- Binnen-water, The, 52.
- Bird, Maj., 260.
- Black, Hans, 132.
- Blake, 64, 66.
- Blanco, John, 249.
- Blockje’s Berg, 58, 271, 272.
- Blom or Bloom. Claes Barentse, 203; Barent, 94; Jacob,
94, 249, 292
- Blucke’s barracks. See Blockje’s Borg.
- Boerum Farm, The, 94; Abraham, 89, 94; Isaac, 249
250, 266; Simon, 244; William, (Lt.-Col. M.): 401. 402.
- Bogaert, Adriaen, 94; Aertje, 91; Cornelis, 94, 95;
Evert, Willem, 239; Gysbert, Jr., 9.5; Joris Gysbert. 123; Theunis
Gysbert 81, 90, 91, 94, 113, 114, 115, 200, 201, 202, 203, 403, 422,
425, 426.
- Bogardius, 21 36, 128, 239, 410.
- “Bogart, Een”, 415
- “Bone Procession, the Dry,” 366.
- Boomgart, Gysbert, 204.
- Boomtie’s Hook, 62.
- Boonthay Hook, 62.
- Bombay Hook, 620
- Borsum, Cornelis van, 426.
- Boswyck. See. Bushwick.
- Bout, Jan Evertse, 45, 66, 98, 99, 100, 101, 107,
152, 421, 422.
- Bower, Henry C., 308.
- Box Fort, 251, 278.
- Brackunee, Aeltje, 425.
- Bredenbent, Willem, 68, 109, 123, 132, 135, 143.
- Breyckelen, See Brooklyn.
- Breyckelyn, See Brooklyn.
- Brenner, Capt. Andrew, 401.
- Breser, 75, 76. 77. 79.
- Brewster, Jacob, 216.
- Briaz. Juriaen. 72.
- Bridge and Road Co., the Flushing, 381; proposed across
the East River in 1800, 383.
- Brier, Volkert. 206.
- Brinekeroff, Aeltje Joris. 425.
- British, occupy L. I., 297; Rule on L. I., 301; leave
L.I., 325; plan of battle, 264; loss in Battle, 282; hospitals at
Brooklyn, 505; wagon Dep’t at Brooklyn, 311; forage and wood
Dep’t at, 310.
- Brooklyn, 29, 95, 197, 248; named, 45; municipal privileges,
46; made a market town, 112, 198; represented in the “Nine Men,”
106; two Schepens added, 110; in Holland, visit to, 418, 420; Bell
for church, 143; Charter granted, 51; Church, 143, 287, 323; Church
Record, Appendix VII; Cricket Club fit 1779, 313; Delegates to Convention,
108; Directory of' 1796, Appendix X; Districts, 381; Evacuation of,
by British, 325; (Eastern Dist.), see Bushwick; Ferry, 74 142 312,
320; Fort, on Heights, 315; Fortified, 113, 251; Gazetteer, description
of, 379; Hall, 311, 312, 323, 324; Hall, Super-Extra Gazette, Appendix
IX.; Heights, Indian name of, 9 35, 242, 304, 308; fort built on,
247, 314; Hunt, 322; Land, 112, Magistrates, 109; Meadows, 442; Patent,
51, 164, 200; Petition for land, 116; Population, 215; Schoolmaster,
first, 116; Settleinent of, 24; (South), 29, 64; Square, 382; Survey
of land ordered, 118; Taxes, 154; New Utrecht boundary, 49; Flatbush
boundary, 49; Flatbush turnpike, 261; Town Records stolen, 327; Vaterans
of 1812, Appendix XI.; Woodlands, 442.
- Bronck, Jones, 25; Abraham, 100, 203.
- Brouwer, Adam, 68, 99, 100, 1.35, 156, 157, 203, 425;
Adam, Jr., 203; Jacob, 97, 204, 230; Jurry, 69; (Capt.) Laurence,
402, 406; Nicholas, 100; Peter, 203; Sybrant, 100; William, 243; Mills,
251, 421.
