Scholars leave their schools With their patriot teachers; Farmers seize their tools, Headed by their preachers. How they break the soil! Brewers, butchers, bakers, Here the doctors toil, There the undertakers. Pickaxe, shovel, spade, Crowbar, hoe, and barrow, Better not invade, Yankees have the marrow. |
Plumbers, founders, dyers, Tinmen, turners, shavers, Sweepers, clerks, and criers, Jewellers, engravers, Clothiers, drapers, players, Cartmen, hatters, tailors, Guagers, sealers, weighers, Carpenters, and sailors. Pickaxe, shovel, spade, Crowbar, hoe, and barrow, Better not invade, Yankees have the marrow. |
Bright Apollo’s sons Leave their pipe and tabor, 'Mid the roar of guns Join the martial labor; Round the embattled plain In sweet concord rally, And in freedom's strain Sing the foe's finale! Pickaxe, shovel, spade, Crowbar, hoe, and barrow, Better not invade, Yankees have the marrow. |
Better not invade; Recollect the spirit Which our dads displayed, And their sons inherit; If you still advance, Friendly caution slighting, You may get, by chance, A bellyful of fighting. Pickaxe, shovel, spad Crowbar, hoe, and barrow, Better not invade, Yankees have the marrow. |
Wednesday, August 24th. The free people of color of Kings County, labored faithfully in the common work of defence. The Committee of Defence for the Town of Brooklyn, publish a card acknowledging the patriotic services of the inhabitants of Kings County, and stating that “the promptitude with which those services had been rendered, emboldened them to ask of their fellowcitizens a second tour of duty,” which they had ascertained was necessary on Fort Swift. This request was accompanied by a programme of the corporations, bodies, and associations assigned to each day, etc., as follows:
Thursday, August 25th. The military companies commanded by Captains Skillman, Dean, Schenck, and Brouwer.
Friday, August 26th. The military companies of Captains Stryker, Cowenhoven, and Herbert; Fire Company No. 3, of Brooklyn, and the Exempts of Bedford and the Wallabout.
Saturday, August 27th. The people of Bushwick. Monday, August 29th. The people of Flatbush. This day was also signalized by the arrival at Fort Greene of, the finely equipped