main road in the then village of Brooklyn. Bout gave the neck to the children of Adam Brower, the common ancestor of the Browers of this vicinity.
April 1st, 1668, a patent was granted to Jan Evertsen Bout for
“a certain Hook or corner of land . . . within the jurisdiction of the town of Breucklyn . . . beginning from the fence of Gerrit Croesus, land, where the marke stands, and soe goes across to the highway, being in breadth 110 rod, as also 3 or 4 rods along the said highway, and reaches in length 250 rods in the woods.”
In 1674 this land, being the same as that known on Butt’s map as belonging to G. Martense, was in possession of Andries Janse Jurianse, who had married Annetje Para, Bout's widow. He died before 1695, and she married Jan Janse Staats, and on the 17th March of that year she conveyed to Jurian Andriese (probably the son of her second husband) for the sum of £150, certain premises in Broockland, described as
“on the north side of the King's highway, on the east side of Michiell Hamsen (Bergen), on the west side of Joras Hansen (Bergen) and Lambert Andriese, with all the meadow there annext and tbereunto belonging andthat soe great and small as it always was possessed by her above said deceased husbands.”
February 19th, 1707-8, Jurian Andriese conveyed to Carell Debevois, for £400, premises in Broockland,
“containing 27 morgens, or 54 acres, be it more or less, and bounded southeasterly by the land of Machiell Hansen (Bergen), westerly by the land of Joris Hansen (Bergen), and in the rear southwesterly by a certain creeke running through the meadows coming from Gowanos mill soe called, including all the meadows in the rear of the said land, and adjoining thereto between the said creek and the said land.”
These deeds covered that portion of Bout's patent not included within “the Neck,” and possibly may have included some additional land of Jurianse, the second husband of Annetie Para.
Upon Bout’s patent was located Freeke's Mill, or the “old Gowanus Mill,” probably the oldest in the town of Breukelen. As early