it, which the latter town had been somewhat dilatory in paying for. On the above-named day they were reminded of their delinquency by a special order from the Governor, which had its desired effect, as, on the 1st of March ensuing, they paid the sum of £12, being their third of the purchase.1
provided," they were rated in the following proportion—
which was to be paid to Alderman Oloff Stevens, “in good corn.”2
October 18,1667, Richard Nicolls, Governor of New York, granted to the inhabitants of Breuckelen the following full and ample patent, confirming them in their rights and privileges:
L.S. “Richard Nicolls, Esq., Governor-General under his Royal Highness James Duke of Yorke and Albany, etc, of all his Territorys in America, To all to whom these presents shall come, sendeth Greeting—Whereas there is a certain town within this government, situate, lying, and bei ng in the West Riding of Yorkshire, upon Long Island, commonly called and known by the name of Breuckelen, which said town is in the tenure or occupation of several freeholders and inhabitants, who, having heretofore been seated there by authority, have been at very considerable charge in manuring and planting a considerable part of the lands belonging thereunto, and settled a competent number of families thereupon. Now, for a confirmation unto the said freeholders and inhabitants in their
1 Council Minutes, if. 129. See also Furman’s Notes, 13 (note). At the annual town meeting, April, 1823, a committee was appointed to “discover and obtain possession of all common lands and meadows belonging to the town, which are lying at a place called Seller's Neck, in the town of Jamaica, in Queen’s County.” (Brooklyn Town Records, lot Book, loose page.) We are uninformed as to what was the result of their Investigation. Furman states his opinion that this Sellers Neck was apportioned among the freeholders, from the fact that, on May 10, 1695, John Damen, one of the patentees of the town, sold to William Huddlestone all his interest in the said meadow.
2 Council Minutes, ii. 198.