avenues, in the vicinity of Twenty-eighth street, and is now mostly filled up.
The “first meadow” is located on Gowanus Cove, about Thirty-fifth, Thirty-sixth, and Thirty-seventh streets.
The “second meadow” was near the bay, in the vicinity of. Forty-fifth and Forty-sixth streets and First and Second avenues.
The lands marked on the map as those “of Agias Van Dyck” were located mainly southwest of Forty-seventh street. They comprise the farms since of Henry A. Kent,1 of Cornelius Bergen, of Theodorus Bergen, of Leffert Bergen, of Peter (afterwards Martenus) Bergen, and of the Van Pelts.
The Cornelius Bergen farm, between Fifty-seventh and Fifty-ninth streets, was sold, in 1760, by Hendrick Van Dyck,2 to John Bergen, who conveyed it to his son Tennis, the father of Cornelius. It is now owned by William C. Langley and Thomas Hunt.
The Theodorus and Leffert Bergen farms, between Fifty-second and Fifty-sixth streets, together formed a tract which was originally sold by Claes Van Dyck, April 6, 1724, to Joseph Hegeman,3 who, on May 10th, 1734, sold it to Cornelius Sandford.4 On the 28th of August, 1744, these premises were again sold by Theodorus Van Wyck of New York and Helen his wife, the sole daughter of the above-named Sandford, “late of Brooklyn,”5 to Hans Bergen, and was the first purchased by the Bergens of the numerous farms they afterwards settled at the Gowanus, Yellow Hook, and Bay Ridge. The estate descended to Bergen's son, Michael, who divided it between his sons Theodorus and Leffert. Leffert's portion is now owned by Thomas Hunt and M. McGrath.
The Peter Bergen and Van Pelt farms, between Forty-sixth and Fifty-second streets, were once owned by the Van Pelt family, and were divided between two brothers. The southern portion was
1 The land of H. A. Kent is part of a farm since owned by Winant Bennet, and lying partly in Brooklyn and partly in New Utrecht.
2 This property became his by conveyance, dated Oct. 6, 1708. —King’s Co Convoy., lib. III. 196.
3 Convey., Kings County, lib. V. 6. Original consideration, £824.
4 Convey., Kings County, lib. V. 79. Original consideration, £5OO.
5 Sandford’s widow, Gertrude, married Joris Remsen.