Deems to be a Consistory, & those persons wch Mr. Antonides now Deems to be a Consistory, Do severally Elect two Elders and Deacons of each part, in the presence & wth the concurance of one or both Ministers, if they both please to attend, and that those Eight Elders & Deacons so to be elected, shall from thence forth be and remain Elders and Deacons for the sd two Churches of fflat Bush & Brookland for the first ensuing year & that at the end of ye sd year to comence from the sd election, half of them shall be removed & four others chosen in their stead, and at the end of two years after sd first election, the other half shall be removed, & other four shall be chosen in their stead, & so successively every year according to ye usuall custom, the said Elections to be made by the votes of both the sd Ministers and the Consistory for the time being: and that whenever the sd Ministers shall meet upon any such or other Publick Service, the one shall preside one time and ye other the next time, & so alternately.
"4. That to the time of ye Election of ye sd New Consistory, so to be made by both parties as aforesaid, each party shall, of their own parts respectively bear pay and discharge the Sallary, Perquisites, and other things due to ye respective Ministers, vie, Those who have hitherto sided with Mr Freeman shall clear all arrears to him: & those who have hitherto sided with Mr Antonides, all arrears to him.
“New York March 5th 1708. | “Cornelis Seberingh, |
Endorsed, ‘Proposals on the part of | “Engelbardt Lotte, |
Mr Freeman's friends. 1708.1 | “Cornelis van Brunt.” |
“Exhibited by the Elders & Deacons of the Dutch Reformed Protestant Church of the Towns of Brookland, fflatbush, and fflatlands, on the Island of Nassau, for the Reconciling the differences wch have of late been amongst the Dutch Churches on the said Island.
“1st That all parties do consent that Mr Antonides, according to the rules of the said Church, is the duely called Minister of Brookland, flatbush and flatlands, and that the Elders & Deacons wch were lately chosen by Mr Antonides with the assistance and consent of those Elders & Deacons wch be formed there at his arrivall are yet still the true Elders & Deacons, and that what ever has been acted to the contrary by Mr Freeman & others was always null & void & is so still; That therefore the collections gathered in the Churches of Brookland & flatbush by the friends of Mr. Freerman be delivered to the Consistory of Mr Antonides to be disposed of according to the rules of the Church.