Schout, Schouts on the Bailiff or Marshal. We command and charge all who are included under the jurisdiction of Breuckelen to acknowledge him, Jan Tounissen, for schout. Thus done in our council in Fort Amsterdam in New Netherland, the first December, Anno 1646.”1

Map showing the relative positions of the village of
Breuckelen and its adjacent settlements in 1646.


Thus, more than two centuries ago, the Town of Breuckelen was founded upon nearly the same locality which has since become the political centre of the City of Brooklyn.

1. New York Col. MSS., IV., 276; O’Callaghan, I., 383; Brodhead, I., 421, 422. Teunissen appears to have been acting as sehout previous to the date of his commission, as among Col. MSS. (II., 152) are two contracts made by him with different Parties for furnishing them with building materials, and dated November 22, 1646, in which he is called ÒSchout of Breuckelen."