is not the want of good-will in Polhemus; but as we never did
give him a call, we cannot resolve to contribute to his maintenance. The possibility
of so doing being wholly out of the question, as explained to your Honors;
and although the Magistrates of Breuckelen resolved to contribute something
towards the salary of the aforesaid Polhemus, it would be on their own account,
as the congregation can never resolve to join them. Many there are among them
who cannot, and who rather need that others should come to their aid. To this
(the consideration of the fact) should be added that many farms are unoccupied
and waste: as the farms of Mr. Poulis; a farm lying near the shore, of Fred1k
Lubbertgen; on another farm lives a poor person, who also has nothing, and
cannot afford to give any thing; while (there is) Lodewyck, who lives on one
of the farms for the poor, and whose land also lies waste, as also that of
Peter Cornelissen and Elbert Elbertsen. So also the land of Black Hans, Grabie’s
(Gaby’s) land, Peter Mallemacque, Peter Minuit, Jan Manty (Manje?) and
many others; from all which your Honors may easily calculate what may here
be given or expected. And suppose that every one of us was taxed, even then
no person can be induced to contribute any thing for such a poor service as
thus far has been obtruded on us. However, permit us to say in conclusion,.and
be it said in reverence, that as those of Midwout have engaged said Polhemus
alone, without our knowledge, and without any previous communication (with
us), we have no objection whatever. Nay, we are rather satisfied that the
people of Midwout shall enjoy exclusively the whole service of the aforesaid
Rev. Polhemus. And in case the aforesaid Polhemus should again desire to say
his prayers here, in lieu Of giving a sermon, as he did before, although we
are unwilling to put ourselves under any obligation, still we are disposed
to make him, from time to time, as opportunity shall offer, some allowance,
as proof of our good-will, inasmuch as there are several among us who think
and act favorably of the Reverend Polhemus, although they make no use of his
services. With this conclusion, we commend your Honors to God's merciful protection,
with the cordial wish of a Happy New Year, besides a prosperous and blessed
administration, to Salvation; recommending ourselves to your Honors, favor,
while we shall ever remain 1
Your obedient servants,
Albert Cornelissen, | Jacob Dircks, |
Willem Bredenbent, | Peter Tonnenman, Sec’y. |
Done in Breuckelen, January 1, 1657.”
1 N. Y. Col. MSS., viii. 406.