The oath of alleg iance was this year taken by the following inhabitants of Breucklyn:
Thomas Lambertse, 36 years1 | Theunis Tobiassen, native |
Jooris Hanssen, native | Pieter Corsen, native |
Hendrick Vechten, 27 years | Theunis Janse Couverts, 36 years |
Claes Arense Vechten, 27 years | Aert Simonssen, native |
Jan Aertsen (Middag), 26 years | Adam Brouwer, Junior, native |
Hendrick Claasen, 33 years | Alexander Shaers, native |
Jacob Hanssen Bergen, native | Willem Pos, native |
Jooris Martens, native | Jan gerrise Dorland, 35 years |
Hendrick Thyssen, 21 years | Johannis Casperse, 35 years |
Mauritius Couverts, native | Claes Barentse Blom, native |
Willem Huijcken, 24 years | Pieter Brouwer, native |
Theunis Gysbertse Bogaert, 35 years | Abram Brouwer, native |
Willem Bennitt, native | Jan Bennit, native |
Hendrick Lambertse, native | Barent Sleght, native |
Jan Fredricks, 35 years | Jacobus Vande Water, 29 years |
Jan Couverts, native | Benjamin Vande Water, native |
Luijcas Couverts, 24 years | Pieter Weijnants, native |
Frans Abramse, native | Joost Franssen, 33 years |
Gerrit Aerts Middag, native | Hendrick Aaten, native |
Simon Aertsen, 23 years | Jan Janse Staats, native |
Matthys Cornelisen, 24 years | Claes Simons, native |
Ephraim Hendricks, 33 years | Anthonij Souso, 5 years |
Claes Thomas Van Dyck, native | Joost Casperse, 35 years |
Jeronimus d’Rapale, native | Thijs Lubberse, 50 years |
Jeronimus Remsen, native | Paulus Dirckse, 36 years |
Casper Janssen, native | Adam Brouwer, 45 years |
Achias Janse Vandijck, 36 years | Josias Dreths, 26 years |
Jacob Joorissen, native | Pieter Van Nesten, 40 years |
Jacobus d’Beauvoia, 28 years | Jan Theunisen, native |
“Received Nov. 9th, 1786, from Messrs. Fernandus Suydam
and Charles C. Doughty, two of the Trustees of the township of Brookland,
public securities, which, with the interest allowed thereon, amount to one
hundred and five pounds ten shillings, in full for the arrears of quit-rent,
and commutation for the future quit-rent, that would have arisen on the patent
granted to the town of Brookland, the 13th day of May, 1686.
“Gerard Bancker, Treas’r.”
1 In this, as in the case of all those who emigrated to this country from Europe, the number of years of their residence here, is appended to their name.