- Waale-bocht. See Wallabout Bay.
- Waale-boght. See Wallabout Bay.
- “Waal, Een,” 415.
- Waale-Kerken. See Walloon Churches.
- Wadsworth (Brig.-Gen.), 285.
- Wagon-yard, The British, at Brooklyn, 310, 324.
- Waldeck, Stores, 324.
- Waldron (Capt.), Adolph. 247; Samuel, 217, 219.
- Wallabout Bay, The, 24, 25, 26. 29,44, 86, 88, 91, 115,
141, 155, 198, 207, 217, 239, 250, 337, 414, 415; Committee, 364, 365,
366; District, 381; Settlers, 25, 161, 224; School, 243; and Brooklyn
Toll Bridge, 363, 387; Tobacco grown at, 232; Taxation of residents
at, 135; Sale of lands in, to U. S, 385.
- Walloons Bay. See Wallabout Bay; Churches, 24.
- Walzogen, Baron. 323.
- Wampum manufactured at L. I., etc, 33.
- Wantenaer, Albert, Cornelissen, 101, 102, 114, 123,
- Ward (Col.), 247.
- Waring, Henry, 309.
- War of 1812, Declaration of, 393, 396.
- Warpoes, 64, 424.
- Wartoun, Thomas, 68.
- Washington, Petition of prisoners to, 356, 357; Arrives
at N. Y., 248; Addresses troops at Brooklyn, 259; Headquarters at Brooklyn,
57, 284; Visits the lines on L. I., 259; Death, 195; Park, 251.
- Watch-house, A. 386.
- Watson, Benjamin, 365.
- Webster (Col.), 326.
- Weldon, 79; William, 327.
- Welius, 137.
- Wells, John, 309.
- Wendell, Dr., 391.
- Werpos. See Warpoes.
- Weasels, Warnaer, 116.
- West India Co., earliest deed recorded to, 26; purchases
land, 25; Gives bell to Brooklyn church, 143.
- Westerhauge (Capt), 330.
- West Riding. The, 153.
- Weynant. See Wynant.
- Whaley, Alexander, 403.
- Whale boatmen on L. I. Sound, 303.
- Whitby, The prison-ship, 333, 334.
- Wilcox, 88.
- Willemsen, Willem, 68.
- Willet, Edward, 215.
- Williams, Henry, 244, 245.
- Willemsen. Hendrick, 68.
- Williamson Rem, 249.
- Wills, (Lieut.-Col.), 263.
- Williston. Rev. Ralph, 370.
- Wilson (Capt), John, 388, 396; Rev. John, 147.
- Wilward, William, 388.
- Winants. See Wynant.
- Window Curtains, 229.
- Winthrop, Gov., arrives at N. N., 118.
- Woertman, Dirck Janse, 70, 71, 72, 73, 97, 204; Tunis,
- Wolfman, Dirk, 417.
- Wolphertsen, Gerrit, 97, 417.
- Woodhull , Rev. John, 290; Gen. captured, 263, 264,
- Woodlands, The prison-ship, 330,336.
- Woods cut down by the British, 310.
- Woodward, Joseph. 58.
- Work of citizens on fortifications in 1812, 401.
- Worpus. See Warpoes.
- Wooster, Casper, 251.
- Wouterse, Pierre, 120.
- Wragg (Lieut.), 278.
- Wyckoff, Hendrick, 250, 331; John, 55, 58; Peter, 55,
58, 249, 297. 330, 403.
- Wylly’s (Colonel), troops, 263, 272.
- Wynants, 49; Paulus Dircksen, 120; Peter, 60, 66, 203,
- Yellow Fever In Brooklyn in 1809, 391.
- Yellow Hook, 53; Road from, 268.
- Yellow Mill. See Denton’s Hill.
- Yokam, 120.
- Zeuw Kamingh, 49.
- Ziekentrooters, or comforters of the sick, 127.
- Zoll (Lieut), 289.