also her right of dower in the meadows and woodland.”1 This Michael Bergen devised the farm, by will, to his grandson, Michael Bergen Grant, who subsequently conveyed it to George Powers.
On the east side of the King’s Highway (now Fulton avenue), we find that the somewhat triangular section of land, which we may describe, in general terms, as at present included between Fulton street and avenue, Raymond street, and a line drawn a little south of and parallel to Tillary street, was taken up by Joris Dircksen, Pieter Cornelissen and Cornelis Dircksen.
To Joris Dircksen was granted, March 23, 1646,
“a certain piece of land, woodland as well as maize-land, lying at Marechkawieck, bounded on the northwest by the land of Pieter Cornelissen, and extends next the said Peter Cornelissen till into the woods west, southwest and southwest by west, 187 rods; into and through the woods east southeast and southeast by east, between both 115 rods; further toward the valley (marsh) into and through the wood and maize-land, northeast 66 rods till to the maize-land and further, 80 rods; northeast by north till to the valley (marsh) to the place of beginning, 35 rods: amounting in all to 18 morgens, 501 rods.”2
To this was afterwards added by purchase, in 1685, a small piece of land on the east side of the road, belonging originally to the patent of Andries Hudde,(3) on the opposite side of the highway.
February 28th, 1687-8, the heirs of Susanna Dubbles, deceased wife of Joris Dircksen, conveyed to Hendrick Sleght, “land at the northwest of the land of Peter Cornelise,” as granted by ground brief of Gov. Kieft to Joris Dircksen, March 23, 1646.
Sleght’s heirs, on May 1st, 1705, conveyed the same to CarelI Debevois, it being described as
1 See old deed in possession of T. G. Bergen, Esq.
2 Parents, G. G, 138.
3 Deed dated September 13, 1668. Liber ii., 181, Kings Co. Convey. Considemtion. £176 11s.