To this the elders of the churches of Breuckelen, Flatbush, and Flatlands replied by a counter petition, in which they recite the circumstances attending Domine Antonides' settlement; assert that Mr. Freeman was “only called minister for the town of New Utrecht,” and “has entered upon two of the said churches without any lawful call, and has continually obstructed their minister,” etc., and conclude by requesting that a council may be called, composed of some of her Majesty’s Council and the Deputies of the Dutch churches of the province, by whom the matter may be fully examined and decided.1 The council was granted, to which were forthwith presented various and divers petitions from both of the contending parties, as well as the following documents, which we copy verbatim:
“Offered by Cornelius Seabring, Ingelbert Lot, and Cornelius Van Brunt, in behalf of themselves and others, Members of ye Dutch Churches of Flatbush, Brookland, and New Utrecht, in Kings County, on the Island of Nassau (who have hitherto adhered to the Interest of Domine Bernardus Freeman, their Minister) pursuant to a due authority to them the sd Seabring, Lot, & Van Brunt, for that purpose given; for the more perfect and eflectuall. accommodation of the Difference between ye said Members, and others, Members of ye sd Churches, who have hitherto adhered to the Interest of Domino Vincentius Antouides, in the articles following:
“1. First, that all differences and Animosities between the sd Members which have hitherto hapend, be on either side no further talked of, but entirely buryed in Oblivion.
“2dly. That Domine Bernardus Freeman, from the time the agree & intended shall take effect, may in all things relating to the three Dutch Churches of Flatbush, Brookland, and New Utrecht, or arty other Neighboring Churches, be admitted and put into equal State and Condition Wth Domine Vincentius Antonides (to wit) in Service, in Sallary, in House Land, and all other Proffits.
“3. That in order to put an End to ye Dispute concerning the present Consistory of Flatbush & Brookland, those persons wch Mr. Freeman now
1 N. Y. Doc. Hist., M. 148, date January 27,1708-9.