ried her cousin, David Clarkson, a son of the Secretary of the Province, and left numerous descendants.
Freeman’s successor, in 1742, was the Rev. Johannes Arondeus, from Rotterdam, who seems to have possessed a contumacious spirit, and to
have led an irregular life. He quarrelled with his new colleague, Van Sinderen, very soon after the latter's arrival; and, in May, 1747, he went off secretly, as was alleged, to the Raritan, where he was installed as minister; returning, however, July 31, 1748, to Kings County, where he resumed his functions, especially at Brookland and New Utrecht. His outraged parishioners brought charges against him (September 27, 1748) before the Coetus. These he refused to notice; whereupon he was declared to be an unlaw-ful minister of Kings County, but replied that he should continue to perform service there. On appeal to the Classis of Amsterdam (January 12, 1751), the action of the Coetus was confirmed, and the latter, on 16th April, 1752, passed sentence upon Arondeus—(1), that his Consistory was unlawful; (2), that he should not administer the word of sacraments ; and (3), that the church property should be restored to Van Sinderen. Their action was, however, totally disregarded by Arondeus. Proposals of peace for Long Island were offered (December 5, 1752) by the Classis of Amsterdam. On the 20th of September, 1753, the Coetus confirmed anew their former sentence, averring, in reply to his appeals, that (1), he misbehaved to his servant-maid; (2), that lie was a drunkard; and (3), that lie kept allve the flames of discord. The last time he baptized a child, in Queen's County, was at Jamaica, in April, 1754. He probably remained on the island, leading the same dissolute life, for some time; for, in October, 1772, the Synod cautioned the people against "one Johannes Arondens, who claims to be a minister of the Church, but has no ecclesiastical attestation.”
Mr. Antonides died in 1744. In a New York paper of that date we find his death thus noticed: “On the 18th of July, 1744, died at