names are G E——. A parole is appointed to traverse the streets of Brooklyne every hour day and night, to prevent street robberies.

A melancholy event had liked to have happened here a few days ago. A person belonging to Mr. Elms of this place, was (driving a horse and chair into the river, the horse proving unruly, was taken into the stream, and it was with great difficulty they were got out again; unhappily the horse was sadly wet, but the man received no other hurt than catching a slight cold and damaging his watch.

Our passage boats have had a middling good time in crossing the ferry lately, not a single fee has been lost.

Whether or no we meet esteem,
Regardless as a praw;
No real injury we mean
In our Gazette extra.
Critics may snarl, but should they bite,
Then weÕd our powÕr exert;
For weÕre assured, the more we write
Will make us more expert.

A Generous Price will be given by the Editors for the latest Rebel Papers.


COMMENCED drawing on the 4th of June, when only Ten Tickets were drawn, the numbers taken from the Check Book are the following; No. 598—906—1702—1827—1861—1912—2547—2582—2808—2968

This Lottery being for charitable purposes, every means will be adopted to promote the interest thereof.

A few Tickets remain unsold, which may be had at the usual places.

The Lottery re-commenced drawing on Wednesday the 12th instant, and will Continue drawing till all is finished. N. B. There were two Ten Dollar Prizes, three of Five Dollars, and Five Blanks drawn.