“2dly That all parties do consent that the Call made for Mr Freerman by those of New Utrecht does limit him to the Congregation of that Town only.
Ò3dly That all parties do consent, that no such lycence, or the other orders wch the Lord Cornbury has granted to Mr Freeman whereby the Effects of the sd Churches at his pleasure were to be delivered up to Mr Freeman, never were nor yet are of any force or validity in the Dutch Churches of this Province, but Tended to the ruin of the liberty of the said Churches in this Country; That they do allso reject this Position, That all the Ecclesiasticall Jurisdiccon of the Dutch Churches in this Province is wholly in the Power of the Govr according to his will & pleasure, That yet nevertheless all parties do firmly own that the Dutch Churches in this Province are accountable to the Govr for their peaceable & good behaviour in their Doctrin, Disciplin, and Church Government; that is to say, as farr as it does consist with the Rules & Constitucons of their own nationall Church always enjoyed at New York, As well as they have the right and Priviledge to be protected by the Civill Gov' in the free exercise of their Religion according to their own Constitution.
“4thly That all parties consent to subscribe the Church Orders of the Classis of Amsterdam, & those practiced on the Island of Nassauw not being contradictory thereto, & that in case any matter in difference cannot be decided amongst themselves the same be referred to the other Dutch Churches of this Province & if not by them decided the same to be sub. mitted to the Classis of Amsterdam, whose decision is to be binding.
“5thly That all parties reject the expression made by Mr. Freerman at a certain time, vizt that when the Church Orders were for his advantadge he observed them, but if they were against him he went round about the same, & could tread them under his feet.
“6thly That then Mr Freeman shall be in a condicon to be called to those congregacons on the sd Island where he is not yet called according to the rules of the Church, and shall be called accordingly, Provided Mr Freerman's friends do first find out sufficient means thereto and a dwelling house and do perswade the Congregacons aforesaid to desire the Consistory to call him in an EcclesiasticaIl manner.
“7thly To the end that there may be a perfect peace in all the Dutch Churches on the said Island all parties, together with the freinds of Mr Freerman at Jamaica are to consent that the Elders & Deacons that were there when Mr Du Bois preached there the last time are yet the true Elders and Deacons & that then both Ministers may be called there.