Red Hook, by row-boats. In May, 1664, Adam Brouwer, who had a mill on the Gowamus Creek, at the place more lately known as Denton’s Mill-pond, petitioned the Governor and Council, in the name and behalf of the inhabitants of Gowanus, thus:1
To the Right Honble Director-General and Council of New Netherland: “Respectfully sheweth Adam Brouwer, in the name of the inhabitants of Gowanes and other persons at the Manhattans, that there is situate a kil at the end of Frederick Lubbertsen's land, and between (that and) the Red Hook, which might be made fit to pass through it to the Gouwanes and the Mill, without going west of the Red Hook, where the water is ordinarily shallow, inasmuch as the said kill, which now is blocked up by sand at the end, might be made, without much trouble of digging, fit and navigable for the passage of boats laden with a hundred skepels of grain, full of wood and other articles; and whereas your petitioner knows that neither he nor others, in whose name and his application is made to your Honors, can attempt or undertake to dredge or render navigable the aforesaid kill, without the special approbation and consent of your Honors, therefore the Petitioner turns to your Honors, respectfully praying, in the names as aforesaid, that your Honors would be pleased to consent and allow that the kill aforesaid, at the cost as above mentioned, may be dredged and rendered navigable, which would greatly serve to the accommodation of the inhabitants here and at Gouwanes, and to all appearanee, in time of storm, prevent accidents. Awaiting hereupon your Honors’ favorable apostile, which granting, I remain, your Honors’ humble servant,
Jan Pietersen. | |
Gerrit Gerritse. | “Mark of Adam Brouwer. |
The mark of Jannbeus. | Willem Bredenbent. |
Jacob Teunissen | Mark of Willem Willemsem. |
Hendrick Willemsen. | Mark of Leffer Jannsen. |
Jan Gerritsen of Bredenhiesen. | Mark of Jan Leffersen. |
Louwerens Van de Spighel. | Mark of Barent Leffersen. |
Hendrick Jans Van Feurde. | Mark Thomas Wartonn (or Newtoun?)” |
Hanck de Foreest. |
1 N. Y. Col. MM., X. Part III. 225, May 29,1664.