I desire you to tell Mr Antonides and Mr ffreeman that I would speak with them here on Monday next.
I am sincerely, Gentlemen,
“Your very humble Servr
“Ro. Hunter“1
The “good hopes” of the worthy Governor were not destined to be realized—dissension still prevailed, and on the 27th of November his Excellency desired the members of the Council to favor him with their opinions as to whit should be done in the case. The members of the Council, with but one dissenting voice, advised that “the order made in Council in this matter on the 18th of April last, be confirmed, whereby Mr. Antonides was to be protected in the free exercise of his ministerial functions in the towns of Flatbush, Flatlands, and Brookland,” etc. On the 30th of April, 1711, in consequence of a complaint that Domine Freeman had "lately preached in the churches of Kings County to which Mr. Antonides is called, and that many violent proceedings are taken, to the great disturbance of the public peace of the said churches and county;" and, furthermore, that the town of Flatbush had lately elected Church Masters, “after a new and unprecedented manner,“ etc., a Council order was issued, ordering Òthat Mr. Freeman does not presume to preach in any of the churches to which Mr. Antonides is called, and that none of the said Church-Masters so newly elected presume to intermeddle in the affairs of the said church, or in any lands, houses, or other effects, thereto belonging.”2
The next item recorded, is an application of Antonides and his Consistory for a charter, as follows:
“To his Excellency Robert Hunter Esqr Captn Genll & Govr in Chief in in and over her Maties Province of New York &c &c &c.
“The humble Peticon of Vincentius Antonides Minister of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Churches of Flatbush Brookland & flatlands in Kings County on the Island of Nassau in the Province of New York Joannes Cornel Rynier Aarsen, & Henry Filkin Elders of the said Church at Flatbush Benjamin Hegeman Cornelis Cornel & Jan Bennet Deacons thereof—Michiel Hansen Jan Dorlant & Cornelis Van Duyn Elders of
1 Doc. Hist. N. Y., iii. 175.
2 Ibid., 111. 177.