“And for the Church of Brookland one Lot of Land in the wad Town in breadth Eight Rodd Long thirteen Rodd & a half bounden on the South West by the highway on the north west by Jacobus Beavois and on the south east by Charles Beavois Allso one church yard elleaven Rodd square bounded on the north east by the highway on the south cut by a Small Lane to the South West by Joris Hanssen & to the north west by Albertie Barents and the Church in the Said Town Standing in the middle of the highway.
“And for the Church of Flatland, One Lot of Land at a place called Amesfoorts Neck containing Twenty Acres laid out by No 10 And Allso the Church in sd Town & one howse called the School howse with the Land adjoyning Containing two acres or thereabouts therefore for the advanceing of Piety & Religion and that the said Lands may be the better administered and the Revenue thereof duly applyed for the Maintenance of the minister or ministers for the time being & other Pious Charitable uses
“They do most humbly Pray that the said Minister Elders & Deacons their Successors may be by her Majesties Grant or Charter under the Beal of this Province Made One body Politick and Corporate in the same, and in like manner and as near as may be to the Charter heretofore granted to the Minister Elders & Deacons of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of the City of New York, save only that the severall Lands & Tenemens; aforesaid now in their Possession be therein reserved to the use of Each respective Church aforesaid paying to her Matie her heirs and Successors the Proporcon of the Quitrents they now pay in each respective Town aforesaid
“And yor Petionrs as in Duty bound shall ever Pray &c | |
“Luycas Steuens, | “V. Antonides, |
“Gerrit Stoothof, | “Reynier Aertsen, |
“Claes van Dyck, | “Johannes Cornell, |
“Hermanus Hooglandt, | “Hen: Ffilkin, |
“Jan Amearman, | “Alexander Simpson (mark), |
“MigguelI Hansen, | “Benjamin Hegeman, |
“John Dorland (mark), | “Cornelis Cornel, |
“Cornelis Van Duyn, | “Dit is het cigen gestalt |
“Isaack Remsen, | handt IB merk van |
“Jan Rapale, | “Jan Bennit. |
“Kings County the 1 Augst 1711. | |
“Read in Council 8 Aug 1711. & referred.” |