- Conover, Jno., 64, 216.
- Connor, Bryant, 328.
- Conrady, Lt., 330.
- Conselyee, Lt. Joseph, 409; William, 403.
- Contrart for building ferry-house at Brooklyn, 224.
- Cooke, Hon. Jos. P., 363.
- Cool, Cornelis Lambertisen, 28, 64, 56.
- Cooper, John, 414.
- Coosen, Gerrit, 157.
- Copsteedt, Hendrick de, 135.
- Cotton raised on L. I., 232.
- Converts, Mauritz, 203; Jan, 208; Theunis, 203; Luycas,
- Courier & N. Y. & L. I. Advertiser, 380, 385.
- County Records authenticated, 386.
- Council of War at Battle of L.I., 184.
- Cowdrey, Samuel, 365.
- Cozzens. Issacher, 365.
- Cornell, Family, 64, 307; House, 284: Mill, 61, 66,
305; Cornelis, 179, 181; Isaac, 307; John, 66, 179, 181, 219, 307,
329; Whitehead, 304, 306, 307; William, 306.
- Cornelissen, Albert, 24. 101, 109, 111, 132, 134,
200; Claes, 104; Geertje, 54; Jan, 224; Matthys, 203; Peter, 45, 71,
103, 132; Theunis, 120; Willem, 82.
- Couwenhoven, see Van Couwilnhoven.
- Cox, Gabriel. 74.
- Crane, Major, 291,
- Creed, B., 322.
- Cregiers, Martin, 142.
- Cripplebush, The, 81, 88, 193, 206, 212; Road, 158;
District, 381.
- Croesus, Gerrit, 99.
- Corner-stone of Martyrs’ Monument, 365.
- Cornwall, William, 388.
- Cornwallis, Earl, 255. 262. 265.
- Corporation House, The Old, 311, 392,
- Conssen, 61; Cornelis, 423: Peter, 72, 203, 423.
- Cortelyou House, The, 52, 56, 278, 280 ; Road, The,
255; Adriaen, 57; Isaac, 255; Jacques, 57, 83, 114, 118, 1.57, 198,
227; Peter, 211, 212.
- Cowdrey, R. F. , 393.
- Cunningham, Capt. Win., 232, 329.
- Curdy, Samuel, 365
- Curtenins, Rev. Antonius, 185.
- Cronchley, Thomas, 388.
- Customs, Ancient Dutch tavern, 225.
- Cutting, Win., 73.
- Cypher, 326.
- Dalrymple, Lieut.-Col., 257.
- Damen, Fitie 83; Jan, 83, 84, 120, 154, 155, 157,
200, 201, 204.
- Darmantier, Peter, 159.
- Davies., Sameul, 160,
- Dawson, H. B., 252, 337, 352, 353.
- Dawson’s Tavern, 362, 372.
- Deacons of the City of New York, 83; of the Brooklyn
- Dean, Capt. Joseph, 59, 402, 406, 409.
- De Bevoise. Family The, 118; Caret, or Charles, 99,
102, 103 145, 181, 262, 250, 424; Jacobus, 102, 181, 203; James, 330;
Johannes, 252; Jost, 243; Maratie, 421, 423.
- De Bruyn Road. See Bath Road.
- Defences of Brooklyn, Revolutionary, 251, 252, 397,
398, 401.
- Defiance Fort, 62, 248.
- De Forest lssac, 100.
- De Graff, 223.
- De Graw, James, 217.
- De Haas’s Battalion, 271.
- De Hart, Simon (Aertsen), 51, 54, 203, 208, 212, 226,
269; House, The, 52.
- De Heister, Gen., 268, 264, 273, 326.
- De La Grange, Mr., 88.
- De Laucey, Capt., 283.
- De Laplaine, E. P., 87; Jno. F., 54, 87.
- Delavail, Capt., 153.
- Delaware Reg’t, The, 272, 280.
- Denton’s Mill, 68, 98, 100.
- Denyse’s Ferry, 255, 322; House, 264; Capt. Win.,
408; Denys, 244.
- Deputies from B. to Convention, 244; to Prov. Congress,
- Department, Fire, origin of, 377,
- De Peyster, Capt. Johannes, 175.
- De Potter, Adriantje, 81.
- De Reimter, Margaretta, 149.
- De Sille, Niessius, 70, 113, 138, 139, 142.
- De Sweede, Jan, 88.
- De Witt. Rev. Benj , 169. 366, 370; Col., 250.
- Diemar, Mr. Ernest de, 324.
- Dinion, J, 56, 58.
- Directory of Brooklyn in 1796. Appendix X.
- Dircksen, Joris. 45, 72, 103, 104, 113, 129, 134,
141; Cornelis, 75, 76, 77, 81, 103, 104, 134; Jacob, 111; Paulus,
203 , Teunis, 120; Tiercks, 120.
- Distillery Dock, 307.
- Doctor, The Rain-Water, 393.
- Dodge, Lt. Samuel, 330.
- “Domines’ House,” The, 193.
- Dongan Patent of Brooklyn, The, 200.
- Dollop, Col., 255, 256. 273, 275.
- Dorlant, Jan (Genitse), 49, 93, 169, 181, 203, 204,
208, 209, 213, 421; Lambert, 49.
- Doughty, Lieut, Charles J., 203; Rev. John, 85, 91;
John, 388; Charles C., 203.
- Downer, Jeremiah, 335.
- Dreths, Josias, 203.
- Dring, Capt., 337, 344, 349, 352, 355, 357, 359, 361.
- Drowne, 362.
- Drummond, Lord, 252.
- Dry-Bone Procession, 350.
- Dubbles, Simuma, 103.
- Du Bois, Rev. Gualterus, 149, 174.
- Duer, 250.
- Duthles, Jacob, 132.
- "Duke's Laws," The, 162.
- Dunscomb, Licut., 266.
- Duryea, John R., 409.
- Dutch Funeral Customs, 191; honses, 227; nominclature,
235; taverns, 225; mills, 284; West India, Co, 14, 15.
- Dutchess of Gordon, The, 292.
- East New York. 265.
- East Riding. 153.
- Egenbrodt, Mr., 407.
- Elatant, Claes, 416.
- East River frozen over, 319.
- Elbertsen, Elbert, 132, 134.
- Ellison, Col. Wm., 330.
- Elliott, Augustine, 389.
- Elms, Thomas, 311.
- Elmohar, 159,160.
- Eneyle, or Eneyl. See Hainelle.
- Erasmus Hall, 377.
- Erskine, Sir Win., 264.
- Etherrington, Sam., 247.
- Evertse, Jan, 155. 200, Cornelius, 81; Captaln, 161.
- Everitt, Win., 247; Thomas, 241.
- Evergreen Cemetery, The, 267.
- Execution of Soldiers at Brooklyn, 328.
- Falconer, Josiah, 367, 368.
- Fall, The brothers, 355.
- Falikers, Heydrick, 124.
- Falmouth, The prison-ship, 336
- Family Arms, 240.
- Fardon, Jacob, 55, 58.