- Reed (Adjt.-Gen.), 284.
- Ref. Dutch Church in Brooklyn, 262; Charter of obtained.
- Regiments encamped at Brooklyn in 178, 312, 313.
- Reidesel (Lt.-Gen.), 317, 319.
- Reigers, Adriaen, 168.
- Relief, The, 352.
- Remsen’s Dock, 334.
- Remsen’s Mill, 81, 216, 333. 337; Family, The,
- Remsen Estate. The, 72, 305, 363; Mansion, The, 73;
Abraham, 89, 93, 95, 204, 312, 393; Abraham. Jr., 95; Abraham A., 94;
Aris, 217, 219. 233; Colonel, 250; Cornelius, 82; Daniel, 93; G., 175;
Henry, 219; Isaac, 93, 180, 181, 208; Jacob, 93; Jeremiah, 93, 94, 95,
244, 245; Jeromus, 422; Jeronimus, 87, 93, 203; Joris, 53, 72. 93; Rem,
93, 180; Rem A., 81, 247, 322, 331; William, 95.
- Repulse, The, 264.
- Reyersen, See Reyersom.
- Rifles, The Republican, 385, 396.
- Riker, James, 9.
- Rinnegackonck. See Rennegackonck.
- Rennegaekonck, 24, 26, 58, 86, 91, 115.
- Renown, The, 264.
- Rents in 1660, 223.
- Reorganization of Brooklyn in 1784, 326.
- Retaliation, The, 360.
- Retreat of American army from L. I., 286.
- Roads, 387.
- Robertson (Gen.), 289, 312, 316.
- Robinson & Little, 387.
- Rockaway Path, The, 159, 267, and Battle-map.
- Roebuck. The. 264, 272, 313.
- Rogers, Rev. Dr., E. P., 196, 392.
- Romaine, Benjamin, 365, 371, 372, 373, 375.
- “Roode Hoogtjs,” The. See Red Hook.
- Roode Hoek. See Red Hook.
- Rose, The, 248, 255, 291.
- Rooten, Peter van, 391.
- Rosevelt, Peter, 194.
- Rotterdam, Jans from, 55, 56.
- Rubel, Rev. Johannes, 186, 181.
- Runnegackonck. See Rennegackonck.
- Running the Gauntlet, 329.
- Rutgers, 283, 367.
- Ruyter, Claes Janse, 64, 69, 70.
- Rycken, Abraham, 91.
- Ryerson, Aldiaen, 85, 236; Gysbert, 91 Jacob, 85; 201,
John, 85, 250; Martin, 85; Mr., 328.
- Sackett, Samuel, 387, 392.
- St. Ann’s Church, 39; Damage to, 390.
- Sr. George’s County, 213.
- St. George's Ferry, 219, 220; Tavern, 307.
- St. Memin, a French artlst, 380.
- Sale of Wallabout lands to U. S., 363.
- Salt-water River, 60, 72.
- Salt-meadows of Brooklyn, 442.
- Sands, Comfort and Joshua, 80, 327, 82; Comfort, 77
78, 79, 312, 885; Joshua, 77, 78, 79, 312, 8388, 392.
- Sands’ Powder House Dock, 79.
- Sandford, Cornelius, 58; Gertrude, 53.
- Saphoraken, 28.
- Satley, Herry, 88.
- Schaats, Gideon, 137, 142.
- Scammel (Col.), Alexander, 287, 288.
- Scarse, Christophel, 58.
- Scheldt, The prison-ship, 336.
- Schiercks, Tletje, 120.
- Schenck, Cornelius, 185; (Capt), 402, 406; Lambert,
87; Martin, 87, 89, 233, 238, 243 328. 329; Martin, Jr., 87.
- Schepens of Brooklyn, 46, 110.
- Schermerhorn, Abraham, 49, 51, 55; and Bergen farms,
50, 52, 55; House, 51.
- Scheyichbi, 9.
- Schlagenteuffel (Capt), Von, 318.
- Scholes, James, 89, 94, 95.
