- Farm, The Gen. Johnson homestead, 92.
- Farm-Houses on L. I., 221.
- Fay, Joseph D., 366.
- Fellows, Brig.-Gen., 285.
- Feltus, H. J., 392.
- Ferry, The Old (or Fulton), 85, 44, 74, 111, 125,
141, 142, 155, 201. 219. 365; House, or tavern, 224, 242, 311; Hill,
320; Dock, 381, Jackson’s, 386; New (or Catharine), 378; Master,
- Feurde, H. Jans de, 68.
- Fifty-fourth British Regiment, 320.
- Filkin, Henry, I77, 178, 179, 208, 209.
- Fire Department, The, 377; District, The, 386;
Engines, 388, 392.
- First Building erected on site of Brooklyn Fort,
315; Ref. D. Church in Brooklyn, 114, 141, 166; in Manhattan, 128; on
L. I., 10, 128; Glass Factory in Brooklyn, 309; Newspaper issued in
B., 323; Colonial Assembly, 199; Provincial Assembly, 152; Battalion
(Br.) Light Inf., 312; Meadow, 53; Dutch pastor on L. I., 111.
- Fish, Col., 285.
- “Fishing Place.” The Old, 305.
- Fiscock’s Patent, 79, 80.
- Five Dutch towns, The, 118.
- Flatbush Church, The, 128, 256; pass, The, 260,
264, Wood. The, 317; Bounds, 179; Roads, 96, 97, 159, 260, 262, 272,
445; occupied by British, 255.
- Flatland Plains, 265, 317, 328. See Ascot Heath,
Church, 128, 143.
- Flushing, 136, 218, 387.
- FIy Market, The, 301.
- Forage and Wood Depot at B., 310.
- Fort, The Brooklyn, 314. 320; Box, 278; Defiance,
62. 248; Hamilton, 254, 264; Greene, 251, 252, 253, 283, 400, 401, 402;
Lawrence, 402; Lafayette, 255; Putnam, see Fort Greene; Stirling,
247, 250, 252, 289; Swift, 252, 402. See Cobleskill and Ponkiesbergh.
- Fortifications on L. I., 247, 250.
- Forty-second Br. Light Inf., 265. 312; Highland
Reg., 251, 329; Forty-third Br. Reg., 316; Forty-fourth Br. Light Inf.,
312; Forty-sixth Br. Light Inf., 312; Forty-ninth Br. Rev., 267.
- Foster, James, 391; Capt., 248.
- Fourth Charles Reg’t, 313.
- “Four Chimmies,” The, See Pierrepont
- Fox, Joseph, 310, 358; landing on L. I., 321,
- Frans, Abramse, 203; Joost, 120, 203, 421; Thomas,
50, 51.
- Frederick, The prison-ship, 336, 362.
- Frederick, Jan, 203.
- Freeman, Rev. Bernardus, 169, 170, 171, 173, 175,
176, 178, 182, 183, Anna Margaretta. 184,
- Freecke, John C., 100; Mills, 65, 96, 98, 99,
261, 278.
- Fresh Creek, 180.
- Frenchman, Settlement of, at Brooklyn, 113; Nicholas,
The 137.
- Fulton Ferry, see Ferry; Robert, 73; Street, landing
fit, 35; Avenue, 45.
- Funeral Customs. 233.
- Furman, Hon. Gabriel, 385, 387, 392; William,
251, 252, 302, 378, 391.
- Fusileers, The Washington, 385, 396.
- Gabrey, Chas., 82, 83, 182.
- Galbraithe, Robt., 247.
- Garden, The Military, 392, 394.
- Garland, John, 160.
- Garretse, Jno., 213.
- Gardiner, Lyon, 29.
- Gauntlet, running the, 329.
- Gavot, 348.
- General Assembly met In Brooklyn, 216.
- German troops quartered at Flatbush, 318.
- Gerrit, the wheelwright, 134, 187.
