- Nainde Nummerus, 35.
- Nagle, Philip, 186.
- Names, Dutch, 236, 237.
- Narrows, The, 124.
- Nassau Island. Ferry to, 74.
- Navy Yard The U. S., 80, 81, 83, 368, 869.
- Neck of Btookland, 423.
- Negroes, Census of, in 1755, 232; Regulations concerning,
- New Bedford, 157.
- New Letts, 180, 206, 213, 254 256, 266.
- Newport, a negro, 219.
- New Netherland, The ship, 17, 221.
- Newtown, settled, 35; Occupied by Br. troops, 290; Creek,
26, 44, 88, 89, 302; “Vlie.” See Creek.
- Nevins, Johannes, 134.
- New Utrecht, 28, 43.
- New York Provincials, 265; (Br.) Volunteers, 312.
- Nichols Charter to B., The, 154-156; Apollos, 394; Robert,
400, 409; Matthias, 156, 160.
- Nicholas the Frenchman, 135, 137.
- Nieuwenhuysen, Rev. Wm., 138, 146, 166.
- Nobletts, Jarnes, 218.
- Nooten Island. See Nutten Island.
- Norman’s Kill, 113.
- North Riding, The, 153.
- Nostrand, Garret, 87; John, 87, 250.
- Novelty Iron Works, 291.
- Nutten Island. See Governor’s Is1and.
- Nyack Bay, 124.
- Nuyse, Tennis. See Nyssen.
- Nyssen, Theunts, 100, 101, 185.
- O’Callaghan, Dr. E. B., 414, and Preface.
- Ocean Hill, 49, 51.
- “Old Jersey.” See Jersey, 331, 336,
- Old Brooklyn Church. See Church, 192, 193, 242.
- Old Gowanus Road, 58.
- Old Fulton St. Market, 366.
- Old Stone House, 309.
- Olfertsen, Jacob, 38.
- Olympia, 381, 385.
- Oration of T. W. Fay, 366.
- Ornamental Brick-work, 223.
- Osborn, Dr. Samuel, 388, 391.
- Osgood, Hon. S., 367.
- Outie, 134.
- Packer, Wm. S., 73.
- Page, Rev. Bernard, 219
- Pagganck Island. See Governor’s Island.
- Palmer, Roswell, 352, 353.
- Palmeter, Thos., 74.
- Para, Annetje, 99.
- Parsons, (Gen.), 249, 269, 278.
- Park, The City, 87.
- Parker, Sir Peter, 264.
- Patchen Property, 305; Ralph, 72, 307; Jacob, 382.
- Patent of Brooklyn, granted by Nicolls, 154.
- “Patriotic Diggers,"” a War Song, 405.
- Payne, Elijah Freeman, 243.
- Paulus Hook, 249.
- Peartree, Mrs., 176.
- Peat used in Kings County, 302.
- Peck-Slip, 35.
- Penhawitz, 29, 38, 40.
- Pennsylvania troops, 140, 254.
- Percy, Earl, 268.
- Petersen, Annetje, 424; Jann, 56, 69, 120, 185; Leffert,
157; Wynant, 60, 72, 114; Peter, 120; Barent, 120; Casper, 120; Styntje,
- Peter, 159, 160.
- Petition, of Adam Brouwer, 68; for new land, 119; of
Midwent, for land, 134; of Rev. Prot D. Ch. for charter, 151; of people
concerning Indians, 416.
- Pewichaas, 86.
- Pheonix, The, 247, 248, 255, 264, 292.
- Picket, Michael, 24, 82, 83, 84.
- Picketing, soldliers puniished by, 329.
- Pikeman (Capt.), 216, 218.
- Pierrepont, Hez. B., 306, 307; Mansion, 284, 307, 325.
- Pietersen. See Petersen.
- Pirsson, Jos. B., 391.
- Poisgot, Francis, 80.
- Polhemus, 90, 232; Jan Dorls, 239; Rev., 111, 130, 129,
133, 135, 136, 137, 138, 140, 239, 250, 133, 166; Jacob, 291 ; Theodor,
58, 244; Family, 239.
- Ponkibergh, 252, 279. See Coble-Hill.
- Pope. Henry, 55.
- Popham. Lt., 278.
- Popular Convention of 1653, 108.
- Population of Brooklyn, in 1738, 215.
- Poor-Farm, 134.
- Poor-House, 391.
- Port Road, 261, 262, 270, 272, 273, 278.
- Pos, Willem. 203.
- Potter, Cornelis de, 75, 81.
- Potter's Field, 394.
- Poullis, 132.
- Powder Mill, Sand’s, Explosion of, 390.
- Powers, 66, 89; Geo., 103, 247, 283; Mary, 101.
- Preston, Tho, 264.
- Price, Dr., 328.
- Prince William, 305; William, 387; Prince of Wales,
- Prison-ships, 331-333; Burned, 334, 356, 359, 390.
- Probatskin, Geo., 120.
- Proclamation to the People of L. I., by Gen. Howe, 257.
- Proposals of Rev. Mr. Antonides’ friends, 173.
- Proposals of Rov. Mr. Freeman’s friends, 172.
- Prospect, Mt., 260; Park, 261.
- Provisional Instructions to Officers of B., 161.
- Provoost. David, 110, 111, 112.
- Putnam (Gen.), at the Battle of Brooklyn, 57, 216, 248,
257, 260, 293; Fort. See Fort Greene.
- Quakerism In Brooklyn, 186.
- Queen’s Birthday, Celebration of, in 1778, 312.
- Races at Ascot Heath, 317, 318, 324; at Brooklyn, 322,
- Randell (Lieut.), 247.
- Rainbow, The, 255, 264.
- Rain-water Doctor The, 398.
- Rapalje, 87, 218; Property, The, 382, 383; Annetie 85;
Charles (Lieut.), 409; Catalyntle, 87; Daniel: 87, 202, 204, 208, 249,
250, 266; Folkert, 81; Garret, 216; George, 93; Heltje, 283; Jan Joris,
24, 25, 85, 87, 89, 90, 92, 143, 157, 180, 181; Jannetie, 92, 423; Jeronimus,
71, 82, 87, 201, 202, 203, 233; John, 65, 67, 78, 208, 213, 288, 310,
312, 322, 327; Joris, 29, 81, 88, 111, 113, 114, 115, 129, 135, 141,
422; Joris Danielse, 208; Sarah, 81, 87, 91, 422, 423.
- Ready, John, 247.
- Records of Brooklyn, 326.
- Red Hook, 29, 35, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 67, 68, 116, 192,
216, 248, 250, 264, 272, 284, 302, 306, 423; District, 381; Lane, 304.
- Red Heights, The, 67.
- Red Lion Tavern, 262, 269.
- Red Mills, The, 61, 66, 307.