- Alexander, John, rope maker.
- Armstrong, John, tavern keeper.
- Barbarin, John N., physician, Main Road.
- Beezely, William, laborer.
- Beezely, Thomas, blacksmith, Sand’s Dock
- Bennet, John, livery stable, Main Road.
- Bennet, widow, washer, Main Road.
- Berry, —, farmer, near the Episcopal Church.
- Blackslee, Archibald, near the Episcopal Church.
- Boerum, Martin.
- Brown, widow Hannah, facing Capt. Dawson’s, Old Ferry.
- Brower and Beezely, blacksmiths, Main Road.
- Burlock, Thomas, livery stable, Main Road.
- Burns, widow. Cannon, Peter, cooper, near SandÕs Dock.
- Carpenter, William, lumber merchant, near the Old Ferry.
- Carpenter, widow, near the Old Ferry.
- Carstand, John, rope maker.
- Clows and Rhodes, store keepers, Main Road.
- Coe, Thomas, blacksmith.
- Cole, John, coach and chair maker.
- Coop, Edward, blacksmith.
- Cornelison, John, rope maker.
- Cornell, Smith, cartman.
- Cornell, William, boarding-house.
- Cornell, Whitehead. Davis, widow Elizabeth, Main Road.
- Dawson, Henry, near the Old Ferry.
- Deane, John, shoemaker.
- Denton, George, house carpenter.
- Dougherty, William, house carpenter.
- Doughty, John, butcher.
- Doughty, Charles
- Douglas, —, butcher.
- Eagles, Jacob, grocer, Main Road.
- Field, Joseph, grocer, Main Road.
- Fisher, John. Foster, teacher, near the Episcopal Church.
- Fox, Joseph, store keeper, Main Road.
- Fuller, Benjamin, painter and glazier, Main Road.
- Furman, William, one of the proprietors of the New Ferry, Main Road.
- Garrison, John, butcher.
- Gilbert, Robert, blacksmith.
- Grant, William, Jayler.
- Guy and Harmer, dyers, near the New Ferry.
- Guy, Francis, dyer, near the New Ferry.
- Hampstead, —, rope maker, near the New Ferry.
- Hargrave, Robert, tinsmith, Main Road, near the Methodist Church.
- Harris, widow Grace, Main Road.
- Hastings, John, gardener, opposite the Methodist Church.
- Havens, Thomas tavern keeper, near the Old Ferry.
- Herbert, James, shoemaker, New Perry Street.
- Hicks, Jacob, tavern keeper, Old Ferry Dock.
- Hicks, Jacob M., Main Road.
- Hicks, John M., Main Road.
- Hicks, John, one of the proprietors of the Old Ferry.
- Hicks, George, one of the proprietors of the Old Ferry.
- Hicks, Isaac, merchant; store, Pearl Street, New York.
- Higby, Aaron, tavern keeper, Main Road.
- Higby, Edward, tavern keeper, New Ferry Dock.
- Hodge, Robert, bookseller, opposite the Methodist Church; store, Water
Street, New York.