- Gerritsen, Gerrit, 68; Wolfort, 71; Martin, 28;
Manitjie, 72, 97, 422, 424; Conyn, 101.
- Gibbons, John and wife, 391.
- Gilliland, Capt., 330.
- “Ginger Mill,” 62.
- Glass Factory, the first in B., 309.
- Glasgow, the prison-ship, 336, 360.
- Glover, Col., 285, 287.
- Goerek’s Map of Sand's property, 382.
- Godyn, 21.
- Godwin, Col, Alan., 404.
- Goetchins, Dominic, 189.
- Golden, 382.
- Good Hope, The prison-ship, 334.
- Gowanus. Hamlet, 23, 28, 59, 43, 50, 51, 53, 180,
192, 264, 268; Bay, 23, 44, 63. 248, 272; Canal, 67; Cove, 29, 64, 52,
56, 226, 271; District, 381; Marsh. 279; Mill, the old. 99; Creek, 57,
58, 67, 68, 95, 96, 97, 98, 100, 155, 201, 250, 251; Road, 266, 279;
Oysters, 226.
- Governor’s Island, 25, 60; garrisoned,
249; redoubt in, 248, 291, 328, 423.
- Gouverneur, Abm., 175.
- Grabie. See Gabrey.
- Grace Church, 73.
- Graham, Angustus, 52.
- Grant, Gen., 263; Michael Bergen, 103.
- Graver’s Kill, 61, 67, 68.
- Graves. R., Jr., 61.
- Gray, Gen , 320.
- Graydon, Col., 186, 299.
- Guard. or Night Watch, 387.
- Guest, Capt, John, 191, 247; Maria, 194.
- Guysbert Bogaert, Tunis, 81, 155, 157.
- Gujanes, 141. See Gowanus.
- Greene, Gen., 248, 249.
- Greene, Fort, 253, 283.
- Greenwood Cemetery, 49, 51, 55, 260, 270.
- Greenwood Hills, 262, 272.
- Greg, Isaac, 213.
- Greyhound, The, 235.
- Hackenbergh’s Hessian Regiment, 328.
- Hackwaert, Roelant, 96.
- Haes, Jan, 80, 81.
- Haight, Gen. Samuel 409.
- Hainelle, Michael, 49, 70, 155, 1,59, 200.
- Half-Moon Fort, on the Heights, 247, 308; Way
House, Howard’s, 326.
- Hallett, James, 305.
- Hamilton, Fort, 254, 255, 264; Joseph, 391.
- Hammond, Capt., 264.
- Hand, Colonel, 254; Riflemen, 247, 255, 272, 285;
Account of the Retreat, 287.
- Hans, Black, 132, 134; Gerrit, 93; Geo., 72, 421;
Hans, 91, 200; Jacob, 72, 420; John, 392 ; Joris, 18, 203, 208, 420;
Michael, 70, 179, 181, 204.
- Hansen, Kaus, 49.
- Harding, James, 213, 215.
- Harlem Heights, 118, 119, 189, 292.
- Harmer, John, 380.
- Harry, a negro, 2 17.
- Harvey, Mr. , 217.
- Hattam, Dirck, 55.
- Hawkins. William, 361.
- Hayneste, Michael. See, Hainelle.
- Hayscale, Buckbee’s, 378.
- Hazard, Thomas, 247.
- Hazlett’s Delware Reg’t, 269, 210, 278.
- Heeney, Cornelius, 64, 72.
- Heights, Brooklyn, 9, 242, 308, 382, 402.
- Hegeman, Adriaen, 112, 117, 160, 256; Benjamin,
179, 181; Jacob, 98 ; Joseph, 53, 93, 98, 168, 175, 212 ; Justice, 207,
208; Michael, 82.
- Hendricks, Ephraim, 203; Harman, 120; Styntie,
63; Tryntie, 63, 428.
- Hendricksen, Jacob, 180; Jan, 224.