- Schools in Brook1yn, 180, 181, 385, 391, 392.
- Schoonmaker, Rev. Martenus, 189, 190, 191, 192, 194,
407, 408; Joachim, 189; Lydie, 189.
- Schoonmaker’s Bridge, 265.
- Schout appointed for Brooklyn, A, 46.
- Scorpion, The prison-ship, 355, 353.
- Scott (Capt.), John, visits Brooklyn, 122, 123; (Brig.
Gen.), 285.
- Seabring. 61, 64, 67, 216; Aeltje, 65, 66; Cornelius,
63, 65, 66, 67. 69, 72, 171, 173, 210, 211, 216, 307; Isaac, 69: Jacob,
Jr, 204, 247; Mill, 67.
- Seaman, Benjamin, 250.
- Second Battalion Highlanders, 313; British Grenadiers,
273; Meadow, 53.
- Selle, Cornelis Jacobsen, 29, 91.
- Seller’s Neck, 118, 153, 154, 155, 201.
- Selyns, Agnela, 138; Rev. Henricus, 111, 114, 138, 139,
140, 141, 145, 146; Jan, 138.
- Seventeenth British Light Infantry, 312.
- Seventy-first British Regiment, 265,
- Seventy-sixth Regiment, 316.
- Seubring, Seabring.
- Shamese, 159, 160.
- Shaw (Major), 248.
- Sharpe, Jacob. 244, 326; Peter, 387.
- Shee’s Regiment, 283.
- Sherburne, Andrew, 353, 354, 255.
- Sickle, The Widow, 215,
- Sille, Cornelis Jacobsen. See Selle.
- Silverware, 230.
- Simone, Claes. 203.
- Simonson, Aert, 203.
- Simpson, Alexander, 180, 181.
- Skillman, Mr.s., 87; (Capt.), 402, 403, 406, 409, 410;
Francis, 87; Jackson, 87; Jno, 87; Thomas, 234. 283, 292.
- Slavery in Brooklyn, 232.
- Slaves, The last public sale of, in Brooklyn, 283.
- Sleght, Headrick, 103, 104, 204.
- Smallwood’s Maryland Regiment, 269, 270, 279.
- Smith, Benjamin, 311, 391; Claes Cornelise, 56; Joseph,
58, 247; Rem Jansen, 114.
- Sneedon, Samnel. 292.
- Snediker, Elsie, 180; Isaac, 249, 250; Jno., 128.
- Snyksen, Tonis, 120.
- Spuyler, Cornelis Janse, 120.
- Spader, Jeremiah, 85, John, 85; John (Lieut.), 409.
- Specht, Hermann, 149; Machtelt, 146.
- Spencer (Maj.-Gen.j, 285.
- Spighel, Louwerensvander, 68.
- Spinning-wheels, 230.
- Spooner, Alden. 393.
- Sproat, David, 338.
- Sprong, Gabriel, 208.
- Soldiers of 1812, good deportment of, 409.
- Sons of Freedom, 312.
- Sound, Piracy at L. I., 109.
- Sonso, Anthony, 203.
- South Brooklyn, 29.
- Stages from Flushing, 387.
- Stage Machine, 322.
- Stanton, Henry, 388.
- Star, the L. I. established, 391.
- Steenwyck, Cornelius 149, 164.
- Stellenwort, Jacob, 243.
- Stevense, Lucas, 180, 181.
- Stillman, 208.
- Stillwell, Richard, 244, 816.
- Stirling, Fort, 247, 250, 289; General, 246, 280.
- Stocks, 378.
- Stoddard, Robert, 65.
- Stoffelsen, Jacob, 45, 98, 97, 98,
- Stoothof, Gerrit 180, 181.
- Storehouse Dock, The, 79.
- Story, Henry, 55. 58.
- Stromboli, The prison-shilp, 335, 353, 348, 353.
- Strong, Selah, 306.
- Stryker, Burdett, 365; Capt. 306, 385, 396 402, 408;
John, 128; Peter, 64, 180; Peter, Jr., 215.