The lands between Fifth and Seventh streets, designated as those of Theodore Polhemus, formerly belonged to his father.
The farm between Seventh and Ninth streets formerly belonged to Rem Adriance, whose daughter married for her first husband Cornelius Van Brunt, the father of Adriance Van Brunt.
The farm commencing on Gowanus Creek, and being between Ninth and Twelfth streets, also belonged, about 1810, to Cornelius Van Brunt, and is described in our map as divided between his son Adriance and Henry L. Clarke.
The Berry farm, on Mill Creek, extending from Twelfth to halfway between Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets, was sold, previous to the Revolution, by Cornelius Van Duyn to Walter Berry, and subsequently conveyed by Richard Berry to A. W. Benson.
From the southerly line of the above farm to the present Middlestreet, was a farm which, about the year 1751, was conveyed by Christophel Scarse and Peter Van Pelt to John Bergen. He conveyed it to his brother, Dirick Bergen, who devised it to his three daughters, one of whom married Joseph Smith, another, Walter Berry, and the third, Ebenezer Carson. It is known on Butts' map as lands of J. Dimon, heirs of R. Berry, and Peter Wyckoff.
The land between Middle and Twentieth streets was originally one farm, owned by Cornelius Van Duyne,1 and conveyed to Peter Wyckoff during the Revolutionary war. It is now owned by John Wyckoff.
The lands between Twentieth and Twenty-fifth streets priginally formed one farm, owned by Jacob Fardon, and by him sold, in 1720, to one Anthony Hulsaart, of New Utrecht.2 By him it was conveyed to Joseph Woodward and Wynant Bennet, and Woodward's portion is now known as land of Henry Story.
“Blokje’s Berg” (pronounced, by the Dutch inhabitants, “Blucke’s Barracks”), was the ancient name of a small hill on Gowanus Cove, near the intersection of the present Third avenue and Twentythird street, the old Gowanus road passing over it. North of the
1. This land appears to have been sold to William Huyeken, in 1679, by Mr. Paulus Vanderbeeck, whose son, Conradus, in Dec., 1699, gave a oonfirmatory deed of the same to Cornelius Gerritse Van Duyne, who had married Huycken's eldest daughter. King's Co. Convey., lib. II. 210.
2 King’s Co. Convey., lib. VI. 316.