- Aarnhem, Fred. van, 159.
- Aarson, Rynier, 179,181.
- Aarten, Hendrick, 203.
- “Abbey, The,” 251.
- Aerson, John, 213.
- Aertsen van Rossum, Huyek. See Van Rossum.
- Aertsen de Hart, Simon. See De Hart.
- Aertsen Aert. See Middagh.
- Adriance, family, 85.
- Adriaense, Elbert, 85; Marten, 85, 93, 236; Rem, 58;
William 50, 58.
- Agriculture among the early Dutch, 231.
- Aharsimus, 97.
- Alburtis, family, 83; John, 84; Peter Caesar, 24,84;
William, 84.
- Alley, Buckbee’s, alias Poplar, 378.
- Alorfsen, Samuel, 415.
- Alstine, Johannis, 233.
- American loss at Battle of Brooklyn, 281.
- Amerman, Derick, 389; Jan., 180, 181.
- Amersfoort, 106, 118, 119, 121, 129, 130, 181, 197,
199, 222.
- Anbury, Lieut., 253.
- “Anchor Gin ” Distillery, 301.
- Anderson, William, 171.
- Andre, Maj. John, at Bedford, 321.
- Andriese, Juriaen, 97, 99. 208; Lambert, 99.
- Andros, Sir Ed., 165, 198, 199, 366.
- Anhault Zerbet Regiment at Brooklyn, 322.
- Anniversary of King’s Coronation. Celebration
of, 317.
- Antonides, Rev. Vincentius, 171, 172, 173, 175, 176,
179, 181, 185, 187.
- Anthon, Prof. John, 373.
- Arbuthnot, Admiral, 305.
- Areson, Capt., 410.
- Arms, family, 240.
- Arondeus, Rev. John, 184.
- Artillery, Capt. Wilson’s, 396.
- Ascot Heath, 319, 322, 323, 324, 377. See Flatlands
- Assessment Rolls of the Five Dutch Towns, 197; of Brooklyn.
See Appendix.
- Association, The Martyrs’ Monument; 875.
- Asia, The, 264.
- Atlantic Docks, The, 59.
- Aukes, Annetje, 77.
- Atlee's Regiment, 262, 269, 271, 278.
- Axtell, 256, 301, 316.
- Aycrigg, Benjamin, 364, 365, 367.
- Backer, Gerrit Heyndrick, 113.
- Badye, or Baddia, Mary, 5O, 425.
- Baker. Nicholas the, 424
- Baker’s Tavern, 266.
- Bal, Barent, 135.
- Ball, Dr. Chas., 388, 391.
- Bamper, Lodewyck, 308, 309, 382.
- Bancker, Gerard, 203.
- Bank in Brooklyn. Petition for the establishment of
a, 392.
- Barbarin, Dr. John N., 309, 388; Capt., 396, 397;
Aime J. 309.
- Barchstoel, Philip, 113.
- Barculo, Lieut,, 408
- Barentse, Jam, 70; Albertse, 181; William, 236.
- Bargay, Jno., 232.
- Barnse, Claes, 213.
- Barracks ( Hessian ) at Bedford, 320, 321.
- Barres, Adjt. Daniel, 408.
- Basset, Rev. Dr. John, 193,194; Ann, 189; Mary, 189,
Stephen. 189.
- Battle of Brooklyn, 242-297.
- Battle-Hill, 270.
- Bath Road, The, 255.
- Bay Ridge, 53; Road, The, 295; of Gowanus, 60.
- Beattie, Mr., 194.
- Beaver, The, 145; Pond, 317, 328; Lane, 125.
- Beavois, See De Bevoise.
- Bedford, 155, 157, 158, 159. 192, 201, 206, 212, 213,
243, 261, 320, 367; Pass, The. 261, 262; Lane, The, 213 ; Road, The,
264, 273; deed of, from Indians, 159, 161; District, The, 381.
- Bedsteads, Dutch. 229.
- Beekman, Gerardus, 177, 180; William, 108.
- Been, Heyndrick Jansen, 120.
- Beets, Thomas. See Bescher.
- Belisarius, The. 338.
- Belt, Maj. J. V. D., 316.
- Beman, Capt., 301.
- Berry farm, 58: Rachel, 56; Richard, 53; Walter, 69.
- Bescher, Thomas. 28, 55, 56.
- “Betste.” The. 224, 225.
- Betty, Thomas, 250.
- Bennett, Adriaen, 50, .51, 52, 201, 204. See Wm.
Adriaense, Bennett; Cornelius, 59; Cornelius W., 49, 51, Jacob,
208; Jacod, Willem, 204; Jacques, 23, 33, 49, 50; Jan, 179, 181, 203;
John Willemse, 208; Peter, 27; Tunis, 324; Willem, 203; Willem Adriaense,
23, 28, 49, 50, 52, 54; Willem Willemse, 425; Wynant, 53, 55, 58, 59,
270; Rev, Mr., 402; Bentyn purchase at Gowanus, 44.
- Bennet’s Point, 328; Cove, 278.
- Benson, A. W., 58.
- Bergen’s Hill, 251.
- Bergen, 90. 119, 254; Breckje, 81; Cornelius, 53;
Dirick, 58; Elsie, 65; Garret, 52; Garret G., 55; Geertje, 54; George
(or Joris) Hansen, 66, 72, 97, 99, 209. 210, 422; Hanse, 52, 54; Hana
Hansen, 24, 29, 74, 81, 88, 89, 92, 102, 213, 417, 420 421, 424; Hans
Jorise, 81; Hans Jacobse, 65, 424; Jacob, 65, 401; Jacob Hansen, 63,
65, 66, 72, 203, 210; Jan (or John) Hansen 58 157, 244, 316; John
S., 54; John, 53: John G. 55; J. C., 256, (Capt.) J. T., 409, 410;
Leah, 54; Leffert, 53; Martenus. 51, 54; Michael, 53, 102, 102, 318,
422; Michael Hansen, 53, 62, 97, 99, 101, 157, 201, 202, 211; Peter,
53, 54; Rachel, 102; Simon, 52, 248; Teunis, 53; (Hon.) Tennis G.,
51, 52, 93, 425; Theodorus, 58; Willem Ariaense, 55.
- Bible Society, the Long Island, 185.
- Bibout, John, 206.