- Broucart, Bourgan, 426.
- Broulaet, Bourgon, 204.
- Bruce, Capt., 316.
- Bruington, Jacob, 232,
- Briunswick still Hessian troops at Brooklyn, 323;
dragoons at Flatbush, 318.
- Brush Tavern. The, 159 (or 189), 270.
- Burr, Aaron, 79.
- Buckbee family, hayscale and alley, 378.
- Bull, Jan, 204, Theunis, 208.
- Buildings. St. Anne’s, 377.
- Bull Creek, 68,
- Bull-baiting at Brooklyn, 316, 320.
- Bunce, Joel, 388, 391.
- Burial-places, Indian, Appendix VI.; public, 380 of
Delaware and Maryland Regiments, 280.
- Burke, Win.346,
- Burning, of prison-ships, 334.
- Burroughs, John, 234.
- Bushnell, Chas. I., 337.
- Bushwick, 26, 29, 96, 143, 162, 164, 171, 182. 212.
234, 292; Indian deed of, 215, and Appendix II.; Cross Roalls, 89;
Settlement of, 113 ; Recognized as a town, 118; Creek, 88, 291; Hills,
266, 267; Citizens in War of 1812, 402, 403.
- Buttermilk Channel, 112, and Appendix.
- Bybon, John, 212.
- Ceasar, a negro, 219.
- Ceasar, the Italian. See Albertis.
- Caithness, Earl of, .316.
- Cage, A., 378, 386.
- Campbeil, Davill & Wm., 165.
- Camp (British) at Bedford. 320.
- Canal of 1864 See Bull Creek.
- Canarsee tribe, 29, 40, 118.
- Cappoens, Christiana, 113, 114, 116.
- Carpenter, Capt, 271; William, 380; George, 243.
- Carson, Ebenezer, 58.
- Casper, Andrus, 250.
- Caperse, Joost, 203; Jobannes, 203.
- Casthalez, Nicholas, 101.
- Catharine, Street. 360.
- Catts, David, 234.
- Cemetery of the Evergreens. 261.
- Census of Brooklyn negroes in 1755, 232; in 1811,
- Chairs, anclent Dutch, 229.
- Charters of Freedom and Exemptions, 19, 31, 32.
- Cliardovoyne, Wm, 247.
- Chatham, The prisor-ship, 336,
- Chauncey, Capt. Isaac, 363.
- Cheney, Amos, 388.
- Chimney Tiles, Diitch, 228.
- Child, Francis, 82 385.
- Church, First in Manhattan, 128; of Kings, Co., 166;
Masters, 168, 179; at Brooklyn, 34, 143, 377; Artilces of Agreement,
173, 174, 175. Appendix VII,
- Clark, Mr., 169, H. L., 56, 58.
- Clarkston. 169, 184.
- Claesen, Bartel, 134; Hendrick, 203, Symon, 120.
- Clerck, Jan de, 135.
- Cleyn, Jan Cornelisen, 235.
- Clinton. Gen., 246, 249, 256, 263, 265.
- Clodes, 230.
- Clove Road, 158, 261, 273.
- Clowes, 211.
- Clussman, Dr. Gen. A. 388.
- Coa, Jno., 74; Sarah, 74.
- Coast Road, The, 268, 269, 270.
- Cobble-Hill, 252, 320, 322, 402.
- Coe, 212.
- Coetus, organized, I82.
- Coffin, 349, 352, 357, 358, 367.
- Codden, Gov. Cadwallader, 309.
- Cole, Jordan, 64, 65. 67; John, 387.
- Collier, Sir Geo., 264, 335.
- Colonist Assembly holds session In Brooklyn, 216.
- Colored People, services in War of 1812, 406.
- Columbia College, 194. 332.
- Columbia Academy, 400.
- Columbian Society. See Tammany.
- Commission sent to L I, 123; of Schepens, 46; of Schout,
- “Congress, The” Citadel, 247.
- Coney Island, 43, 121, 261.