themselves into the arms of their old friend and parent.
Now selling off at prime cost, at No. 9, the remaining stock in trade of an eminent Clergyman leaving off business for the good of his health, which has been much impaired by nocturnal lucubrations, consisting of a complete set of manuscript sermons, for the year round, with national and synodical fasts; also a variety of sermons against the 30th of January, Mons Meg charged and primed for the 5th of November, a rod for the Whore of Babylon, the Sins of the Nation described, Tracts upon the Crook of the Lot, or the afflicted man's Companion, Ten Steps of Jacob’s Ladder, Boston's fourfold State, the Cloud of Witnesses, Bunyan’s Hitch for a heavy ars’d Christian, ditto, Pilgrim’s Progress, ditto Holy War, a Rod for Billy’s Breach, Gospel Sonnets, &c, &c, &c. Inventory of which may be seen at any time.
The Rev. Doctor Witherspoon, President of the College of Prince-Town, has invented a new creed, and is now writing a paraphrase upon the 5th Commandment, by which he intends fully to prove, that there is no duty due from a child to a parent, from an inferior to a superior, from a subject to a Sovereign, unless a Congress, which is to be published as an appendix to an essay, ready for the press, entitled “A Treatise against Moral Obligations.”
Friend Loosley suffered much on Tuesday evening last,—To grace the ceremony and assist the joys of the people, a large piece of ordnance was discharged so close to his house, the explosion of which shattered his windows in a most terrible manner. No doubt but Loosley's glazier rejoices at the accident.
With sorrow we inform our neighbors and our distant friends, that many depredations have lately been made in the face of open day, on this island, but more particularly in the city of New York.—The initials of the culprits