“on Long Island, over against the island of Manhattan, betwixt the ferry and the land of Andries Hudde, as the same lies thereto next, extending from Hudde’s land along the river, 102 rods; into the woods southeast by south, 75 rods; and south southeast, 75 rods; south by west, 30 rods; and along the land of the said Hudde, northwest, 173 rods to the beach, amounting to 16 morgen and 175 rods.”
This property, having a water-front of 1,276 feet six inches, probably extended from the north line of Hudde’s patent to the ferry at the foot of the present Fulton street.
At “the Ferry” and its immediate, vicinity, grants for house or building lots were made to several individuals, and by the beginning of the last century there was probably quite a hamlet at this point, having several streets and lanes, with houses clustered closely together. This is evidenced, not only by a number of deeds of lots “at Brooklyn Ferry,” purchased and sold by Hans Bergen,1 but by an interesting map, entitled, “A Draft of Israel Horsfield’s Land at the Old Ferry, in the township of Brooklyn, in King’s county, near the New York ferry on Nassau Island,” drawn, on a scale of forty feet to the inch, by Englebert Lott, May 13, 1763. The copy, attested by Horsfield, September, 1767, which we have seen in the possession of Silas Ludlam, City Surveyor, is particularly
1 March 23, 1716, Hans Bergen bought from the freeholders of Brooklyn, a lot, bounded northeast by highway from Brooklyn to the ferry; southeast by highway between the lot and ground of Thomas Palmeter; southwest by highway lying between the ground of said Hans and said lot of land to the river; northwest by the river. (Kings Co. Convey., liber IV. 303, 119.) This purchase apparently covered the whole westerly front of Fulton street, from the alley known as Elizabeth street to the East River.
May 2, 1717, Hans Bergen bought Thomas Palmeter’s dwelling-house and lands, at Brooklyn ferry, late of John and Sarah Cos; cut, west, and north by roads, and south by land of Garret Middagh, two acres. (Kings Co. Convey., liber IV. 154.) This covers the lands fronting on Fulton street, from Elizabeth street to the Middagh property, southeast of Hicks street. January, 1728, Hans Bergen conveyed to Israel Horsfield land at the ferry; southwest by Bergen's land; east southeast by land of Gabriel Cox; northeast by highway; north. west by highway, and partly by land of Horsfield and Middagh, beginning at a street or highway at east corner, now of Gabriel Cox, then by said street towards East River; north 60, west 226 feet, to another street leading to the East River side; then by said street, south 60, west 120 feet, to lot of I. Horsfield; then by the lot,” etc., etc.