- Lane, Red Hook, 252.
- Langdon, Thomas, 387.
- Langley, Win C., 53.
- Lantsman, 138.
- Last public slave sale in Brooklyn, 233.
- Lawrence, Fort, 407.
- Ledbetter, James, 217.
- Leavitt, David, 308.
- Le Clerc, Jean, 113,
- Lee (Gen.), Chas., 246
- Leendersen, Paulus, 135.
- Lefferts Family, The, 157; House, The, 321; Barent,
68, 243, 320; Cynthia, Mrs., 256; Judge, 256; John, 68, 391; Leffert,
244, 245, 316, 326; Rem, 330.
- Lcisler (Capt), Jacob, 147, 148, 169, 204.
- Letter of call to Do. Selyns, 140.
- Leverich (Capt.), 410.
- Lewis, John, 159.
- Liberty Pole at Fulton Ferry, 366.
- License to sell liquor, 158.
- Lights in front of houses, 388.
- Linde, Peter, 70.
- Linn, Rev. Dr., 194.
- Litchfield, Edwin C., 56.
- Livingston, Brig.-Gen. Wm., 254; Rev. Dr. John. 194,
379; Philip, 72, 73, 219, 242, 304; Beach, The, 305; Mansion House,
The, 73; Lauding Place, The, 219, 220.
- Lodewyck, Jongh, 132; Hans, 82.
- Long Island, Settlement of the western end of, 414,
415; purchase of land on, 28; Indians, 416; Inhabitants, 415; Sewan
made on, 33; Treaty with natives of, 39, 40; Robberies on. 109; Erected
into a shire, 153; Called Island of Nassau, 205; Battle of, 57; Occupied
by the British, 290; Bible Society, 185.
- Long Hill. See Ocean Hill.
- Looking-glasses, 229.
- “Lookout,” The, 113.
- Loosley, Charles, 311, 317, 321, 322.
- Leasing, 251, 252.
- Lott, Abraham, 428; Daniel, Lt., 409; Inglebert, 171,
173; Jeremiah, 75, 129, 409; Jeromus, 316; John, Jr. (Capt), 409, 410;
Mrs., 325; Pieter, 238.
- Lough, R., 160.
- Louis, 134.
- Lourenson, Jan, 157.
- Louwer, Johannes, 68.
- Lowe, Cornelius, Dr., 388, 403; Rev. Peter, 168, 189,
192, 388.
- Loyalist registered, 300.
- Lubbertsen, Frederick, 28, 29, 33, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65,
66, 67, 68, 69, 71, 72, 79, 80, 96, 108, 109, 111, 116, 132, 134, 152,
306, 421, 422, 423; Aeltje, 63; Elsje, 63: Rebecca, 63; House, The,
65; Neck, The, 72, 206, 423; Thos, 203.
- Ludlam, Silas, 74, 252.
- Ludlow, Cary, 75,
- Lopardus, Rev. Wilhelmus, 169.
- Luquer, 64; Abraham, 316; Nicholas, 67; Mills, The,
59, 67.
- Lutwyche (Col.), 78.
- Luyster, Mathys, 180.
- Mahon, John, 392.
- Macomber, Edward, 308.
- Maiborn (Major), 313.
- McCormick, Daniel, 78.
- McDougal (Gen.), 285.
- McGrath, M., 53.
- McKenzie’s One Tree Hill, 369.
- McKibbin, 89.
- Magaw’s Regiment, 283.
- Makaquiquos, an Indian, 159, 160.
- Malcolm, Richard M., 387.
- Mallemacque. Peter, 132.
- Manhattan Island, Discovery of, 9; Purchase of, 17;
Tavern at, 34; Fur trade depot, 11; Fairs established at, 33; First
church at, 128.
- Mamminicks, Geeritje, 96.
- Manje, Jan, 35, 64, 69, 70, 71, 132; Peter, 182.
- Manners of the Dutch, 231,
- Manufactures of Brooklyn, 380.
- Map, the Ratzer, 423.
- Mapes (Gen.), 401.
- Marcus, Johannus, 135.
- Marechkawich, 44, 64, 80, 86, 95, 96, 100, 104; The
tribe of, 37, 417 ; The bend of the, 82, 83, 84.
- Marenus, Rev. Mr., 189.
- Market Fly. 337.
- Marine Hospital, the U. S., 24, 86, 87.
- Marriner (Capt.), 187.
- Marsh, John, 66.
- Martense, Jooris, 203.
- Martense's Lane, 260, 262, 269; Point. See Martyrs’
Point. Family, 85, G., 96, 99; Garrett, 236; Lefferts, 256.
- Martin, Jan. See Martyn, James S., Account of the American
retreat, 281.
- Martyn, Jan, 80, 81, 120, 135, 137, 157.
- Martyrs of the prison-ship, 337-376; Condition of remains,
363; Action of Congress–Removal of the Vault, 365, 366, 371, 373;
Monument Association, 375, 376.
- Martyrs’ Hook. See Martyrs' Point.
- Martyrs’ Point, 80.
- Masons at work on fortifications in 1812, 409.
- Masonry established at Brooklyn, 385.
- Meadows, Brooklyn salt, 442.
- Meet, Peter, 80.
- Meinst, Peter, 135.
- Megapolensis, Rev. Johannes, 128, 137, 142, 146, 289.
- Melijns, Peter, 175.
- Mellemacque, Peter, 132.
- Menqueuw, 415.
- Mentelaer, Claes Cornelissen (Vanschouw), 35, 71, 73,
96, 134.
- Mercein, Wrn. A., 409.
- Merechkawingh, See Marechawieck and Wallabout.
- Mereckawieck. Bay, See Marechawieck and Wallabout.
- Meserole, Abraham, 89, 403; John, Jr., 157, 208; Peter,
- Mespaetches. See Mespath.
- Mespath, The Kill of, 88, 109.
- “Meuwee Point,” 62.
- Michaelins Rev. Do., 127.
- Middagh, Famiy, The, 81, 382; Mansion, 81; Property,
74; Aert Aertzen, 81, 113, 135; Dirck, 81; Garrett, 72, 81, 88, 243;
Jan, 81, 208; John, 75, 377.
- Mifflin (Gen.), 283, 284. 285,
- Miles (Col.), Regiment, 262, 263, 273.
- Mill, Brouwer, 421; Cornell’s, 66, 89; Creek, 56,
58, 64, 97; Red, The. See Cornell’s Mill; Seabring, The,
66, 421; Samuel, 286.
- Miller, Henry, 287: John, 218; Peter, 250.
- Military at Brooklyn, 408; Execution at Br., 328; Punishments
at, 329.
- Minge, Samuel, 80.
- Miserole, Jan. See Meserole.
- Mitchell. Dr. Sam. L., 364.
- Moelet, Peter, 135.
- Mot, Lambert Hubertsen, 24, 29, 88, 91, 417.
- Montfoort, 24: Jan. 29 84, 86; Peter, 29, 84, 88, 135.
- Montgomey, Fort, 330.
- Montressor (Capt.), 289,
- Moore, John, 202.
- Morris, Jacob, 54, 311,
- Mott (Capt), 330.
- Monument to prison-ship martyrs, 365, 371.
- Mount Prospect, 260, 268; Washington, 292.
- Mud Fort, 313.
- Murphy, Henry C., 151, 875.